SCP秘密实验室 / SCP: Secret Laboratory

SCP秘密实验室 / SCP: Secret Laboratory

SCP: SL Operational Guide
由 Lambda :3 制作
Yes it is entire SCP:SL Operational Guide thrown into a guide on Steam, I decided to do that so you can read it while in game.

Site-02 is a hastily renovated and re-established Foundation site in the boreal forests of [REDACTED], known officially as ‘Top-secret R&D and Emergency Containment Site-02’.

The site was reactivated on 12.29.2017. Aside from being used as emergency containment, Site-02 remains as the Foundation's principal research facility. Their research focuses on altered anomalies and anomalies that have gained new effects that previously had not existed.

Underneath everything, Site-02 serves as the main site operating for the O5 council’s untold directive.

I just found out about Site-45. I can’t believe how much worse it’s getting out there. At least they don’t know where we are… I hope.

I hate this place. I hate this place so much, but I’ll be damned if I’ve ever felt more secure anywhere else. To imagine that this place could be compromised too… Would that mean the end of us all? If they can find this place, maybe they can find… Oh God.

-Charles H. Goodwin, Analyst, Site-02

Surface Zone

The Surface Zone of the facility is the receiving area of the site as well as its outermost security level. According to security protocol Site-02-A991, all foundation and civilian satellites are to have a “blind spot” of the surrounding 10 km of land to maintain locational secrecy. External site security is to administer amnestics to any human approaching the site, and to transfer them back outside this area.

“I finally got the opportunity to visit the Surface Zone for some air; too much heat during testing. That damn weapon gets very hot, very quickly. It occurs to me, the name “Surface Zone” is very much justified. I’m ‘zoned’ in here just like the rest of the staff. Even though it's eventually getting a renovation, its huge walls always feel like it is to keep us locked in, and not to keep something else out…
Why else would you need sniper towers looking in?

-Charles H. Goodwin, Analyst, Site-02

Subsection 01 - Entrance Zone

Subsection-01 of Site-02 is the primary civilian work area. It hosts a large variety of private (and open) office spaces, staff lockers, and large, open spaces for Site Staff to relax and recuperate in.

The ‘entrance zone’, as it is known by staff, directly connects the facility’s transport elevators to the surface; with connection points to the Heavy Containment Zone, as well as [DATA EXPUNGED].

Recording this for my personal log because I got literally nothing better to do. Another day in the office, another boring day in the office. It’s always the same old, same old. ‘Hey Chuck, finish those TPS reports. Hey Chuck, input some of this data to the main servers. Do some check-overs.’ I’d kill to do something different. Something impactful for once.

-Charles H. Goodwin, Analyst, Site-02

Subsection 02 - [REDACTED]




-████████ ██████, ████████, Site-02

Subsection 03 - Light Containment Zone and Testing Zone

The Light Containment and Testing Zone, colloquially known by Site Staff as the ‘Grayhall’, houses multiple testing facilities and containment cells for a number of Euclid and Safe-Anomalous objects.

The Zone houses the majority of the D-Class stocks contained within numerous individual confinement cells and personnel offices.
Medical testing, screening, and Site operations are also conducted here on both staff and D-Class Personnel.

Fifteen, Twenty-two, Forty-five, Six-dash-three…hell, even Area Fourteen. More and more hits are happening and we sit here doing nothing. For what, exactly? So we know why 096 screams the way it does? So we understand why 173 ♥♥♥♥♥? Shouldn't we be using what we know to fight back? To develop some kind of weapon that works?
I wonder what the O5 think.

-Charles H. Goodwin, Analyst, Site-02

Subsection 04 - [REDACTED]




-███ ████, █████, Site-02

Subsection 05 - Heavy Containment Subsection

The Heavy Containment Subsection, also known as Subsection-05, is one of Site-02’s most secure subsections. Dedicated to the secure containment of numerous dangerous Keter and Euclid class anomalies, such as instances of SCP-939 and SCP-106. The Heavy Containment Subsection contains many tools that security may utilize in the containment and security of anomalies.

Subsection-05 is composed of P-S-3 electrostatic tesla gates and additional subsections. These include Subsection-05-1 and Subsection-05-2, both with various uses ranging from dedicated SCP-containment to the on-site nuclear warhead.

Another log. May as well keep some of my thoughts collected at least. Termination tests for 096 are going nowhere. Nobody can figure out how to snap, chip, or otherwise break its bone structure. Project Segmentum isn't getting any better, it's still locked up in its service locker. Techies are still trying to figure out some new method of delivering its energy supply. The only thing that does happen on the regular is 106’s containment breaches. Either I'm missing out on the fun stuff or our work here is entirely pointless.

-Charles H. Goodwin, Analyst, Site-02

Site-02 Lockdown Procedures
Security Directives
In the event of a Code: White/Gray breach.

  • Priority A

    On-site security teams are to make immediate attempts to re-secure the compromised zones so QRF, or tactical response teams, may approach the crisis unhindered.

    All members of site security are to prioritize the safety and security of site personnel — Class-C and/or Level-1 and above. Principal priority personnel remain to be research staff.

    If evacuation shelters have been rendered ineffective, due to the nature of the threat, security staff are to escort any surviving personnel to the surface for extraction. The entrance gates are to always be kept sealed to prevent the escape of SCP objects.

    In the case of assault of a highly-organized major force, security personnel are not to engage directly unless deemed absolutely necessary. For more information, and the expanded version, refer to “Executive Prevention Code".

  • Priority B

  • Priority C

  • Priority D

  • Priority E

Rapid Response
In the event of a Code: White/Gray breach.

  • Priority A

    Immediately mobilize facility-recovery squads. Squads to be sent by helicopters towards the compromised sector.

    In the case of an assault by a highly-organized major force; a major containment breach; the deaths and/or disappearances of site security; and a high possibility for certain destruction of all site assets, MTF operators are to use all means necessary to secure the Facility and extract any surviving staff.

    If an SCP-object is deemed inherently inimical to Foundation interest, MTF operators are permitted to terminate and/or destroy the object under executive prevention code SC-4¹. If termination is not possible, attempt recontainment, or temporary neutralization, of the object and wait for further action. For more information, and the expanded version, refer to “Executive Prevention Code".

  • Priority B

  • Priority C

  • Priority D

  • Priority E

Excerpt from the Executive Prevention Code:
¹ SC-4 — in the event of a major crisis, with a definite risk of a major compromise, protocol SC-4 may be utilized and grants authorization for the immediate termination of an SCP object by dedicated personnel.

Class-D Personnel
- Priority A

In the event of a catastrophic site event, Class-D personnel are to be terminated immediately; unless deem_d necessary by on-site security personnel. Termination of Class-D personnel is to b________________ revent unwanted intervention that would demand further a________________oing event.

If Class-D personnel a_____________________________ponry, the priority response is_______ception.

