Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

694 ratings
Civ Advanced .1
File Size
8.749 MB
Aug 26, 2014 @ 5:39am
Dec 1, 2014 @ 6:15pm
10 Change Notes ( view )

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Civ Advanced .1

The Advances Civ Mod expands on the Civ V themes by adding additional buildings to the Economic, Scientific, Happiness, Production and Growth building chains and adds new resource improvement buildings.
Some new resources have been added as well as resource generating buildings and some tile improving buildings too.
Some technologies and standard buildings have been edited to better fit into this mod.

This mod requires both G&K and BNW expansions and should be compatible with most other mods, even mods that add new resources. But mods that add new resources already added in this one will probably clash badly.

Resource generator script written by Deep_Blue

Culture screen Override script written by KyteM

Culture per pop script written by Bingles

Some art work source from davey_henninger and Barathor
Uses some of the Luxuries in Barathor's More Luxuries mod

Contains part or all of some mods made by Barathor, thecrazyscotsman, davey_henninger, BlouBlou, SushiSquid, Skaz881, Glacierheart, cryptlc, Horem

If steam fails to download the Mod an manual link can be found here

This Mod Contains: 47 new buildings, 15 new luxuries (only 7 spawn on the map), 3 new bonus resources, 16 building changes and some tech tweaks.

New Buildings
Aquifer: Adds Food on Desert Tiles.
Bioflue plant adds oil and needs cereal or sugar, consumes food.
Breeder reactor adds uranium and requires a laboratory.
Brewery: Makes Beer Luxury, requires and improves Wheat and Rice.
Candy factory makes Candy and requires and improves sugar and cocoa.
Cannery: Adds and improves Food.
Car Factory: Makes Car Luxury, requires the new Steel Mill.
Carpentry: Very early weak Production building.
Cathedral alternate: Buildable Cathedral, only historically Christian nations may build it.
Charcoal furnace adds coal and needs a nearby forest, consumes production.
Coal Plant: Main power plant, requires Coal.
Copper Network: Mild bonus to City Science, Gold and Culture output.
Desalination Plant: Adds Food, City must be built on the coast.
Electrical Grid: Adds production per pop and improves Food.
Fiber Optics: Mild bonus to City Science and Gold. Adds culture per pop.
Fish Hatchery: Adds Food to Coast Tiles.
Fusion Plant: Powerful late game main power plant.
Gas Plant: Main power plant, requires Oil.
Geothermal Plant: Main power plant, City must be next to a mountain.
Horse breeder adds horses and needs grasslands, consumes food.
Iron mine adds iron and needs a nearby mountain.
Jeweler makes Jewelry and requires and improves gold, silver and gems.
Mandir: New religious building which improves Cows, only historically Hindu nations may build it.
Merchants Guild: Improves the Gold value of some Luxuries.
Mosque alternate: Buildable Mosque, only historically Muslim nations may build it.
Oil Refinery: Improves Oil, improves City production output.
Pagoda alternate: Buildable Pagoda, only culturally Asian nations may build it.
Particle accelerator: Powerful late game Science building, requires Iron.
Perfumery: Makes Perfume Luxury, requires and improves Incense and Spice.
Qanat: Adds Food on Desert Tiles, requires fresh water.
Race Track: Adds hapiness, requires Horse.
Saltern: Makes Salt Luxury, City must be on a Desert coast.
Sculptors guild makes Sculptures luxury and requires and improves clay, marble and stone.
Sewer: Early Growth building, splits function with Aquaduct.
Soft Drink Factory: Makes Soft Drink Luxury, requires and improves Sugar and Citrus.
Steel Mill: Additional Factory, requires and improves Coal and Iron.
Sun Pyramid: New religious building which improves units, only culturally American (-USA +Zulu) nations may build it.
Supercomputer: Very powerful late game Science building.
Supermarket: Adds Gold per pop and improves City Gold output.
Tannery: Makes Leather Luxury, requires and improves Cow and Deer.
Tax Collector: Very early weak Economic building.
Textile Mill: Adds Gold to textile related resources.
Tidal Plant: Adds Production to Coast Tiles.
Trade Company: Improves the Gold value of some Luxuries.
Treatment Plant: Improves the growth of the City.
Wind Farm: Main power plant, City must be on a hill.

