Arma 3
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Al-Moalimeen, Fallujah, Iraq [DEV]
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Terrain
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28 OCT 2023 a las 10:34 a. m.
25 MAY a las 7:21 p. m.
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Al-Moalimeen, Fallujah, Iraq [DEV]

Enter the northern district of Fallujah. Al-Moalimeen District was divided between 3rd BN, 1st Marines and 2d BN, 7th Cavalry Regiment of the US Army. It is a densely populated urban landscape that saw heavy fighting during Operation: PHANTOM FURY, a.k.a. the Second Battle of Fallujah. The district was selected because both US Marine and Army forces fought in the area.

This map is approximately 2x2km. Why so small? All buildings, sidewalks, garbage, trees, grass, etc are placed by hand, and doing anything larger might actually kill me.

Making This Map
This map was made using the Arma 3 Realistic Map tool to quickly import terrain and road data. However, all buildings have been placed by hand. The map is not 1:1 with the real location during any time period. Buildings, walls, and foliage have been placed in a way that is inspired by the layout of the actual city, but are not accurate for various reasons including ease of navigation, lack of appropriate props, low-quality satellite imagery, etc.

That being said, some iconic locations have been recreated due to their iconic nature and to serve the needs of the map. A primary example is the iconic water tower in the adjacent Al-Jolan District.

I'm trying this new thing where I provide updates on my current projects on Discord.
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The map is obviously a work in progress. Couldn't tell you when it'll be done because progress has been going ketchup-slow. Building layouts are very unlikely to change, but terrain may be adjusted, props added to streets and alleys, and so forth. Don't get too attached to any compositions you make for the map. It is my full intention to finish all areas of the district...eventually.
60 comentarios
Delta-Gamma  [autor] 15 JUN a las 1:03 p. m. 
I did not abandon the project. I had a hard drive failure shortly after getting back into modding. But if you look at the updates, I literally updated this three weeks ago.
Gator 2 Romeo 14 JUN a las 9:15 p. m. 
Im gonna assume he abandoned the project. what a shame.
Gator 2 Romeo 19 MAY a las 1:42 a. m. 
I hope all is well Delta-Gamma. I know you had some personal crisis. Still a big supporter of you and this project.
Delta 7 MAY a las 9:13 p. m. 
i would recommend changing the sand materials of the ground to look a little more sandy if that makes any since
Dark Demon 7 MAY a las 7:51 p. m. 
This one's more purdy
Dark Demon 7 MAY a las 7:50 p. m. 
@aye waiting on a finished map too so I can port liberation rx to it and remove my current fallujah lol
AYE -_- SPENZO 4 MAY a las 1:08 p. m. 
damn now i just need scenario
Gator 2 Romeo 12 ABR a las 10:36 p. m. 
Sorry to hear than my friend. I wish you well and will pray for you. Stay positive, things will get better.
Delta-Gamma  [autor] 9 ABR a las 9:19 a. m. 
Personal crisis has all my mods on hold.
Gator 2 Romeo 8 ABR a las 9:08 p. m. 
Updates? Hope your well bro.