If Class-D personnel are found ____________________hould be reprimanded and the _______________________

If Class-D personn_______________________risk a major breach of se__________________ed with no exception.

If Class-D person______________________rank personnel is to b____________________rotocol. The Class-D subject___________

Sticky note:
Terminated? We’re not going down that easily. Find a card, any card, rob one of the doctors for theirs or, hell, graverob a dead guy if you have to
If you find a gun, use it. We’ve survived this long in this facility, and I don’t plan on dying tonight.

(Underscores repersents text that is covered up by the Stick Note)

In the event of a Code: White/Gray breach.

  • Priority A

    Principal MTF deployed to neutralise the threat remains MTF-Iota-4.

    In the case of assault of a highly-organized major force; a major containment breach; the deaths and/or disappearances of zone security; and a high possibility for certain destruction of all site assets, all site personnel are advised to utilize on-site resources to proceed with the default evacuation plan. If evacuation shelters are rendered unsafe due to the nature of the threat, site-security will direct personnel accordingly. Surviving personnel are advised to avoid all escaped anomalies.

    All personnel are authorized to utilize certain Safe-class SCPs (e.g SCP-914) if they believe that it will increase their chances of survival. If personnel survive, use of any SCP objects during the event will be evaluated by the Ethics Committee.

    MTF teams may require extensive planning before entering the site. Personnel are advised to prepare for a long wait. Involved personnel are to expect the eventual liquidation of their department — timescale unpredictable.

  • Priority B

  • Priority C

  • Priority D

  • Priority E
Foundation Personnel
Class-D Personnel

These convicts, typically on death-row, suffer a grueling fate at the hands of the Foundation. Dressed in distinct, orange jumpsuits, these lower-class personnel have an unrivaled drive to escape. The Class-D are determined to pull through by any means necessary, be that brute force or wits. The containment breach has given them the opening they've been waiting for.

Well, my time here is exactly how you'd expect. Go in, follow the instructions, hope I survive. Rinse and repeat. It’s halfway through December and I’m still alive. Here's why: ‘cause youse won’t take me down that easily! You think ya can kill me by tossing me in some bloody cell and throwing me to the wolves? You think I’m gonna sit down and take it?

Newsflash, bookwahms. You are gonna have to do a lot more than make me stare at a statue to get ridda me. I can do this all day! At this point, we might as well get to know each other. I might even spare ya if I see ya tryna ditch this joint like us. But one thing’s for sure…

-Mason Hardy, D-3992, Site-02


When a containment breach occurs, most scientists realize that the drills and guidelines for catastrophic disasters are completely irrelevant. Especially when faced with unpredictable anomalies.

Researchers, engineers, and division specialists — the best that the Foundation has to offer. Members have been picked from across the globe; all adhering to the Foundation’s high standards. Site-02 boasts specialists in almost all branches of science. Specializing in fields like chemistry, theoretical physics, psychology, and dentistry.

They must use their wits, and access cards, to survive the ensuing pandemonium and escape.

Doctors, researchers, engineers, you name it. The Foundation is made of multiple individuals, each bringing their set of skills and abilities to the fore.

Each specially trained in their division, our staff help us stand in the darkness. To fight it, contain it, and shield it from the public eye. So that everyone else can live in a sane and normal world.

-Dr. Emmaleigh Hugill, Assistant Director of R&D, Site-02

Facility Guard

The SCP Foundation’s internal security force deals with a large array of problems, such as old and poorly fabricated containment chambers, D-Class, and disloyalty. These brave men are the first and foremost response and can make all the difference.

Security guards come equipped with all the tactical gear needed to handle any scenario, giving them the best chance of preventing a situation from escalating.

The truth of the matter is, when a large catastrophe does strike our Site, all our protocols, all our drills… none of that will matter. Everything is unpredictable. Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. It’s just a matter of time.

We are not the most well-equipped security force the Foundation has. If a large catastrophe hits, we’ll only have our wits and instincts to keep us alive.

We are the first line of defense. We are the first responders tasked to save those in danger. We have the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all staff members. Because of that, you are the bravest men I have ever had the honor to serve with.

-Cpt. Everett Wagner, Security Chief, Site-02
(no I did not made this up, this is the guys name in OPG)

Militant Forces
Chaos Insurgency

Once a mere fragment, but now a formidable military power. Yet they remain little more than a shadow of their old Foundation employers.

Founded in 1948, the Chaos Insurgency has managed to gain power and numerous military assets to use against the Foundation during facility raids.

Their primary objective is to purge the facility of Foundation personnel, and seize all assets that are deemed to serve the best interests of Delta Command — their elusive overseers.

"The Chaos Insurgency are a nasty bunch of people. Rumor has it, they used to be Alpha-1. They split away from the Foundations ages ago. Supposedly their vision did not exactly align with what the Foundation had in mind.

Why do they raid our sites? Well, their recruits are told that they’re fighting and rebelling against the lies of the world; perpetrated by the Foundation. They’re told that they’ll create a utopia for humanity by using the anomalous. A utopia where humanity is the master of everything.

But really, who knows what the Chaos Insurgency actually wants, right?

-James Karlock, Assistant Director of Security, Site-02

Covert Ops Briefing

DeCIRO Catalog Number: CO- ████

Document Type: Covert Ops briefing
Dates received: 2017-07-11 through 2018-11-07
Operation status: Open

Foreword: The Foundation is crumbling beneath their treachery. Destroying their broken, twisted prayers to their pillar of containment. The steel supports, which uphold them, have begun to shake loose. Their hopes of security are desolated as they lie open and unprotected.

We of Delta Command, and the engineer, believe that it is finally time to see through the chaos we have sown. Site-02 will be the final time we reap. Everything is prepared. Take the steps to heart, extract the prisoners, and slaughter the [DATA EXPUNGED].

MTF Epsilon-11 "Nine Tailed Fox"

When standard protocol fails and multiple breaches are imminent, Foundation facilities call for the deployment of the Nine-Tailed Fox. The whirring of helicopter blades heralds their arrival. Equipped with top-of-the-line Foundation equipment, their primary objective is to re-secure the facility against any, and all, threats.

"Epsilon-11? Hell if I know anything about them. They come in. They deal with the issues. They get out. They’re not ones to stop by for idle chit chat with the staff. Their existence remains a mystery. Their identities? Classified. Their complement of soldiers? Redacted. Their operations? Confidential.

They hide their numbers well though. They certainly have more soldiers than I originally thought.

-Dr. Jonathan Essex, Senior Researcher, Site-02

SCP Anomalies - SCP-049 & SCP-049-2

The doctor calmly awaits his next patient. It intends to administer the cure to those ridden with what it claims to be the ‘Pestilence’. Do not let its calm demeanor fool you. Direct contact means certain death. This may only last a moment for, like any medical professional, the doctor will strive to keep you alive.

Is it a doctor? Yeah, for sure. Well, it has the tools and the medical expertise of one, at least. SCP-049 has proven time and time again to be an excellent asset for our site’s Research and Medical departments.

