Portal 2

Portal 2

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Calimero's best maps
个人最佳自制图合集 难度从简单到困难不等
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Items (34)
Created by Calimero
A map with no other devices than two moving platforms. Can you figure it out? As usual, quick(hard) executions, cube throwing, off-centered portals, sneaky angles and glitches are not intended. Difficulty: (3-4)/10 Any feedback is appreciated. ...
Created by Calimero
Another version of Alter. Check the previous one here→ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2942653891 In fact,this map is based on @BEN 77's Transition 2(second half).No wacky moves,only pure logic of gel,rather different from the former...
Advance 03
Created by Calimero
This “Advance” series is a brand new start for me.I have always wanted to produce a series of tests that are only a bit harder than the original state. And here it comes——though as usual,my chambers will always contain some strange things...maybe.But the c...
Advance 05
Created by Calimero
Please!!! read the warning below!!! This “Advance” series is a brand new start for me.I have always wanted to produce a series of tests that are only a bit harder than the original state. And here it comes——though as usual,my chambers will always contain s...
Cube Projector
Created by Calimero
Again, another new creation which may be somewhat abstract—— a cube can actually stay still on an aerial faith plate. How could it be? You'll learn everything in this mechanic-oriented chamber. Welcome to the magical “Cube Projector”. Signages are carefull...
Curtain Call
Created by Calimero
An entry to “彼岸双生” mapping competition held by Shiyun. This work is the full version. As the cover shows, the scene behind the glass grating is like a performance stage. The players are both the audience and the performers, they need to activate the exit b...
Created by Calimero
Chinese traditional new year's first chamber. Wish everyone good luck! Difficulty:(2.5-3)/10...
Heart Afire
Created by Calimero
Please read the description before playing! This is a chamber with two stages, stage one is to press the exit pedestal button, stage two is to reach the exit. As the chamber imitates the effect of hammer work, there are some changes in surroundings between...
Created by Calimero
My first Beemod chamber. Contains some unique thinking. Difficulty estimated:(4-6)/10...
Odyssey.Part 1
Created by Calimero
Difficulty:Easy Note:Cube suspension is NOT intended....
Pneumatic Vent
Created by Calimero
Here comes the last piece of tutorial series——the pneumatic diversity vent. Apart from puzzle designing, the chamber is actually based more on scene setting, like shaking effect, living panel, dilapidated gel pipes, screen monitor and Wheatley core, to imi...
Prison Break
Created by Calimero
Prison Break,also named Breakout,serves as the last piece of Advance series——Advance 06. This version alters the cube-dropping feature and some decorating details,which can ensure a more thorough exploitation and better hints with signage.All these changes...
Created by Calimero
A roughly symmetrical chamber of some basic logic and some unique maneuvers. Difficulty:(3-4)/10 Tips:Cube throwing and cube suspension are not intended. ...
Created by Calimero
Here's a new creative chamber with a simple layout. Can you find out the logic behind the creation? Main element:Moving platforms. Note: 1.Cube throwing and edge portalling are not intended. 2.Some special techniques are needed. 3.The respawn button on the...
Created by Calimero
A really challenging puzzle... for me to build up, of course. Just joking, this is a tutorial chamber for beginners (maybe non-beginners) to learn how to play with the sandificator, with only 2 portal surfaces in each independent level. I'm pretty sure tha...
Created by Calimero
Welcome, test subjects! Here I'm back, with a marvelous remake of my former map “Trespass”——Sniper. The intention of remake actually struck me long ago, for the poorly designed layout and visuals. However, at that time it is far beyond my reach, so remnant...
Created by Calimero
A fixed version of my map Twilight.However,the puzzle may be a little redundant due to the reset button... Difficulty estimated:(4-6)/10 Tips:Cube throwing,tight angles,glitches and ninja moves are not intended....
Created by Calimero
This is a chamber of gels in underground scenes.You need to solve two little puzzles to get to the exit.Wish you good luck! Difficulty estimated:(4-5.5)/10 Tips:Throwing cubes,glitches and tight jumping are not intended. ...
