Dota 2
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Play Dota 2 with Fountain Hooks with friends! 2012 DIRETIDE, GREEVILING
Por tenshi
Ever wanted to try out fountain hook? Play 2012 Diretide on old client? Or maybe you just wanted to play old 2013 Dota 2 with friends? I got you!
Original guide

Original Reddit Guide Link (CLICK HERE YOU NEED THIS)
Этот гайд на русском.
But it won't work if you just follow it. That's why this guide is created.
Don't download the client from reddit guide!
What's wrong with it?
1. mediafire download speed
2. with sv_cheats 1, everyone has -wtf
3. (MOST IMPORTANT) fountain hook DOESN'T WORK!

While fountain hook was removed in 6.79 and the client from reddit guide claims to be 6.78c, it actually isn't. It's at least 6.80. Apparently, it has values modified to resemble 6.78c while not being it (like starting gold is 603, though 6.79 changed it to 625).
That version might be used to host "TI3 Tournament (no fountain hook)".

Then what should I download?
This is a link to my 6.77 client in which fountain hook works.
CAUTION: Create a shortcut of dota.exe with modern Dota 2 logo and write -console in there like said in the reddit guide!

Just follow the reddit guide afterwards. But there is one error you will meet, so read the next chapter before downloading.
ERROR: "The server is using a newer protocol"
Fix #1:
Find steam.inf in server files, change PatchVersion to 40. It must be the same in server steam.inf and client steam.inf. In reddit guide server files for 6.78c it's 41.
(I'm not really sure if It's gonna work since these are newer server files, but it should).
(i wrote #CLIENT and #SERVER to show that these must match and are files from different directories)

Fix #2:
Open the reddit guide and head to comments there, open mediafire link and download 6.77c server files and use them instead.

If you encounter an error that you can't connect on a white IP address, try sv_lan 0 before launching map dota and after.
How to add bots?
Step 1.
Connect to the server, you and your friends must join teams. (jointeam good(radiant)/bad(dire)/spec(spectator) in game console)
CAUTION: If you add bots before your friends join, they will not be able to join.

Step 2.
ALT+TAB to your server console and write the following commands:
sv_cheats 1
dota_bot_populate 1
dota_bot_set_difficulty 4
(0 for passive, 1 for easy, 2 for normal, 3 for hard, 4 for unfair)

Step 3.
Done! When the timer runs out, you can pick a hero and play.

1. If you fill bots after you pick heroes, they might just be AFK.
2. If you change sv_cheats to 0, bots will go AFK. You can't make them move by changing it back to 1.

CREDIT TO Ancient, Dota 2 Classic host
How to spectate a game?
Step 1.
Connect to the server.

Step 2.
Write "jointeam spec" in game console. If it doesn't work straight away, try putting "mp_allowspectators 1" in server console.

Step 3.
Enjoy! Sadly, I don't know how to make match replays.

Bots don't know how to ban and pick heroes and instead just spawn with their own at fountain even before pick phase begins in every game mode, lol.
How to change game mode?
After typing "map dota" in console, you should type:
dota_force_gamemode x
CAREFUL! You must write it before anyone connects. The timer on "Waiting for players" is frozen until first person joins and it's possible to make changes while nobody connected like sv_lan 0 for working skins and gamemode change.

X is a number for a game mode.
1 - All Pick
2 - Captain's Mode
3 - Random Draft
4 - Single Draft
5 - All Random
6 - Unknown (something weird)
7 - Diretide
8 - Reverse Captain's Mode
9 - The Greeviling (greeviling's skills don't have animations and sounds, but it's still playable)
10 - Tutorial
11 - Mid Only
12 - Least Played
13 - New Player Pool
14 - Compendium (not working properly, just no heroes to pick)

CREDIT TO u/Knecht_Ruprecht AND RoyalGost[]
Things you should know about (IMPORTANT)
Since it's an old, outdated client, you can't do many stuff.
1. You can create a lobby, but you can't fill any slot.
2. Player colors will be decided by joining order. If you are the host and you want purple, ask someone to join first and fill the blue slot and the light blue slot, then you join.
3. For some reason replays are unavailable, you can't watch TI2 for example. You can watch it through fake 6.78c though.
4. You can create a team, but you will only see it in modern Dota. This Dota will not show you anything, even the existing teams.
5. If you use Radmin VPN, ping might be bad.
6. If you are in Ukraine and server host is in Russia(not through Radmin), there is a high chance that you won't be able to connect to the server.
7. For best performance, get someone with white IP address to host a server. Even better if that person has a powerful PC or a dedicated server PC.
8. You can use Dota 2 Classic's recommendations for performance improvement.
9. To restart a match you must either restart a server or write map dota again.
10. Player profiles and etc don't work. Hero guides work, but you should add some old ones to use them in-game.
11. Don't try clicking "Find Match" in-game. It won't work.
12. To play diretide, write "map dota_diretide_12" in server console and "dota_force_gamemode 7". Bota don't know how to use candies and don't fight Roshan, they just go fight on mid without dealing damage to one another. They also don't break the bucket and other stuff.
To play greeviling, "map dota_winter" and "dota_force_gamemode 9". Have fun! (Bots just walk around towers, so better find someone to play)
13. Launch the server with sv_lan 0 to see your skins. The client might bug sometimes and you might not see your items in armory (you'll see blank 10 pages), so try to connect to a server when you can see your skins in loadout and etc (although they still might disappear but unlikely).
14. Use "dota_force_right_click_attack 1" to deny creeps with right mouse click.
15. Do not move or click skills while TP-ing, it will cancel the TP.
16. To remove the "Game client is outdated" message, open steam.inf in game files and change ClientVersion & ServerVersion to this:

17. To see all commands, type cvarlist in srcds.exe
18. Don't forget to configurate your settings in game!
If you have any further questions, ask in comments!
Have fun with fountain hooking!
Or, maybe, fountain skewering?
Or play Diretide?
Whatever worked back in that time!
Don't forget to press like so more people can learn about this!
2 comentarios
tenshi  [autor] 11 ENE a las 13:00 SERVER TO FIND MATCHES
botched lobotomy 26 DIC 2023 a las 4:58 