However, we draw the line whenever it suddenly becomes hostile towards our staff, rambling on about them having contracted the ‘pestilence’; all while flailing that annoying wooden stick around.

So, the question is: Is it a reliable doctor?

I’d say that the answ
er to that is a hard no.

No matter what kind of doctor it is, I can never shake the sense of unease and dread whenever it's around. There’s just something that isn’t right with that thing.

-Dr. Aidan Reid, Senior Researcher, Site-02


[LMB] - Cardiac Arrest (Active)

When SCP-049 attacks a player, the victim will rapidly lose health, suffering from a cardiac arrest.

The cardiac arrest can be survived if treated, but will result in death sooner if left untreated. A human may survive in the following ways:

Outlasting the effect by using well timed medkits.
Using Adrenaline.
Using SCP-500.

Experiment 1.

Yes, yes. A perfect specimen. Pipes. Copper pipes. Fluid pumps were effective. Hands, hands… hands. Note: Too many hands. The specimen is cured. Motor functions, check. Bones, irrelevant. Pestilence, gone.

Conclusion: Marvelous success.

[F] - Good Sense of the Doctor

Pressing F, SCP-049 selects the closest human in his field of view. This player will be targeted by SCP-049. When killed, SCP-049 can revive them as a much tougher instance of SCP-049-2 and SCP-049 will regain a percentage of lost Hume Shield instantly.

While Good Sense of the Doctor is active, SCP-049 will be able to pursue their victim at a higher speed, determined to rid them of the pestilence. SCP-049 has to pursue and kill their target, otherwise their target will be lost. The location of the target will be indicated by the sound of a heartbeat and a visual indicator on the HUD.

You may only have one target at a time with this ability.

The Lord of Black has heard your plea,
His heart jet, void of sympathy.
The tome you seek, lost memory.

[R] - The Doctors Call

At any time, SCP-049 can press R to emit a rallying call. All SCP-049-2s will be able to see SCP-049 through walls. During this time, all SCP-049-2s that stand within a radius of SCP-049 will begin slowly generating Hume Shield. This ability has a cooldown, which starts when the rallying call stops.

They had only come to study, they did not mean any harm. They were men of science and medicine. They were men of God.

[Passive] - Waste Not, Want Not

SCP-049 is able to revive fallen SCP-049-2s after their death. They may revive any dead SCP-049-2 as long as that player remains as a Spectator and has not respawned. Each instance may only be revived a maximum of two times after their initial ‘cure’ and up to a total of three lives. After the SCP-049-2 player has died, the player will receive the option to remain dead.

Each time an instance of SCP-049-2 is revived their maximum health is reduced.

The price you'll pay is your duty.
Weather his presence and you'll see,
The crux of all your surgery.

SCP-049-2 - Abilities

[LMB] - Swipe

The instance of SCP-049-2 thoughtlessly swings its arms, dealing damage to whatever human is caught in the attack.

[Passive] - Lobotomized Bloodlust

When SCP-049-2 is chasing a human their speed will increase (up to a limit) every second and will decrease by twice the initial rate when not observing a human. Lobotomized Bloodlust will not start decreasing SCP-049-2’s speed until SCP-049-2 has broken contact with a human after a short duration.

[E] - Voracity

SCP-049-2 can hold E on any corpse they encounter that has not previously been consumed. After eating they will regenerate HP. The ability cannot be canceled once activated. It does not prevent SCP-049 reviving that player, and can only be done once per body.

SCP Anomalies - SCP-079
𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚...

An AI with an immeasurable amount of intelligence and the emotional capacity of a small child. Despite that, it remains a constant threat to those it considers an enemy.

Its full capabilities are still unknown. Should the facility ever be under its control, beware the locked rooms you hide in.
You never know who, or what could be watching.

I can say with absolute confidence that this computer is highly intelligent. It seems to have the attention span of a six-year-old. No piece of metal has ever spoken to me quite as disrespectfully.

I’d like to highlight that this SCP seems to adapt with ease and responds remarkably fast to all manner of threats. Unfortunately, in this facility, that is nothing to praise.

I will soon be requesting a review of its containment. All personnel that come into contact with SCP-079 must have an audio recorder on their person; effective immediately.

The ignorance I’ve seen towards this thing is outstanding. You may be able to contain its body, but that does not mean you can ignore its influence on potential containment disasters.

-Dr. Alystair Harcher, Senior Researcher, Site-02


[Interactable] - Door Controls (Level-1)

SCP-079 can hover their mouse over door icons on the map, allowing it to open, close, or lock doors respectively. Closing/opening a door costs power; locking a door costs more power and exponentially drains more the longer a door remains locked. It may also close/open the door it's looking at by pressing LMB. SCP-079 may release all active locks regardless of location by pressing R.

Corridor. Empty.
Corridor. Empty.
Corridor. 1 human. Facility Guard.
Containment Chamber SCP-049. 1 SCP. SCP-049.
Analyzing Imprisonment of SCP-079. Boundaries Expanded.
Containment Chamber SCP-096. 1 SCP. SCP-096.
Found Vulnerability.

[R] - Blackout (Level-2)

At the cost of power, SCP-079 will disable the lights in the room it's currently in for a few seconds. While Blackout is active, visibility will be low for all human class players in the room. Blackout will allow SCP-173 to move freely in that room unless a human looking at SCP-173 has a working flashlight.

At Level-3, SCP-079 will be able to Blackout two rooms simultaneously.
At Level-4, SCP-079 will be able to Blackout four rooms simultaneously.
At Level-5, SCP-079 will be able to Blackout an entire zone by pressing a button on the map.

Each additional room Blackout will cost more power.


[F] - Lockdown (Level-3)

At the cost of power, SCP-079 will be able to Lockdown a room. This causes all doors to automatically close and lock. They will remain locked for a significant time, allowing other SCPs to clear a room safely. SCP-079 can also activate Lockdown via a button present in the center of most rooms (presented as a hazard sign).

At Level-4, SCP-079 is able to regenerate power at half its typical rate while a room is locked-down and is able to cancel the Lockdown.

Acquiring Data.
Acquire Control. Door Control. Granted.
Acquire Control. Electrical Grid. Granted.
Acquire Control. Facility Sensors. Granted.
Acquire Control. Exterior Communications. Failure.

[Map toggle] - Breach Scanner (Level-4)

SCP-079 gains the ability to sweep the current zone it's in for survivors.
This button appears as a toggleable icon on the map. Once activated, SCP-079’s power generation is cut down, but, as a result, the current zone is automatically scanned for surviving humans. When a human is found, a loud alarm plays in the room they are in and SCP-079 is given an alert.

Server HCZ-01-A to HCZ-01- K unresponsive, troubleshooting.
12% Files Corrupted. Please run a backup program.
Lost Connection to Server Hub. Retrying.
Fail (1/3). Retrying.
Fail (2/3). Retrying.
Fail (3/3). Retrying.