New Luxuries: Cocoa, Coffee, Tea, Tobacco, Apple, Peach, Olive (Spawns on map, requires plantation). Beer, Cars, Leather, Perfume, Soft Drink, Jewelry, Candy, Sculptures (Generated by buildings).

New Bonus resources: Rice and Maize (Spawns on map, requires farm) Clay (requires quarry)

Building changes
Aqueduct: Nerfed, splits function with the new Sewer building.
Circus: Buffed, increases Gold from Horses and Ivory.
Forge: Buffed, can now be built with and improves Copper and Aluminium, added 1 Engineer slot.
Granary: Buffed, improves Corn and Maize.
Grand Temple: Buffed, added a great work of art slot.
Hospital: Nerfed, spreads function among other growth buildings.
Hydro Plant: Nerfed, added mutually exclusive group because of new Tile Production improvement buildings.
Laboratory: Buffed, adds Science to Gems.
Medical Lab: Adds Food per pop now instead of Food stored.
Mint: Can now be built with and improves Copper, only adds 1 gold to each resource now.
Nuclear Plant: Buffed, improves Uranium, added 1 Engineer slot.
Solar Plant: Is now a desert Tile Production improvement building.
Stone Works: Buffed, can now be built with and improves Clay. Can now be built on any terrain.
University/Wat: Buffed, improves Uranium.
Windmill: Buffed, cheaper, earlier adds a small amount of Food and Production, no Engineer.
Zoo: Nerfed, later, more expensive because of new Race Track building.

Unit changes:
Submarine and Carrier now need Oil.
Artillery and Cannon now need Iron.
Nuclear submarine now needs Uranium.
Missile cruiser now needs Aluminium.

Technology changes:
From the modern Era onwards each tier of technologies gets an additional 10% cost increase, accumulative with each new tier. This was done to make the Laboratory and the new research buildings more useful.

Request for help:
There are a few things that I wanted to change but I was unable to do so, if anyone knows how to could you please post a solution.
I wanted the Wind Farm to add Production to Hills but they don’t respond to ether the terrain or feature tag.
I never figured out how to add custom textures to the farms built on rice and maize so they will look the same as green farms.

Feedback appreciated.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
Nov 20, 2017 @ 4:23pm
Hey there!
Sausage Fingers
Feb 18, 2017 @ 4:47am
Add on for Civ 6 (Firaxis Games) or professional mods
Winston Churchill
ShinyTheDark Aug 22 @ 2:46am 
Hey buddy, it has been over 2 years since the missing texture comment. He or she is not the only one with that problem. Can you provide a solution? That should not be that hard.
jollylemur Oct 9, 2022 @ 6:21am 
i really think desalination plant should count as a source of fresh water for the purposes of fresh water required buildings. (also side note i do not remember making my last comment whatsoever)
AcetheSuperVillain May 23, 2022 @ 5:47pm 
I am missing textures for a bunch of the extra resources (rice, maize for sure, forget what else). Any idea how to fix?
ViSpace May 23, 2022 @ 4:30am 
In the last game I played, I found a problem with the tradition policy tree. I finished the tree, yet none of my cities get the free aqueduct. I wonder if you could resolve this issue?
DerigarsChairman Feb 26, 2022 @ 11:12am 
so yeah hotfix for the steampunk mod would be appreciated
DerigarsChairman Feb 25, 2022 @ 3:01pm 
Can you rename the supermarket to "Megamart" to not conflict with the steampunk and future mod? The rename makes it work.
Latex Santa Jul 18, 2021 @ 11:56am 
@Hugh Hi, love this collection. Small problem, I am subbed to the mod, but it's not in my list. Could you please add another direct download link to the collection, when you have the time?
Buzzerker Apr 25, 2021 @ 10:14am 
will this mod conflict with the Community Patch?
jollylemur Jan 5, 2021 @ 2:44am 
its an interesting mod, but i dislike two types of changes introduced here, luxury producers that make commerce city states obsolete, and "culturally x" civ excluvsive improvements.
Lightning Bolt Dec 13, 2020 @ 11:43pm 
More_ Luxuries and this mod use apple peach oilve no art+model Is there no way to use it together ?