Created by Calimero
A chamber with merely a funnel and a cube. Difficulty:(3-4.5)/10 Tip:You can move a little upward in the funnel to interact with the button.Remember to use save at some times. Edge portals,glitches and throwing cubes are not intended....
Created by Calimero
一笺风月,一瓣思忆,一缕情殇,一盏离愁,和一壶漂泊。 风尘苦旅,半生远行。兜兜转转,最终又回到匆匆那年,韶华时的梦,带不走的夏,记忆里的城,忘不掉的人... 明月为题,晚星作序,楼高独倚,谁能伴我狂歌痛饮,再铸剑胆琴心。 主要元素:引力波,光桥 注释:扔方块,极限角度,快速操作,破坏传送门,速通技巧和故障特性不是正解 难度预估:1/10 背景音乐:Interfacing by Harry Callaghan 远行 means Excursion. Main elements: Funnel, lightbr...
Created by Calimero
“太危险 再蔓延 循着你画的线” 我的第一个传送激光图,希望大家喜欢。 主要元素:激光,传送激光 注释:扔方块和故障特性不是正解 预估难度:(1.5-2)/10 It‘s too dangerous,if to follow your extending line. My first sandificator puzzle,hope you enjoy it. Main elements:Laser,Sandificator Note:Cube throwing and glitches are not i...
Created by Calimero
看似若即若离 触手可及 实则咫尺天涯 渺远无期 灯敛重楼寂 烛央泪暗滴 待花开 再梦忆 情深缘浅不由己 主要元素:推力凝胶 注释:扔方块,高难度操作,速通技巧和故障特性等不是正解 难度预估:2/10 背景音乐:Long Way Down by Harry Callaghan 暧昧 means Dim Intimacy. Main elements: Propulsion gel Note: Cube throwing, hard executions, speedrun skills and glitche...
Created by Calimero
由接收器控制的方块掉落为非门逻辑,当接收器未检测到激光时,方块才会掉落 The cube dropper controlled by the receiver is a NOT gate logic, which means only when the receiver is deactivated will the cube drop 不知过了多久,船,轻轻地开了。我却不敢回头再看,生怕你的一丝伤神,一丝落寞,让习惯于依赖的我不忍离去,行出一段距离,我才鼓足勇气转过身来,向岸边远远地凝望。 然而,迷雾早已...
Created by Calimero
若对本关感到疑惑可查看提示 You can check the tip if got stuck 含羞半敛眉,明珠双泪垂。不知魂已断,空有梦相随。 本关是一次“单元素”谜题的小尝试,玩法偏向创新。 主要元素:光桥 注释: 1.扔方块,故障特性,(偶发地)破坏传送门磁铁(导致玩家能从光桥和玻璃间的缝隙通过),极限角度和快速/高难度操作不是正解 2.需要执行特殊步骤。建议使用保存 3.标有救生圈标志的返还通道不是正解 4.斥力凝胶是为了防止用不稳定态堆叠方块时,底层方块重生导致上层方块倾倒 难度预估:3/10 ...
Created by Calimero
我的第一张以中文名字为标题的图。 遗恨幽幽锁重楼,心绪成结何时休。 主要元素:激光,有角翻转面板 注释:扔方块,斜角激光,故障特性,“忍者飞跃”和“光速”操作并非正解。 预估难度:(5-6)/10 My first Chinese-titled chamber. 心锁 means Heartlock. Quiet regret is locked in numerous mansions,mood forms a knot which can’t be known when to unravel. Main...
Created by Calimero
溯洄从之 道阻且长 改编自一张没人玩的老图(哭) 主要元素:凝胶,引力波 注释: 1. 扔方块,曲线运动形式,破坏传送门吸附,速通技巧,极限角度和故障特性不是正解 2. 需要执行特殊步骤,建议使用保存 难度预估:6/10 背景音乐:Track 04 by Mikeastro 也安利一下另一张老图Underpass→ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2932820331 (My old gel map with two creati...