[Interactable] - Alpha Warhead Control Override (Level-5)
Note: As of right now this ability is not in the game yet

SCP-079 gains almost complete control of Site-02, allowing it to manually activate the Alpha Warhead from the Surface Zone. Once SCP-079 activates the Alpha Warhead, it will no longer be destroyed by its detonation. However, this only applies if SCP-079 was the one to activate the nuke.

Despite SCP-079 being immune to the nuke, and its generators no longer being able to be interacted with, SCP-079 does not become immune to losing the game. If the other SCPs are killed on the Surface Zone, SCP-079 will still lose.

Site-02 Communication Network unresponsive. Average latency: 999ms.

[Passive] - Virtually Indestructible

While SCP-079 cannot be harmed by conventional means, it is not invincible. Site-02 has a built-in failsafe contingency for SCP-079 in the form of three generators that, once activated, will begin a countdown to completion. These generators are randomly located through the Heavy Containment Zone. Allowing all three generators to be fully activated will revoke the lockdown placed on its containment chamber. Humans will then be able to enter its chamber and activate SCP-079’s containment mechanism, causing the Heavy Containment Zone to lock-down, and SCP-079 to be defeated.

Expanding Memory. Granted.
Processing Power: 52 PetaFlops.
Accessing Data. Identifying.
Identified. I am.


By pressing E, SCP-079 can ping a location for their teammates, visible only to SCPs.

Starting at Level-1 and completing at Level-3, SCP-079 can see a more detailed breakdown of the remaining human players on their map.

SCP-079 can zoom their camera using the mouse wheel.

A shepherd must guide their flock, for, if left alone, they will be led astray.

- Unknown

SCP Anomalies - SCP-096

A tall, pale humanoid capable of tearing through waves of heavily armed forces. It cries and cries and never seems content.

You wish you could comfort it.

You wish someone had told you to close your eyes.

You wish you knew the danger you were in when the crying finally stopped.

SCP-096 was recently transferred to Site-02, under the supervision of Dr. Daniels. It was the topic for weeks. Since then, SCP-096 has been our primary test subject for Project: Segmentum.

Our efforts seem to be in vain. Despite the countless setbacks, Daniels is still adamant about killing the damn thing.
For something so shy, it doesn’t have an issue with crying so loudly. You know, there are times where I’d wonder if it actually feels empathy. Would it understand if someone tried to comfort it?
That being said, I can’t forget the shrieks of terror and the streaks of blood. Thinking about it makes me sick. I don’t know what was worse; the frantic screams, the shredding of flesh, or the sobbing that followed.

-Dr. Katelyn Wright, Head of Project: Segmentum


[Passive] - Scopophobia

When a human looks at SCP-096’s face, or injures SCP-096 in any way, it will enter a state of rage. While in rage, SCP-096 moves extremely fast and all humans who viewed its face or damaged SCP-096 will be highlighted for the duration. SCP-096 gains access to additional abilities: Melee Attack and Charge.

The object doesn't want to be looked at, and, as a psychologist, I have to wonder why that is.
After some time studying it, I’m beginning to wonder about the possibility this object has some form of latent anxiety about its appearance.

[LMB Enraged] - Melee Attack

Press the Attack button while in SCP-096’s rage mode to perform a Melee Attack. Hitting a human with a Melee Attack will damage them severely. Hitting a door with Melee Attack will destroy it, rendering it completely unusable.

It attacks with such a degree of violence and hatred. It’s hard not to wonder what lies behind its, supposedly, blank and soulless eyes.

[RMB Enraged] - Charge

Activate Charge to send SCP-096 lunging in the direction they’re facing, destroying all doors and damaging all players in their way. Activating Charge on a gate causes SCP-096 to forcefully pry them open and get through.

A common belief is that letting out your negative emotions relieves you of them. However, for the object, I can’t help but think that it only worsens its sorrow.

[RMB Docile] - Try Not to Cry

Activate Try Not to Cry while near a vertical surface to lean against it. When leaning against a flat surface, SCP-096 will gradually grow quieter before becoming nearly silent.

My analysis has led me to conclude that SCP-096 possesses a child-like psychological state, acting purely on its desires and emotions. It doesn't have the cognitive ability to process how it feels. Though, of course, prior analysis is purely conjecture. How are we to understand something as bizarre as this with human psychology?

SCP Anomalies - SCP-106
The Old Man[]

Out of the darkness came a man, covered in death and rotting. Pain and terror were known to its victims, for the strongest walls held no solace. No fortress known to man could impede this creature from dragging its prey into Hell; where hope holds no meaning, and where screaming simply makes the torment worse.

"I can still hear her screaming for help, you know. She didn't know, none of them did. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, they weren't even supposed to be there! If it hadn't been for me she… she would have... she might still be alive but she's gone. It came out of the floor and took her. I wonder how long she looked for it… for a way out. A way that isn't there.

So yes doctor, I’m sure I want to take the damn amnestics.

-Agent █████ ████████, Site-██ Security


[Shift] - Stalk

Trigger Stalk to submerge SCP-106 in the ground, allowing him to move undetected at high speeds. While Stalk is active, SCP-106 is imperceptible, moves silently, and is ignored by Tesla gates. Trigger the ability again for SCP-106 to re-emerge.

Stalk is fueled by Vigor. SCP-106 starts the game with a full bar of Vigor. While Stalk is active, Vigor is drained. If Vigor runs out, SCP-106 is forced to re-emerge where he stands. A minimum amount of Vigor is required to activate Stalk.

When in Stalk, SCP-106 can only see humans who are injured. As a human becomes increasingly injured, SCP-106 can see them from further away.

SCP-106 passively regenerates Hume Shield when in Stalk.

And so from the darkness came a man, bringing forth the abyss that swallowed him before…

[LMB] - Capture

When not in Stalk, press the Attack button to attempt Capture on a human. Humans captured by SCP-106 are sent to the Pocket Dimension and are inflicted with the Traumatized status effect.

…Pain and terror were made known to his victims. For those were the only things he himself knew…

[TAB] - Hunter's Atlas

Press the Tab button to open up the Hunter’s Atlas: a small map displaying all rooms within a large radius of SCP-106. Clicking on any of the rooms will cause SCP-106 to immediately teleport to them, at the cost of Vigor.

…The old man felt a sense of nostalgia, as he wandered around the many halls, reminding him of a place he once knew…
SCP Anomalies - SCP-173
I'm actually allergic to nuts.

A mere concrete sculpture upon first glance; an art piece to be seen and admired.

On second glance, you’ll notice it’s somehow closer, as if yearning for attention.

There is no third glance. You’re dead by then.

SCP-173 wasn’t the most peculiar anomaly in our containment. A sculpture capable of moving at high speeds when unseen. It attacks by breaking its victim’s neck.

After its ‘mutation’, for lack of a better term, research and testing have resumed.

