Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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After the End
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After the End

In 1 collection by General MacMonika
Community Submods and Translations
9 items
After the End: Beta 0.17.0

For version 1.4.22

After the End is a total conversion mod and successor to the popular CK II mod, bringing Crusader Kings III to the post-post apocalyptic Americas. Covering all of the Americas, After the End takes place long after a great cataclysm, the Event, wiped out modern society. Centuries later new neo-medieval societies have risen from the ashes.

The year is 2666 and new empires, faiths and cultures have filled the void left over. The Empire of Brazil is the largest in the world, though it still struggles to control the Amazon basin. Further north, Alineados and Cristeros struggle over control of the Mexican Empire. The Emperor of the Holy Columbian Commonwealth claims descent from old America - though the Americanists believe only their religious leaders can truly claim that. Out west, the Eternal Living Guru of California has secured his position at the head of numerous faiths, though many fiercely resist his rule. Play as any of these great powers, or one of the numerous smaller dynasties that have arisen, and reshape the Americas in your image

This is a non exhaustive list of features

  • A highly detailed map covering all of the Americas, as well as Greenland.
  • Multiple new governments: High Republic, Range, Kinship, Eurekan Bureaucracy, Nomadic and Imperial Bureaucracy
  • Religions: over 240 faiths, including indigenous religions, folkloric traditions, anachronous worshippers of the world before the Event and successor religions of modern-day faiths.
  • Over 400 unique cultures representing the evolution of modern cultures in the post-event world. As well as new cultures based around regional and local quirks, traditions, and features.
  • Hundreds of new 3d assets, icons and illustrations.

  • Are any DLC required?

    No DLCs are required to play our mod. However, we do make use of DLC exclusive features to provide content for struggles and unique government types. We suggest playing with them for a more complete experience.

  • How stable is multiplayer?

    Multiplayer is playable and is mostly stable. No major game-breaking issues seem to be present in the early stages of the game. Though issues may arise with decisions and events. We cannot guarantee an experience similar to singleplayer. Feel free to report any bugs you notice, although keep in mind multiplayer stability is not necessarily a priority for us.

  • Does [X] mod work with this?

    After the End is a total conversion mod, so most other mods will not be compatible with it unless explicitly stated otherwise. Even minor mods may conflict and cause game-breaking bugs. Use them at your own risk. We welcome anyone who makes and maintains compatibility patches however!


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  • Project Lead:
  • Area Leads:
  • Coordinators:
    Nullpointer (Systems Coordinator)
    Cacá (Brazil Coordinator)
  • Developers
    Acher, Almostender, Alonch, Amducious3D, Arch, Artmania, Archa3opt3ryx, Brightsystem, Cacá (aka Straczynski), Cairo, Celt, ChloeLorde, Clocktower Echos, Derrick, Dryhad, Federico Mancinelli, Frunze, Garfieldhub, Geminus Leonem, Haghog, Jules, Julijajo, KaYoS, Kcajkcaj, King of Vinland, MacMonika, Meriador, MrFunEGUY, Mygavolt, Nerdman3000, Novaraptorus, Nullpointer, Nathair, Oveja, Peripheraluser, Pokka Goiaba, Poom, Risker34, saddboye, Scribe of Nekoti, TexStarshine, Tizil, TomTheMedic, Tucker, TuPadre, Two_Watt, Tyl, Vakiadia, Vesrath, Zealand, Zingzing, Cruxador, Zuchini
  • Former developers
    Ally, ALU, AODTorshian, Artfulorpheus, BossMosk, BowMasterFlex, Butch Deloria, Caden335, Calph, Catarina Lacerda, Chemist03, Darnok, Dewitt, Doodlebot, Dw00010, Ekans, Elzephor, ElvenBowMaster, Farroupilher, FoonyMick, Fred, Griffin, HowToRep, IRSunny, Iwannagooutside, Jikusen, Joe Boney, Kefír úr, KeizerHarm, KrakenLord01, Krutyy, Lahom, Lord Smilee, LT-Rascek, Lucas182, Lukeskywalker899, Machine Meza, Max, Mayhalke, Megami-Hime, Michael7123, Mr.Badaniel, Mr. More, Nedkelly, Nexerus, Nico, OrlandoChives, Pachito, Panicles, Petrochi, Phil, PopeatoChips, Quietliving, RabbleRouser, RedMedal001, SapphoArixos, Sayyid, SeelingCat, Seth, Shmil, Shriqui1, SovietSeamstress, Stuyvesant, Talhado, TechKing465, TemporaryFool, Terio, ThatClydeKid, TheDude, ThomasMapper, ToiletCleaner666, TommyBerubeg, Trimeon, tyl, UlfDerDritter, W, Wrench, 9kbits, Oasdv, Punchgiraffe
  • Appreciated Contributors
    Goat Man

    With special thanks to the creators of the first ATE mod

    Ofaloaf, Chloelorde, Sam (aka notalbanian), Klonself, SteelyGlint, Celt de Brun, thecookiemaster

    Please direct comments and bug reports to our discord server, thank you!