Created by Calimero
Special thanks to HXP233 for his playthrough, which makes it a more decent and logical chamber! 特别鸣谢HXP233大佬, 他的解法让我将这个关卡变得更加完美 朝暮与年岁并往 我们曾许 一同行至天光 而如今灯敛 人散 结局黯淡 意兴阑珊 于是我沉浸在往昔仲夏夜的繁梦 任牵绊成为灵魂的牢笼 但有些时候 只有舍弃心中的枷锁 才能更好的前行 在思绪的幻境救赎自己 让过往和现实疏离 回忆才能真正成全你 混沌如迷雾的前路才...
Created by Calimero
Please read the description below! 请在游玩前仔细阅读以下说明 深陷于思维定式的轮回,在无尽的循环中朝圣死亡... 该实验室为无门图,你既不能使用传送枪,又不能激活任何传送门。 其中包含两个高度相似的小关,但它们的解法完全不同。 第一小关中激活方块的接收器存在4秒延迟,第二小关包含特殊玩法,建议使用保存。 扔方块,快速操作,极限角度,速通技巧和故障特性不是正解。 主要元素:激光,光桥,激光传送器等 难度预估: 第一小关6.5/10 第二小关6/10 背景音乐:Interfa...
Created by Calimero
发生在凌云之前的故事... 主要元素:激光,引力波 注释:扔方块和故障特性不是正解 难度预估:(3.5-4)/10 It‘s the story before soar- aloft... Main elements:Laser,tractor beam Note:Cube throwing and glitches are not intended. Difficulty estimated:(3.5-4)/10...
Created by Calimero
The sequel of 凌云(Soar-aloft). Main elements:Laser,light bridge Note: 1.Cube throwing,angled lasers and tight jumps are not intended. 2.The 4 devices to activate the chamberlock are in a row with 4 signages. Estimated difficulty:(6-7)/10 ...
Created by Calimero
“同赴无光之愿,共栖醉梦之渊” 主要元素:激光 注释:扔方块,移动瞄准,斜角激光和快速操作不是正解 难度预估:(6-7)/10 坠梦渊 means Fantasy-submerged. “Together for the lightless dream,submerged in abyss of fantasy.” Main elements:Laser Note:Cube throwing,move-aiming,angled-laser and quick execution are not inten...
Created by Calimero
“虚妄的乐园贩卖梦境 收容暗夜孤独的魂灵” 主要元素:激光 光桥 引力波 注释:故障特性,扔方块,忍者跳跃,严苛的时机把握等不是正解 难度预估:(5-6)/10 失乐园 means Euphoria. Garden of insanity sells dreams,offering for nocturnals to live in. Main elements:Laser,light bridge,tractor beam Note:Glitches,cube throwing,ninja moves a...
Created by Calimero
请务必在游玩前阅读简介! Please read the descriptions before playtesting! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “在忘却中蹀躞循迹 找寻记忆深处的往昔” 各位测试者们,欢迎来到失忆症—— 这是前作“失乐园”的加强版,删除了最后的创新部分,大幅增加了逻辑难度、创新难度和道具数量。 另外,由于本作标志略多,可能会影响游戏体验,在此致歉。 主要元...
Created by Calimero
“盛夏光年 热爱可抵岁月漫长” 一张整活要素较多的地图——先你一步到达按钮上的方块,没有任何连接的元件(在地图的一层就会发现是什么),连在一起的光桥和楼梯,和许多看似不可能完成的任务...你是否会因为这诸多的矛盾和死循环而感到困惑迷失? 主要元素:激光,光桥,光圈 注释: 1.扔方块,挤门bug,牵引光束bug,忍者飞跃等不是正解 2.需要利用某些道具的特性,比如方块掉落器 3.有些步骤不稳定,建议经常保存 4.注意利用道具观察环境 难度预估:(7-8)/10 无尽夏 means Endless summe...