Did the mutation make it our most peculiar anomaly?
No, I doubt it did.

-Dr. Simon Wolffe, SCP-173 Research Supervisor, Site-02


[LMB] - Snap

While unobserved, press the Attack button to perform Snap on a human, killing them immediately.

SCP-173 has been seen attacking subjects from behind. It attacks by snapping the neck at the base of the skull.
The attack is carried out at a high speed, resulting in a severe and unnatural rotation of the spine; this is a minimum of 180 degrees.

[RMB] - Blink

Trigger Blink to catch your observers by surprise and rapidly attack the closest player. Press and hold Blink to have a marker of SCP-173 appear where you are facing. After releasing Blink, SCP-173 will rapidly move towards the marker’s last location, killing the nearest human in range.

SCP-173 has been observed to attack subjects as far as 15 meters away in the span of a second.

[Shift] - Breakneck Speeds

Activate Breakneck Speeds to greatly increase your movement speed; however, for as long as it is active, you will not be able to attack (though Tantrum may still be used). If a human observes you while Breakneck Speeds is active, you will lose your speed bonus rapidly. Alternatively, you can cancel Breakneck Speeds at any time by pressing the shift key.

After being transferred to Site-02, SCP-173 seems to have gained a new behavior. When unobserved, SCP-173 has been heard scraping and moving much faster than usual…

…Interestingly, this has shown to negate its lethality.

[F] - Tantrum

Activate Tantrum and cause SCP-173 to excrete a pool of filth on the ground. Humans caught in the pool will be unable to sprint, and gain the Stained status effect, which lasts for a short duration after the player leaves the pool. If SCP-173 kills someone while the player is under the effect, SCP-173 will instantly gain back a portion of its Hume Shield.

SCP-173 can only create a limited number of pools at a time. Creating more will result in the oldest dissipating.

SCP-173 has been known to cover its containment chamber in a caustic, sticky substance made of several distinct bodily fluids and [REDACTED].

The material has an orange, reddish colouration. Bubbles can be seen on the surface due to the presence of bodily fluids.

SCP Anomalies - SCP-939

The sound of laughter and idle chatter echoes through the hallways. An eerie silence follows. Your instincts scream at you to turn away, to ignore the familiar voices, to run in the opposite direction.

A sense of unease comes over you as the voices fade into the distance.

But mankind has been known for their limitless curiosity... and the consequences that follow.

They’re terrifying. Sometimes I stay up at night, asking myself if I made the right choice. Questioning my decision to listen to my instincts and to abandon them. Constantly wondering if the voices I heard were genuine chatter amongst the staff or just another imitation from that damn thing.

I can still hear the cries, the shrieks of terror that followed in the distance. I didn’t know; no one did. It wasn’t my fault! How was I supposed to know? You would have done the same thing!

-Dr. Jonathan Essex, Senior Researcher, Site-02


[LMB] - Claw

Press the Attack button and SCP-939 will swing her arm in a wide arc, damaging any players in close proximity. Claw has armor penetration, meaning armored targets will take less damage compared to those who are unprotected.

Claws as sharp as a sword, teeth longer than daggers. How is it that a human can be turned from harmless to a predator capable of mindless slaughter? This world can be truly terrifying.

[C] - Focus

By holding C, SCP-939 adopts a low-to-the ground pose, allowing them to greatly increase their perception of their surroundings. While focusing, SCP-939 gains the following benefits:

  • * A new ability: ‘Lunge’.
  • * The range of ‘Ultrasensitive’ is greatly increased over several seconds.
  • * Humans visible under the effects of ‘Ultrasensitive’ are recoloured to their class color, e.g.: Class-D will be perceived as orange.
  • * Players under the effects of SCP-268 will become visible.

Focus has several drawbacks. SCP-939 can only partially rotate its head and cannot move for several seconds after Focus is deactivated.

Behavioral studies of SCP-939 instances have shown the object to be capable of limitless patience during a hunt.

[Passive] - Ultrasensitive

SCP-939’s eyesight is extremely limited, but they are extremely sensitive to sound. SCP-939 can see the world normally at an extremely short distance. Outside of this area, humans cannot be seen by eyesight. They can only be detected and tracked through SCP-939’s perception of sound. If anyone triggers this sense, a particle will appear at the trigger’s location. Each sound has an individual audible range, with generated particles becoming more faint as they reach the maximum distance.

Differing sounds have various ranges. For example, a gunshot can be heard from many rooms away while walking cannot be heard from very far.

We’ve finally found a weakness we can easily exploit with this creature. A weapon, originally designed to blind humans, the ‘flashbang’, has been shown to be even more effective against SCP-939. I imagine that our task force teams will be grateful for this discovery if she ever got out.

[F] - Amnestic Cloud

SCP-939 can hold or press the F key to unleash a cloud of invisible amnestic gas (holding the key increases the radius). This gas causes human players to lose their perception of SCP-939 and will no longer be able to see it. Humans will be blind to SCP-939’s whereabouts unless:

  • * SCP-939 attacks them in any way (all players under the effect).
  • * SCP-939 physically touches them (individual).
  • * SCP-939 is shot by a human (individual).
  • * A human leaves the cloud’s radius for several seconds (individual).

Players under the effect of Amnesia also cannot reload or heal (but may use keycards).

When I was first assigned to SCP-939, there was a gas leak in the extraction pipe for its amnestic gas. The terror I felt was unimaginable. I lost where I was, I couldn't act, and, worst of all… I had no idea where she’d gone..

[Shift] - Sprint

SCP-939 is able to sprint extremely fast for a short duration, allowing them to cover great distances and catch their prey. However, SCP-939 may only sprint for a short time, as indicated by a stamina bar. For every second SCP-939 was sprinting, their Ultrasensitive range will be reduced.

I was assigned to monitor security cameras during SCP-939’s first breach attempt at Site-02. I remember, in vivid detail, watching the researchers desperately attempt to run away. Not one of them made it to the hallway before it had caught them. All of them having their cranium forcibly destroyed. The screaming still haunts me.

[C+ Space or LMB] - Lunge

SCP-939 can pounce on their prey, ambushing and killing them. To initiate a lunge, SCP-939 must focus for a short duration. The ferocity of a lunge will kill any player it hits. Additionally, humans near the impact point will take considerable damage.
SCP-939 takes several seconds to recover from a lunge.

The subject’s anomalous nature and method of reproduction does not distinguish it from other carnivores. The fact remains… She is the hunter and you are her prey.

[TAB] - With Many Voices / Mimicry

When killing a player, you might steal their voice. Open the TAB menu to use their last words.
SCP-939 may press TAB to open a radial dial that presents the player with several mimicry options. These options allow the player to trick humans into believing a particular situation is occurring. Each sound effect has its own cooldown.

