163 人が評価
Paper Mario Badges
Mod Features: New Content
Mod Side: Both
tModLoader Version: 1.4.4
Language: English
879.444 KB
2023年8月4日 18時12分
2023年10月10日 18時58分
4 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Paper Mario Badges

Paper Mario Badges
-Adds 24 badges from the Paper mario series
-Badges are equipped like accessories but they have their own slots.
-Each badge costs some amount of Badge Points (BP) to equip.
-You start with 3 and gain 3 more after certain bosses are defeated.
-Badges can be obtained as drops, bought from shops, or crafted

-Fixed Power Rush and Mega Rush damage bonuses not actually working

-Added Flower Saver, Mega Rush, Lucky Day, and FP Drain
-Changed Power Rush activation to below 25% HP from 10%
-Fixed Refund working on placeable items

-Added HP Plus, FP Plus, HP Drain, and Power Rush
-Fixed Happy Flower healing every 5 seconds instead of 30
-Fixed quick equip only ever swapping the first badge which could also let you equip a badge with more BP than you had
-Updated workshop icon
tModLoader の投稿を引用:
Developed By Fargowilta
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2023年10月4日 10時42分
bp discrepancy
93 件のコメント
thewildpikmin 22 時間前 
Second, the badge slots overlap with other UI elements, namely the NPC list and the extra accessory slots provided by the demon heart, as well as wing slots, which are commonly used. Allowing players to move the UI elements would make the mod so much better and more accessible.
Something else that's not really a flaw, but just a nitpick. I think the badge icons should be smaller, to match the art style of terraria. As it stands, I personally see them as slightly too high fidelity, too many pixels, and it makes it clear that they're not from Terraria. They stand out a lot.
Again, I adore this mod, it's a really interesting way of adding more progression based items, and I still enjoy it despite its flaws, but I think that these are things that should really be fixed.
thewildpikmin 22 時間前 
I adore this mod, but it has some incredibly glaring flaws.
Firstly, HP drain is broken beyond belief. 20% damage reduction in combination with Flower Drain's 20% for 40% damage reduction is incredibly strong, but that's not the main issue. The real issue is that 10% lifesteal.
It doesn't have a cooldown, and it activates on every hit. Using it, you can face tank almost every boss in the latter half of hardmode when it becomes available. It's even worse in calamity, when you can face tank post moon lord bosses, like Polterghast, which is normally one of my favorite bosses to fight in Calamity. It just makes the entire game piss easy. If I had a suggestion for how to nerf it, I would reduce it to 5% lifesteal and give it a cooldown of half a second at the bare minimum.
Waddle 5月23日 16時28分 
Could we get the drop chances for all the badges?
Beanie Boobies 3月8日 7時14分 
After some experimentation (although this could just be because im playing with calamity and stars above) I think HP Drain needs to be nerfed. I imagine it's fine vanilla but 10% lifesteal gets fucking busted during the latter half of calamity no matter how hard you cut your damage output.
MrChaoticNoob 1月20日 19時01分 
Badge obtain methods

Bump Attack - buy from Zoologist with 20% bestiary completed
Happy Flower - dropped from Angry Dandelion
Happy Heart - dropped by the Nurse
First Attack - dropped from Hornets
All or Nothing - dropped by Black Recluse
Feeling Fine - sold by Witch Doctor
Double Pain - crafted at Demon Altar with a Dirt Block
Close Call - dropped from Zombies

Flower Finder - crafted from Mana Crystals
Heart Finder - crafted from Life Crystals
Return Podtsge - dropped by Betsy
Refund - sold by Merchant during Blood Moon
Power Plus - crafted from all 3 Avenger Emblem crafts
Defend Plus - dropped by Ice Golem
P-Up D-Down - dropped by Hoplites
P-Down D-Up - dropped by Granite Golem

HP Drain - dropped by Vampires
HP Plus - dropped by Golem
FP Plus - sold by Wizard
Power Rush - dropped by EoC

Flower Saver - dropped by Dark Caster
Mega Rush - dropped by Skeletron
FP Drain - dropped by Dark Mage
Lucky Day - dropped by EoL
ERROR2401 2023年12月30日 18時34分 
I can't seem to get the Pretty Lucky and Close Call badges' dodge chances to activate, but I wonder if I just didn't notice the dodges as they didn't seem to have the blinking frames or any sound if they were present
Fargowilta  [作成者] 2023年12月12日 10時49分 
Thats a good idea, I'll see if I can find it
BanaDroxx 2023年12月6日 17時42分 
Can you add the Lucky Day sfx when you succsessfully dodge using the Lucky Day badge? I still miss it from the 1.3.5 mod :,) :foxhime_mori1:
Fargowilta  [作成者] 2023年11月18日 16時09分 
true ok I will add a config for the ui location next updte
Czaele 2023年11月18日 14時13分 
@Cryptid Anomaly
Go scroll down, it's mentioned a couple times.