Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

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Chapter 3 Combat HotFix (by Xevyr)
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Dec 17, 2023 @ 11:24am
Apr 2 @ 6:15am
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Chapter 3 Combat HotFix (by Xevyr)

In 1 collection by Xevyr
30 items
What is this?

This mod addresses some of the recent bugs / changes regarding combat, that were introduced in AoW - Chapter 3
Update: Most of these things have been fixed / addressed in some way by Funcom so this mod is no longer necessary. I disabled the fixes, but left the small UI for adjusting the rotation rates as a legacy feature as that still works. However Funcom tweaked the originals so I recommend trying them at a rate of 100% first.

The mod does 3 things:

  • Fixes NPCs "moonwalking" or walking sideways, unable to rotate after they attacked. - Fixed by Funcom as well in the mid-January patch

  • Restores the players ability to attack in the direction their camera is looking with Controller Syle movement: Off (or Auto when using KB&M) - Fixed by Funcom in AoW Chapter 4, new setting under gameplay:

  • Provides a solution for the AI "target locking" players, by including a small admin UI where admins can fine-tune the amount of rotation NPCs or players can have mid-swing. - Tweaked by Funcom in AoW Chapter 4 so enemies are slower at focusing the player, the settings in the mod are still available thou in case someone wishes to further tweak these
    (setting this to 0% makes all their attacks linear like in AoS so you can easily side-step and avoid them.

To open the UI make sure you are logged in as admin (Make me Admin button in server settings) and then open the console with ~ or the insert key and type dc combatfix and hit enter

Depending on which of these things Funcom fixes in their upcoming hotfixes, some or more of the redundant features might be disabled, ofc if the mod becomes completely redundant, it will be removed / hidden.

(This mod does a single overwrite of the new attack rotation notify, however should be compatible with most mods)

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Xevyr  [author] Apr 3 @ 2:17pm 
Turn on the setting in the gameplay settings though :) The link to a picture is 3 comments below and also in the mod description above
Sieghilde Apr 3 @ 2:03pm 
Ugh, since you deactivated the mod's features, mine's weapons can no longer work like before :/, we can only "hit" in a straight line again.
Rhoshan Apr 2 @ 9:04am 
Very admirable job on this. You made a great difference, and stepped away once your help was no longer needed. Big respect and big thanks to you.
Violentcia Mar 9 @ 12:52pm 
Thank you so much for all You do X. Be well.
Xevyr  [author] Mar 8 @ 12:27am 
In Chapter 4 Funcom will add a checkbox in the settings (picture: )
This will do what this mod does and restore the "snap-rotation" in the direction of the camera.

Depending on how much they fixed the "aimbot" AI, this mod might retire if there's nothing left for it to do...
Alternatively I might do an update and disable the other functionalities but leave the tiny UI that can adjust those tracking speeds, we'll see... However they broke some of my other mods despite them being made fully compatible with updates... (UI replacement doesn't like UI mods...) so we'll see how much time I'll have.

Anyway just thought I'd give you a heads-up of what's coming and show you the picture where you will be able to change that (gameplay settings) - Again, the picture is from the public beta client, that setting is not yet ingame on the live version.
Lona at Arms Mar 4 @ 7:37pm 
do this fix npc archers do no damage to legs bug?
ATYian Mar 1 @ 9:22am 
I understand now. Thank you!
Xevyr  [author] Mar 1 @ 9:09am 
That's because the mod only affects controller style: off / auto (when using keyboard & mouse).

Again, it is not an issue, it's fully intentional :) Prior to chapter 3 both players and NPCs had instant snap-rotation in the direction they wanted to attack... so you could attack in a direction, look behind you with the mouse and instantly attack in that direction, it is literally one of the features of the mod to restore this functionality, because now your character will attack the way its facing and not the way your camera is pointing.

Hopefully that explains it.
ATYian Mar 1 @ 8:25am 
I see, but when I switched the control style to controller camera, this issue isn't there.
Xevyr  [author] Mar 1 @ 7:20am 
@ATYian That is not a glitch, that is how it used to be in the vanilla game too before Chapter 3, it's fully intentional.