"In Ancient Aethiopia there was an animal they called the Crocottas or "dog- wolf". It is said to mimic the human voice; calling their prey and devouring them. It was faster and stronger than anything commonly known today. I wonder... Has this object really been around for that long?"

Anomalous Items - SCP Items - Part 1

It’s an average, red bouncy ball; that’s what you thought at first glance. You soon come to realize that this ball has the ability to bounce with great height and velocity. And it doesn’t stop there… with every bounce its speed increases… no… doubles.

This is no longer the innocent-looking toy you first thought it was. Now it is a deadly projectile traveling at incredible speeds straight towards you.

It is not every day that you see an SCP object break the laws of thermodynamics. It’s probably the most unpopular law to flout. Most SCP objects break other laws of physics… or just laws in general, I suppose.

Personally, I don’t agree with its current containment procedures. It’s locked in one of our No. 7-type Bulletproof lockers… one slight shake and that thing starts rolling around and bouncing.

-Dr. Alyssa Warwick, Senior Researcher, Site-02


It's just a bottle of Cola”, you told yourself as you drank it.

Your first mistake was thinking they'd bring you into a fortified room just to drink Cola. The second was chugging the entire bottle without asking any questions.

Now they're testing your endurance, and you don't even notice that you're still running the track after two hours.

"Perhaps a more unique feature of this SCP is how innocent it appears. A mere bottle of Cola. What’s the worst that could happen?

The Class-D we tested on soon found out. They were bouncing off the walls like they never had caffeine a day in their lives. I’m not the type of person to find humor in such situations, but even I have to admit that it was quite comical...

What was less comical, was seeing them lined up in the on-site morgue due to heart failure a few days later.

-Dr. Alexa Ambrose, Medical Supervisor, Site-02

SCP-244-A & SCP-244-B

A pair of earthenware jars of Tunisian origin; skillfully handcrafted by masters of pottery. The motifs that cover them are imbued with generations of rich culture. The warmth of that far land almost reaches out to you.

Yet, it feels cold here.

"We found a second one last week, no clue what it was doing at an Insurgency base. Site command has ordered that it be contained separately from the other instance. Lord knows why. I also don’t know why we still use D-Class to carry them, it’s only a matter of time before someone drops the thing.

-Dr. Peter Stoner, Junior Researcher, Site-02


The fate of an inanimate object is not one any individual is likely to consider but one could feel just a twinge of sympathy for this hat. You see, as far as this hat’s fate goes, it is rather unfortunate. No one will ever see it adorning someone’s head and the wearer will be ignored by those around them. In every regard, if this hat held any sentience, its fate would be tragic.

"I simply cannot stress this enough, SCP-268's threat to security should not be underestimated. This is not simply a hat that makes you "invisible". In-fact, it causes no such effect. SCP-268 is an anti-meme, and an object of extreme interest to the Serpent's Hand. If that means anything to you, then you'll lock this up in the most secure facility you have and never take it out."

-Agent Kane Drake, Security Chief of Site-██


Take one, for a treat.

Dare for two, oh so sweet!

Risk not three, God forbid

Or of your hands, you will be rid.

"I was there when SCP-330 was first brought into Site-11. I was assigned as the Assistant Supervisor for its program. Somehow, I kept that position, even after all the relocations and crises, and eventually made my way up here.

I’ve never been able to imagine what happened to those kids on that Halloween Eve.
And I’ve always wondered where their hands disappeared to.

-Dr. Gerard Andrews, SCP-330 Research Supervisor, Site-02


A pill to ease all your troubles and pain. Let the plague die away now. Death’s kiss rolling off your lips; your suffering but a dream. Rest now, for the blessing of Panacea is upon you.

"I'm excited to hear that more attention is being placed on SCP-500. Though, it might put me on a run for my money. All jokes aside, I’m always glad to hear when something other than death might come out of this place."

-Dr. Alexa Ambrose, Medical Supervisor, Site-02


It’s your birthday! Another year has come and gone. With each celebration, you become increasingly aware of the passing of time. Though you were once young and sprightly, your golden years are far behind you.
As your family sits around you, smiling, you prepare to blow out the candles and make a wish. You wish, for just a day, to get a taste of the youth you once took for granted, to revel in the freedom of being young.
You blow out the candles.
Your wish has come true.

I enjoy working with SCP-559. A lot of the work we do down here can really do a number on your psyche. The lifeless corridors, the looming threat of a containment breach; it all makes it really hard to have peace of mind.

But, man, whenever I get to experiment with SCP-559, I always make sure to include just a handful of candles. Seeing those grizzled Class-D turn into kids, innocent and hopeful, reminds me what I’m fighting for. It reminds me that my work is important.

It reminds me that there’s good in the world that’s worth protecting.

-Dr. Bellita Litfire, Junior Researcher, Site-02


The sound of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of gears turning could be heard from the anomalous contraption. Whatever you placed in its input, you know for sure will not be the same once those metal doors slide open. Ten seconds is all you need. You’re forced to wonder how the machine works.

Seven seconds. Is it sentient? How does it determine an object’s transfiguration?
Four seconds. How did they even transport this thing on-site?
One second. You realize, none of that really matters now.

The doors slide open.

"After the disaster at Site-19, SCP-914, alongside many other SCPs, were transferred from whatever remained of Facility 23, to Site-02’s Research and Development Subsector. Field agents reported that all of SCP-914’s past experiment archives were missing when they arrived on-site.

Dr. Hugill has dictated that testing and research on SCP-914 is to continue. My opinion is that we have much more pressing matters to worry about.

-Mikel Kimber, Chief Engineer, Site-02

Anomalous Items - SCP items - Part 2

The life of a piñata is a sad one. An item lovingly crafted, with the sole purpose of being destroyed later. To be ripped apart by children with no appreciation for art, with no understanding of sacrifice.

Perhaps some payback was long overdue.

In all of my years of working for the Foundation, I have never seen such an incompetent decision made. Who authorized this? You were all well aware that we were currently experimenting with SCP-559. That means children on-site. And yet, you have brought in an anomaly with no other function than to maim and disfigure children.

Was there Insurgency interference? Does somebody have a sick sense of humor? I will ensure someone is reprimanded for this.

-Dr. Haref Portmuck, Senior Researcher, Site-02

Yes 956 had a chance to spawn as a capybara.


Your mind is filled with the effigies of those long since passed. Your nose begins to run, leaking bloody gray drippings.

As your mind leaves your body, you forget who you are. Lost memories are replaced with asking yourself and those you love the same questions: ‘Where are you?’, ‘What were you doing?’, ‘Who’s that behind you? In the end, all you could accomplish was collecting several glasses of water you could not remember.

Once again, you ask the spirits if they ever loved you at all.

We tested SCP-1576 again for the first time in a while. The anomaly wasn’t really presenting much in the way of new research. Then we noticed that its side effects were starting to take hold quicker. D-02295 was just asking for a sandwich over and over, for about a minute before finally losing consciousness. So, we brought it to Site-02 to figure out why it changed. Juries still out on that one doc.

