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Trajann's Blood Queens of Khorne [1-Year Modding Anniversary!]
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Trajann's Blood Queens of Khorne [1-Year Modding Anniversary!]

Note: This mod is included in my Daughters of Khorne mod, which in turn is included in my Khorne Compilation. If you are subscribed to either of those mods, then you don't need to be subscribed to this one.

Emotional Stuff
Well this is a special one. Today marks my 1-year anniversary of modding, where a year ago I released my first mod, the Khorne Berserkers. At the time I had no idea just how far I'd go get into modding, nor how much I'd enjoy it. But this has been an incredibly fulfilling experience, and I'm very proud of what I've accomplished so far. Thank you all for the support you've shown me, and for welcoming me to this community. The comments and reviews I've seen have warmed my heart, and inspire me to keep doing this. As someone who's struggled to find his place, and who's felt lost for a very long time, through modding I have finally felt like I'm where I'm supposed to be. Here's to another year of creating content, and for doing the things that make us happy.

Generic Blood Queens
With that out of the way, let me introduce the Blood Queens! They're a new generic lord type for Skarrband, Valkia and the undivided lords. They act as an anti-large and shielded counterpart to the lord of Khorne, and focus more on buffing your army and providing utility on the campaign map, rather than being a straight up melee beat stick. Additionally, they are designed to go along with my Daughters of Khorne mod, having part of their skill tree dedicated to buffing those units. The Blood Queens can still absolutely find a place in your army should you chose to not use the Daughters, but leading a force of them is where the Blood Queens shine. They can choose between a blood raptor, ruined griffon, or skull dragon for mounts, and the rest of their skills are those of the lord of Khorne.

This is my first time creating a generic lord, so please give me any feedback you have! Unlike most of my characters, I tried to keep the Blood Queens balanced, and much more toned down. In my limited testing, everything seems to work fine and they feel balanced, but please let me know if you come across any issues, or if you have any ideas to improve them!

Hespia the Infernal Tyrant
Hespia is the legendary Blood Queen lord, and she is much more in line with my typical characters. As you can maybe guess based off her name and appearance, she's based around fire. But in the sense of being very aggressive, and domination over everything she touches. She is designed to bolster her own forces strength while sacrificing defence, as well as imposing her will over her enemies. She isn't a one-woman army, but is meant to be the anchor for your army to rally behind. She has the same mount options as the generic Blood Queens, with the exception of her unique skull dragon, Calarax. He comes with a unique breath ability, as well as a unique contact effect. Once Hespia unlocks him, she can become an absolute terror on the battlefield. She comes with a unique set of skills and abilities, and like the generic Blood Queen is meant to be used alongside the Daughters of Khorne.

As with my other characters, she also comes with a unique RoR. Hespia's Black Knights are an elite cavalry unit, with a special ability that increases their strength the more kills they get, as well as having magical attacks. They are unlocked at level 27 and benefit from skullcrusher tech.

Update to the Daughters
If you were familiar with my Daughters of Khorne mod, you'll know that the Blood Queen existed as a simple unit, and Hespia was an RoR. With the release of this mod, those units have been removed, as well as the Bloodspillers RoR (They turned into Hespia's RoR). I plan to give the Daughters an update soon, reworking their stats and how they function as a whole. So if you're playing with this mod and feel like the Daughters are lacking something, just know that an update is in the works. I'm aiming for a release sometime in the middle of December.

That's the mod! I think these units turned out great. I had a ton of fun designing them, and I feel like the Blood Queen's fit in pretty well among the other Khornate lords. As always, any feedback or issues you have are greatly appreciated, and I hope that you enjoy!

If you would like to support me, you can donate here: . It is by no means required, and even if I never receive a single cent, I will continue to make mods for as long as I have interest. But of course, any donations are greatly appreciated!

If you've made it this far, here's a special teaser for what's coming next. For all those out there (and boy there's a lot of you) that have asked for Khorne's toys to become available to the undivided lords, Christmas may be a very fun time for you ;)
ZombieNation May 31 @ 2:47pm 
Any potential chance to have Valkia get such a skin as a mod? As this just fits her perfectly.
ShadowDoctor May 15 @ 7:34am 
I've isolated this mod in my mod list, causing CTD loading the game after 5.0.3 patch, FYI.
MarineCARMINE Apr 15 @ 7:46pm 
So going off what ComradeGordon said, I see you have a lot less file entries compared to my custom necromancer horse. I will send you a screenshot on discord of my entries so maybe that can fix the mounting issue.
haxo Mar 30 @ 12:05am 
all of your mods are always fkin amazing keep up the great work
TTV Sigismund762 Mar 13 @ 5:12pm 
hell yeah trajann keep up the great work dude
Trajann V  [author] Mar 10 @ 5:21am 
Yeah, it's a known issue that I have absolutely no idea how to fix. As far as I'm aware though, it's only on the campaign map. In battles the models should works just fine.
ComradeGordon Mar 5 @ 3:20pm 
Honestly I love the look of the Blood Queens. Excellent job! I've encountered a small issue with them where their models disappear if they're on a blood raptor. So all I can see is a saddled raptor. Keep up the good work!
Trajann V  [author] Mar 4 @ 7:59pm 
@Ooh-la-la, It's GAGA!!
You can always just go into RPFM and disable the Blood Queens yourself, since they're such an issue for you. And you seem to have your idea all planned out, so I suggest going ahead and making it.
Ooh-la-la, It's GAGA!! Mar 4 @ 6:00pm 
Here is an idea, take Valkya body, make it the size of a bloodthirster, give her some cool helmet, maybe more skulls on her body, black-red armor skin variations, and make it a new general type, now that is awesome, khorne needs them ladys, too few of them in his roster.
Ooh-la-la, It's GAGA!! Mar 4 @ 5:55pm 
AI will use them, why would i need a boring druchi lord in khorne army when i have flying raging satans as generals? Just kills the immersion,