Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

358 ratings
Bard Interactive Music
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14.562 MB
Mar 9, 2024 @ 11:22am
Apr 3, 2024 @ 3:45pm
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Bard Interactive Music

Play music with the keyboard! Or directly from a physical MIDI devices with the Bard Music Binding[] software for Windows.

This mod allows you to right click an instrument and play notes from C2 to C5.
  • It also works on Pianos
  • Zombies will hear you play!
  • Multiplayer is supported
  • Sound volume decreases with distance
  • Electric guitar has a distortion mod you can enable with the lighting in the virtual keyboard window title bar
  • Notes keybinds can be changed from the keybind menu
  • A virtual piano keyboard can be used to play from the mouse
  • Buttons in the title bar can show notes and binds on the virtual keyboard
  • Each instrument has its own animation
  • Each instrument has its own sounds
  • You can trait lock the ability to play with the Trait Lock mod
  • You can use Bard Music Binding[] to play from a physical instrument

I do not override anything so it should be compatible with every other mod.

Bard Music Binding

A Free and Open Source Software[] for Windows that allows you to play directly from your physical MIDI instrument or a MIDI file.

Click here to download the latest version.[]

How to help?
Bug report
You can report bugs preferably on github[] or here in the comments. Whenever you report a bug make sure to include the version number that can be found by clicking the information icon (!) on the virtual keyboard.

You can help by translating the mod in your native language. Check if there is a matching file for you language for all of the _EN.txt files in here.[] If not you can create a new ones an either do a pull request or (if you don't know how to do that) create a ticket with your files attached to it.

If you are a developer and would like to contribute by porting the Bard Music Binding software to Linux or Mac it is possible to do so. The only thing that is not multi-platform as the time is the sending of key events and the listing of the windows.



The code and the assets[] are released under the MIT license unless a license file is saying otherwise.

Graphical Assets
Pixel Piano by Raphael Hatencia[] (Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International)
Sound Banks
Spanish classical guitar[] by (CC0 1.0)
FSBS Electric Guitar Clean #1[] (CC0 1.0)
FSBS Electric Guitar Distorted #1[] (CC0 1.0)
Synth Lead Square[] (CC0 1.0)
Bass Guitar FS-Y (Clean)[] by Gary Campion and processed by (GNU GPL v3)
Tenor Saxophone[] from the Versilian Community Sample Library (CC0 1.0)
Old Piano FB[] by Piotr Barcz (CC0 1.0)
Salamander Grand Piano[] by Alexander Holm (CC Attribution 3.0)
Kawai-K11-Banjo[] by Jason Champion (permission given without a clear licence[])
Flute, Trumpet and Violin[] from The Philharmonia of London (permission given without a clear licence[])

Workshop ID: 3176639185
Mod ID: BardInteractiveMusic
Kerk Feb 8 @ 8:22pm 
Drums next??????
Lexyvil Dec 24, 2024 @ 2:40pm 
@kiwimilkdecaf You can use the VGmusic website to get an arsenal of video game music, and you can use a music editing software that lets you manipulate midis to your liking within the C2 to C4-C5 range.
KiwiMilkDecaf Dec 24, 2024 @ 12:13pm 
Is there any list of good midis that work? i tried to do midis awhile back but they were really shite
DuckGoosebear PrairieDogLover Dec 23, 2024 @ 8:48pm 
coming to B42?
Funkybrass97 Dec 13, 2024 @ 5:44pm 
I play the trumpet and wanted to download this so i can do it in games
Lexyvil Dec 12, 2024 @ 3:31am 
Ok, this is my favourite mod ever, especially with the Bard Music Binding tool.
Are there plans to extend the amount of notes that can played in-game? Having 4 octaves would already make a big difference to being limited to 3.
Is it possible to shift all the key bindings up or down in the Bard Music Binding tool? My current solution is to shift the notes in the midi itself.
Hello! I was wondering if it's possible to map all the keys on a piano to the Bard Music Binding. Some of my songs require keys that aren’t currently usable in the mod, which is causing issues. Is there a way to enable or expand the music keys to cover the full range of a piano? I'd appreciate any guidance on this!
NOT.MZ Dec 2, 2024 @ 3:21am 
My GOD this is the coolest thing ever
Malice Nov 5, 2024 @ 5:22pm 
This causes lifestyle music to not be able to be played.
Lemon Oct 20, 2024 @ 10:58pm 
Too few notes. My midi just doesn't work as it should because more than half the notes don't work when I play.