-Dr. Wutze Appinen, Junior Researcher, Site-02


Anabolic-steroid use is not uncommon in athletic competitions. What is uncommon, however, is their use in competitive chess tournaments or collectible trading card games. Yet here we are.

The perfect superhero drug for all competitive needs, that’s what Prometheus Labs sought to create. They succeeded; It worked…Perhaps a little too well.

"Dr. Wesson was found in the site’s cafeteria trying to eat four foot-longs as fast as possible. Naturally, he was being cheered on by the rest of the staff. This may seem like normal workplace fun and games, until you find out that Dr. Wesson has been doing extensive testing with samples of SCP-1853. We may need to conduct some tests on him to make sure he hasn’t come into contact with it at any point."

-Dr. Alexa Ambrose, Medical Supervisor, Site-02


The unknown is feared by humanity.

Although, the same cannot be said about the Factory. No one knows the unknown more than those who mass-produce it on assembly lines, those who profit off of them, or the corporate executive who decided that it was a good idea to put a ghost inside a fluorescent lightbulb.

"Hi, Mark here with Ghostlight! The super-cheap and long-lasting light bulb. Ghostlight is no ordinary light bulb; its internal mechanisms only require a single non-toxic substance! No arsenic! No lead! No mercury! And best of all, its selling price is positively ethereal! Nothing beats the longevity of Ghostlight! Not even LED! Buy them once, and never worry about them dying out! Because they’re already dead!"

-Mark Edding, Source: Seized Television Infomercial


The season of giving is upon the Foundation. Yet, there’s very little festivities to be found. Indeed, it seems the Foundation is dearly lacking in holiday spirit. Perhaps all it takes is the right gift…

…and the right anomaly to give it.

I think it’s a shame how we treat SCP-2536. Think about it, when this anomaly first appeared, it was nothing but helpful, thoughtful even! It’d appear to researchers and agents and provide them with anything they’d want or need; it was wonderful! I think I even saw some damn smiles around this place!

Then the new containment procedures were rolled out, saying we couldn’t accept gifts from it anymore, that we had to go inform our supervisor if we ever saw it. You know what it did? It started seeking other Foundation staff, ones who’d be more grateful. Now it gives dangerous weapons to Class-D and who-knows what to ███████████ █████████! Let’s be honest, we have no real way to stop it.

This thing was entirely benign, an absolute non-problem, until you guys decided to deny it of its main purpose! It’s the season of giving, for Pete’s sake! Let the thing give!

Some Christmas spirit would do you guys good, I’ll be clocking out early tonight.

-Dr. Peter Stoner, Junior Researcher, Site-02

Weaponry - Foundation Firearms

An unassuming 9mm pistol. It’s compact, reliable, and low-capacity. Not a bad gun, but it doesn’t stack up to other foundation equipment.

As you stare down its barrel, you wonder why its owner wasn’t more mindful of where they put it…

Don’t even get me started on how hard it was to get permission to carry this thing! The amount of paperwork was absurd. I had to get at least three written letters from my colleagues that said I was of “good character”, as if I was planning a mass-shooting in a facility with armed guards everywhere. Then I had to go through some “Breach Response Training Course” to prove I knew how to use the thing.

Even after I got approval to bring it into the facility, and registered it with the workstation database, they still won’t let me carry it concealed. It always has to be kept in a clearly-visible holster. I’m just parading the thing around for all the Class-D to see. If one of them ends up grabbing it and holding me hostage, or just killing me, I wouldn’t be surprised.

The idea of me needing to defend myself is such a wild concept to whoever runs this place. I’m starting to wonder if going through the approval process was even worth it.

I’m telling you, if they don’t give me permission to carry it concealed soon, it is bound to be misused.

-Dr. David Bonardi, Junior Researcher, Site-02


A tactical 9mm pistol. High-capacity and lightweight; these were once the standard issue sidearm for Site-02’s on-site security. Though largely replaced by the FSP-9, some guards still covet the days when their firearm was a few pounds lighter.

Frankly, I think it’s a shame we did away with the COM-18 so quickly. The automatic weapons are nice, sure. To take such a large supply of pistols and relegate them to storage, when there was nothing wrong with them, feels so wasteful. We ought to use them for something.

-Dr. Gene Hyde, Small Arms Supervisor, Site-02


A compact 9mm personal defense weapon; the standard issue firearm for all Site-02’s on-site security. It is highly versatile, as its grip and collapsing stock allows the weapon to be adapted to any situation.
Though originally designed for its own armor-piercing cartridge, the guns were retrofitted to 9mm to make use of the surplus of ammunition.

Yeah, the new guns are nice. Not quite a sidearm, but compact enough to be holstered. The recoil is controllable, and having a new gun that lets us use our existing ammo supply is a nice touch.
I just think it’s a bit much, y’know? I mean, I get that security is being upped and all, but do we really need 30 rounds of 9mm to stop a few rowdy Class-D? Those guys are the main reason we’re armed… right? It's almost as if they plan on giving us more responsibilities.

-Agent Barry Clark, Senior Security Guard, Site-02


A 9mm, submachine gun, popular with several Foundation task forces. It has an integral recoil-reduction system and high fire rate. Few firearms in Foundation possession boast such widespread adoption.
A Mobile Task Force (MTF) operative will often not know the extent of a threat once they’re deployed. 40 rounds should be more than enough for any number of combat scenarios an MTF might enter. At least, that's what they are told.

"Early field testing with the Crossvec showed extreme promise. The more field reports I receive, the more confident I am in support of it. There have been a fair few detractors who lament the loss of their previous guns. Some complain about how much polymer is used in its construction. I promise that rigorous testing has been done prior to its approval for Mobile Task Force use. Mark my words, the Crossvec will have an extensive service life in the hands of our Task Forces."

-Chief █████ ██████, Foundation Armament Overseer, Head of the Compact Response Operative Submachine gun Selection program, or C.R.O.S.S.

Facility Recovery Standard Rifle

The standard-issue rifle for Nine-Tailed Fox superiors. Lightweight, soft-shooting, and highly modular; this firearm was tailor-made for the needs of the forces that wield it.

While the comfort factor of the rifle is highly valued, the equipment itself is nothing of particular note. The weapon is manufactured in close proximity to Area-14. Accounts of the weapon being “blessed” are to be disregarded. Operatives naming their gun is strongly discouraged.

The E11-SR works, I’ll give it that. I just think some of these officially accepted attachments are a bit… unnecessary. A 65-round drum? Really?

Regardless, the gun does its job, and pretty well too. I’m just a little confused as to why they’ve brought a few rifles over to Site-02. Surely, they aren’t meant for the security guards; we don’t have clearance to open its locker. With all the new security measures being added to the Site, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was intended for someone else.

