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Trajann's Khorgoth the Unleashed
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Aug 14, 2023 @ 3:16am
May 15 @ 2:36pm
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Trajann's Khorgoth the Unleashed

Note: This mod is included in my Khorne Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one.

And we're back to Khorne! This is an idea I've been playing around with for a while. This mod adds a new legendary hero to Skarbrand, Taurox, Valkia, the Undivided Lords and the Daemon Prince. As well as a regiment of renown and khornataur variant.

Khorgoth is what happens when you shove a fire daemon into an angry minotaur. His mind is completely gone, and he now exists as a vessel of unfathomable rage. He replaced most of his body with machinery in order to amply his new power, and become the ultimate weapon of violence. Think of him kind of like Khorne's version of Ghoritch, a half machine/half monster berserker that wants to kill you in the most extreme ways. Khorgoth is a pure melee powerhouse, which I'm sure is a total shocker coming from Khorne. He has attributes of a K'daai, as well as access to their powerful abilities. He can also buff minotaurs to make them true rage machines. Khorgoth also has access to powerful unique abilities, such as removing magical attacks in an aura, and a map-wide enemy debuff. He has no command abilities, and is meant to be charged into an enemy and shred them to pieces, with little regard for strategy. Like all my characters, he comes with a skill dump (Khorne's Influence) as well as a capstone skill unlocked at level 50.

When it comes to recruiting him, for all but Taurox he is added to the exalted hero pool. For Taurox he is added to the gorebull pool, however he'll spawn in without a name.

This mod also includes an RoR khornataur unit. They have dazed attacks, are daemonic and have the vicious assault ability. They are unlocked for all mentioned factions at level 28 and benefit from minotaur tech.

Additionally, this mod adds a new khornataur variant for Skarbrand only. I found it odd that Khorne didn't have access to all minotaur variants, so now Skarbrand can recruit khornataurs with shields. They function the exact same as their beastmen variant, but naturally have frenzy and spell resist. Now you can live out your khornataur doomstacks to their fullest potential.

That's the mod! I know at the end of the day this is just another melee character for Khorne, but I absolutely love how Khorgoth turned out. What started out as a simple Khornate doombull quickly became a daemonic Frankenstein. Plus I felt Taurox needed a special minotaur character to follow him into battle. He was a blast to make, and I find his design and gameplay extremely entertaining, though maybe I'm just biased. As always, any issues or feedback you have is greatly appreciated, and I hope you enjoy!

If you would like to support me, you can donate here: . It is by no means required, and even if I never receive a single cent, I will continue to make mods for as long as I have interest. But of course, any donations are greatly appreciated!
Trajann V  [author] Mar 1 @ 4:20pm 
@I is Spring
agent champion traj_khorgoth

There's no immediate plans to add something like that, but it's certainly something I'd eventually like to do!
Xenofang Mar 1 @ 9:07am 
Love the mod & the addition of the Minotaurs of Khorne with shields. Thanks for adding these units and Khorgoth to the Daemon Prince's roster. Would love to have a Khorne version of the Gorebull Hero to lead them. Out of curiosity any plans for that?
I is Spring Mar 1 @ 5:46am 
Hey Trajann can you post the spawn wording from your previous update as i can't find it and spawn him into a non chaos faction before this new recent updates.
Trajann V  [author] Feb 29 @ 2:42am 
My apologies, I could've sworn I fixed that. Should be good now.
Brandor Feb 29 @ 12:46am 
khorgoth goes on his rampage as soon as the match starts. seems any modded unit with rampage does this sice the new update dropped. Glitch on your end or CA's??
Trajann V  [author] Feb 25 @ 6:16pm 
Updated to 4.2, as well as some stat adjustments, and bringing Khorgoth to the undivided lords and Daniel.
Trajann V  [author] Oct 20, 2023 @ 5:07pm 
That's an issue with the vanilla khornataurs as well. Something CA themselves would have to address.
Lokki Oct 16, 2023 @ 3:26am 
the shielded minotaurs lack textures in some variants at the neck area making them see through.
Trajann V  [author] Sep 3, 2023 @ 8:41pm 
Tested it and he can be recruited just fine. You likely have a mod conflict, or you can try resubscribing to this mod.
Arabiata Sep 1, 2023 @ 12:03am 
Skarbrand and Taurox