Wrestling Empire

Wrestling Empire

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How to Upload Characters to the Workshop
By Zucchinilicious
This guide will teach you step by step how to upload your custom created characters.
Required Reading
While it is not actually required I highly recommend reading the Workshop guide and documentation of WECCL before attempting to upload anything, and also just to be safe, make sure to backup your roster before doing any modding.

Downloading the Mod Uploader
Inside the previously mentioned PDF is a link to download the Workshop uploader. Open this link with a browser such as Chrome or Firefox, and download the .zip file. Unzip the contents to a folder in a place you like.

You can then launch the uploader to begin.

Using the Uploader
In the bottom left, type the name of the file you want to create ( I recommend the character's name as the item name.)

Here's where the uploading begins, after you click create item, a workshop item is created and as you continue, it will be edited and completed.

Preview Image Filename
Place a preview image (It needs to be relatively small) into the WorkshopContent Folder.
In the Text field in the uploader, input the name of the image (Example: Mycharacter.png)

Be sure to hit enter after typing your title, description and tags or they may be lost if you click outside the window.

In this field write the title of your mod as you want it to appear on steam. (This can be edited later.)

In this field write the description of your mod as you want it to appear on steam. (This can be edited later.)

In this field write the tags you wish to tag your mod with. (Wrestlers, Characters, Real World, etc) (This cannot be edited later and needs to be inputted now.)

Here you can select the visibility of the mod, setting this to public will allow other people to download your mod.
Exporting your Character
In the WorkshopContent folder, a folder with the name of your Item (My Character in my example) has been created. Inside you need to create 2 Files. A Folder called "plugins", and a .txt file named manifest.

Manifest.txt will have the following text inside.

(For your convenience, just change author to your name and the modName to your mods name.)
modName: My Character
author: Me
version: 1.0.0

Inside the plugins folder, create another folder named "Import".

Inside that folder will be where you place your Character file.

Your character files are in Wrestling Empire > BepInEx > plugins > 3022699985 > Export

Grab the Character or Characters you want and copy them to the Import folder.

Remove any numbers and underscores that may appear before your characters name.

After that is done, and everthing is how you want it in the uploader, click "Submit my Character"

Congratulations, you have successfully uploaded your character!
Item Requirements / WECCL
Finally, on your workshop item's page, ensure it is set to public visiblity if you wish to share and be sure to click "Add/Remove Required Items".

In the window, select subscribed items and then add WECCL to your item.

You can get WECCL here if you don't have it already.

Officer Puncake Oct 25, 2023 @ 6:39am 
BTW character exports have moved to BepInEx/plugins/IngoH-WECCL since last update
IngoH Sep 23, 2023 @ 3:10pm 
Thanks for making this guide!
Just would like to note that tags can still be edited, but only through the uploader.