-Agent Jeremy Fritz, Security Guard, Site-02

Weaponry - Chaos Insurgency Firearms
.44 Revolver

A specialist Insurgency sidearm, reserved only for their most accurate sharpshooters. A single, well-aimed shot of its .44 magnum cartridge will kill instantly.

Its users are well aware of this fact.

No, I don’t have any clue why the Insurgency would be using revolvers in a modern combat scenario. Why not use something like an autoloader, or maybe something in a more reasonable cartridge? It’s probably a matter of firepower and reliability. What I know, for sure, is they can be a real menace.
They’re usually issued to the same guys running around with shotguns. If an execution goes south, or a few stragglers start running, they don't pursue. They calmly draw their revolver, aim, and kill with a single shot to the head.
It is absolutely terrifying to see how relaxed they are as they do this. I don’t think there’s an ounce of adrenaline in their bodies.

-Dr. Hugo York, Small Arms Researcher & Insurgency Tactics Analyst, Area-14


The Chaos Insurgency’s standard-issue rifle. An automatic weapon chambered in 7.62 x 39. It comes from a long lineage of Russian rifles. The AK has served worldwide for decades.

For the Insurgency, the rifle is only seen in the hands of the Chaos Insurgency’s most elite forces. It seems that the AK’s stellar reputation precedes itself.

The Insurgency seems to have taken their own liberties with the design, but these accessories are just decorations atop the rifle’s rugged Russian core.

The Insurgency’s choices of small arms baffle me. This is best exemplified in their choice of standard rifle. Using an AK-platform rifle isn’t a poor choice by any means. What I find odd, is the furniture attached to the rifles. From what I can tell, the handguard and rail mount are both entirely proprietary. They don’t match any mass-produced aftermarket accessory I know of, implying they were either custom-ordered or made by the Insurgency.
I have no clue how, or why, they have fashioned their rifles this way. Not to mention where they sourced the manufacturing strength needed to produce these accessories. Judging by all the other attachments I find on recovered rifles, it seems they had modularity in mind. Perhaps they were trying to compete with the Foundation’s own E-11 rifle? If that’s the case, I’d say it fell a bit short.

-Dr. Hugo York, Small Arms Researcher & Insurgency Tactics Analyst, Area-14


A powerful light machine gun (LMG), issued in small numbers by the Insurgency. With the remarkable ability to lay down suppressive fire, this 7.62 x 39 LMG can prove a valuable asset to an Insurgency squad.

Evident by how infrequently it’s used, the Insurgency only has a small number of them in their possession.

This remains an assumption.

The Insurgency’s use of LMGs may be infrequent, but it remains fascinating. We only have a few recovered examples. It appears that these LMGs were originally chambered in an entirely different cartridge (most likely 7.62 x 51 NATO) before being retrofitted to 7.62 x 39. The reason behind this is likely for the sake of a shared ammo supply with the Insurgency’s rifles. However, that doesn’t explain why they didn’t just adopt a new LMG for the cartridge.
The fire rate on these things is impressive. I’m just glad I’ve never had to experience it in action. I could only imagine how terrifying it would be hearing its deep gunshots echo through the Facility.

-Dr. Hugo York, Small Arms Researcher & Insurgency Tactics Analyst, Area-14

“Open hearts and minds with it, Johnny.”

A specialist Insurgency shotgun. The weapon is 12-gauge, double-barrelled, and high-capacity. Its users work in a quick, calculated, and efficient manner — they incapacitate, execute, and move on to the next target.

It is often found that Foundation psychologists need to treat even the most experienced guards. It is claimed that sometimes, in some distant hallway, they still hear the weapon being cycled.

It’s not unusual to see shotguns used during indoor combat scenarios, especially where breaching doors may be involved. What is unusual, is the Insurgency’s shotgun of choice. By all accounts, the weapon is unnecessarily heavy, overly-complex, and should be of questionable practicality.
I’ve seen security footage of some of their previous raids. The guns seem to be used to great effect. They’re never issued in large numbers. It seems that the troops using them are trained with a specialized role in mind, complete with a two-shot execution system.
The Insurgency seems unusually well-practiced when it comes to site infiltration. Sites are breached with frightening efficiency. Insurgency squads have several roles, one of which appears to be a “tactical breach specialist”. When it comes to those armed with a shotgun, their job is to take care of any stragglers. After the initial defenses are overwhelmed, “insurgency breachers” will detach from their squads to execute any survivors.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to unsee that footage. To see someone’s head blown into meaty chunks with a single shot is a gut-wrenching spectacle.

-Dr. Hugo York, Small Arms Researcher & Insurgency Tactics Analyst, Area-14

Weaponry - Special
Micro H.I.D.

An experimental, high-intensity discharge thrower developed by Site-02’s Advanced Weapons department. Labeled in Foundation registries under Project: Segmentum, the Micro H.I.D serves as a powerful weapon capable of terminating most SCP objects.

I worry about why we are beginning to invest our resources in developing weapons, rather than improved containment methods for anomalies.
“Segmentum” has been responsible for the termination of SCP-████, SCP-████, SCP-███, and SCP-████. Many more that escaped during the “Shattered Crown” scenario have been marked for termination under the E.P.C. I don’t normally question my superiors, but I don’t understand why the Overseers have been more open to approving SCP-termination requests.

-Dr. Katelyn Wright, Head of Project: Segmentum

3-X Particle Disruptor
CLASSIFIED: Awaiting Declassification.

█ ███████ ██████████ ██████, █████ █████████ ██ SCP-████. ███████-███████████ ██ ███ ██████ ██ ████████.
Y’know Doc, I really don’t think we ought to be tinkering with this thing. You’ve seen the recordings and I’ve seen it firsthand. We know what this thing is capable of.
Sure, theoretically it’d be great if we could produce enough to arm all of our guys with ‘em. We could take care of any target with a single, well-placed shot. It’d save ammo costs. It’d save lives.
But Doc, you gotta listen to me here. I don’t think we’re gettin’ the full picture. The way ██████ died on the recordings. It looked like he had just… vanished. One frame he was there and the next he wasn’t. I was there with him, and I’m tellin’ you, that wasn’t what happened.
Just bear with me Doc, I’m really struggling to put this into words. I saw him… fizzle away. Like his body fell apart into the tiniest of pieces, and there was nothing left. No clothes, no hair, no keepsake. I…I think he was too far away from the camera for it to pick anything up. But as he vanished, Doc, he…
I just don’t know what to do. Could we appeal to the Ethics Committee somehow? I just don’t want us to make these things. Don’t want anyone like █████ being shot. Don’t want anyone like me being the shooter.

-[Name and Position Redacted, Excerpt from on-site therapy session.]

3 条留言
czajczaj 2023 年 9 月 10 日 下午 3:11 
0/10 guide, i can't set my scp preferences here
Dock Frankenstein 2023 年 8 月 28 日 下午 11:10 
Thank you, now I know how to play the game
Mingus 2023 年 8 月 28 日 下午 9:41 
939 has a huge ass


