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Crows & Ravens for Ostankya
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2023年9月7日 12時02分
5月8日 13時25分
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Crows & Ravens for Ostankya

Calm&NormalTime 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Calm's Kislev mods
4 アイテム
2 units for Ostankya
Crows and ravens

Murder of Crows

Replaces cave bats (bats are for vampires. crows are for witches. everyone knows and agrees with this)
Crows also have a passive while out of combat that makes them great at spotting hidden units

Conspiracy of Ravens

Higher tier unit. Equivalent to Onyx Crowmen or Chaos Furies.
They have a passive that regenerates health and fatigue that starts at 0% but gradually scales with the number of entities that die in their vicinity.

Witch's Unfamiliar
I haven't been able to buy the DLC just yet so I couldn't test this Ostankya mod with Ostankya, but both units should be available from her unique animal building, and bats should be disabled from this building. Both units should also benefit from any tech or skills that effects her animals.
Any issues, let me know in the comments

But only if you really want to.
Link to blog []
I started a Ko-fi page after seeing other modders had them. I'm trying something new where I use the page as a blog where I post pics of work in progress.

111 件のコメント
Otter 4月29日 12時03分 
potentially the ravenswyrd faction (going off the name), and Sarls Birna the huntress, Birna has an ability that's aoe to call some crows to slap about anything within a 35 meter radius, but they're a spell, havent looked at it yet, it's an excerpt from the novel where she calls on some crows, so that's great but i think theyre only really in a spell as far as I've found, SCM tribes is compatible with most norsca mods just not full blown overhauls, mods that add units/tech/cross faction features have been fine.

There's just not that diverse an option on the workshop so far, some good ones for throgg but they only really add to throgg, There are some good mods just thematically quite a bit missing, In a few months when I'm back from work I'm going to try and get into modding WH3, thanks for the assistance etc
Calm&NormalTime  [作成者] 4月29日 7時47分 
Ok, i know its there somewhere becaise i saw a screenshot of them in battle. Could be a summonable unit for a raven themed character maybe
Otter 4月28日 18時00分 
but all the other landmark units are showing up in Custom battle unit roster so im not sure if they've been implemented yet
Otter 4月28日 17時59分 
After looking through the unit roster for norsca in custom battle and in game, the ravens and crows arent in on SCM tribes as a faction unit,
so they must've implimented them as landmark units :)
Otter 4月28日 17時32分 
Ah thankyou! it's likely a landmark, i've found plenty of landmarks in tribes that offer unique units, in the lord info there hasnt been any mention of crows or ravens, I noticed crows in the unit roster i'll have a deeper delve now tyvm!

Also a massive fan of the mods back to WH2 the animal keepers mod was excellent!
Calm&NormalTime  [作成者] 4月28日 17時21分 
scm tribes, thats the one. i don't know exactly how the ravens are implemented, maybe only certain tribes get them
Otter 4月28日 15時17分 
Sorry to be that guy, I cant find which mod adds the crows &/ ravens for Norsca, SCM tribes? or Norsca overhaul i've loaded up with any mods that feel relevant to that and not been able to find them. thanks for any help :)
Otter 4月27日 16時43分 
OH daym! i need to add that, i wasnt using is at is thought it would conflict with SCM tribes of the north
Calm&NormalTime  [作成者] 4月26日 6時36分 
These units are already in the norsca overhaul, i donated them
Otter 4月26日 3時11分 
Would it also be possible to add these units to Norsca? Crows and Ravens thematically fit Norsca very well and it'd be good to pair with certain lords from the new-ish Large Norsca overhauling Mod