Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

171 ratings
Trip 'n' Fall
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Aug 2, 2023 @ 10:32am
Dec 1, 2023 @ 12:44am
7 Change Notes ( view )

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Trip 'n' Fall

Adds a chance for the player to trip over the zombies on the ground and fall down.
It does not affect the zombies.
It has sandbox options to adjust the trip chance.

This mod will change how you play!
With each kill, you will be creating environmental hazards for yourself.
(hmm... environmental hazards could be a good mod idea)

You'll have to be mindful of where you step and move accordingly.
Or you will trip, fall and hurt yourself.

Only way to make sure you don't trip is to aim walk.
Think of it as searching for a space to place your foot down.
Sneak walking is also currently safe but I might give it a low chance in the future.

I'd like to think that this mod will prove to be a major addition of a new gameplay mechanic.

Why this mod?
One would inevitably trip over while trying to walk over countless flesh and bones.
This should have been in the base game.

How does it work?
If you are moving through a square with zombies on the ground,
you will have a chance to trip over them or get lightly staggered.
Things taken into consideration when deciding whether you should trip or not:
  • Player movement state (walking/(sneak or not)running/sprinting)
  • Zombie on the ground state (alive/dead)
  • Zombie count
  • Player stats (professions/traits/skills/moodles)
  • On stairs or not
If you trip and fall, your hat, glasses and/or the items in your hands might fall to the ground. Also, you might get hurt!

To do
  • Add a dropdown list for baseTripChances
  • Increase chance to trip at night
  • Include shoes in the equation
  • Grant XP for walking over zombies
    (on which condition?)
  • Play "walk in trees" anim when walking over corpses
    (clashes with existing functionality, gotta think about it)

  • There should be no conflicts with anything.
  • Safe to add/remove mid-save.
  • About multiplayer, server config doesn't apply to clients.
    Let me know if you know the fix.
  • Feedback/Suggestions are welcome.

Recommended mods
True Crawl - Adds a prone stance to the game!
                     You can crawl everywhere and shoot while prone.
Check out my other mods

My fourth mod.
Initial release took two days. I had fun writing it but figuring out how to trigger the tripping animation was a chore, as well as adding sandbox options.

Workshop ID: 3013901070
Mod ID: TripAndFall
Popular Discussions View All (1)
Dec 19, 2023 @ 11:51pm
PINNED: Balancing Suggestions
Sceadugengan Apr 14 @ 11:13am 
Would it be possible to add experience gain in the Nimble skill when walking over corpses?
A tiny amount each time when the check runs.
A sizeable amount when the check fails, causing the player to trip.
Nimble takes quite a long time to increase so more training oportunities would be welcome.
BOBcat  [author] Apr 8 @ 12:09pm 
Cryofwar - I have never played multiplayer and have no idea how to fix that. If someone knows, let me know and I'll push a fix.
Cryofwar Apr 5 @ 9:49am 
I noticed a weird bug. The config doesnt actually do anything on the server side. Friends who have installed this mod are still tripping every 5 seconds because their client configs are default. (I have decreased them for my own client and on the server config).
Obviously this can be resolved by giving my friends my client configs, but the servers configs should override theirs by default.
BOBcat  [author] Mar 1 @ 12:19am 
@Segaside - Even though that is not possible, I have tried and couldn't replicate.
The damage and the animation functions reside in the same code block. So if one executes, the other has to do so as well.
Segaside Feb 29 @ 4:48pm 
I've noticed an issue with retesting this mod to disable trip while walking with the -999 recommendation and Murphy lore at 0. Since I don't like the trip chance happening simply by playing the game. However, though this does disable the animation. The damage can still occur as if you were still tripping. Causing out of nowhere cuts for no apparent reason. I hope you look into it. :)
BOBcat  [author] Jan 18 @ 9:05am 
@Novantico - Thank you :)

@worldprop - Thanks. Clothes already have variables that affect movement/combat speeds but since you said climbing, you must be thinking about a mod that's more comprehensive.
It'd be a multifaceted mod. Custom logic, UI integration, support for other mods...
If you're going to attempt it, try to tackle each aspect on their own. Look at existing mods, how they are built, and start with making smaller mods.
Lua is a simple language that wouldn't take long to learn if you dedicate some time.
You can do it! But only get into modding for your love of the game or self-improvement or some other intrinsic motivation, keep your expectations in check.
Novantico Jan 17 @ 1:27am 
Oh wow, thanks for the great suggestions, B O B c a t! I gotta be at least a little bit more on top of my Steam notifications it would appear. Well, it's not much but have a fat Steam award on your mod for the assistance :)
worldprop Jan 16 @ 10:20am 
I have been thinking of something like this but on a clothing basis, perhaps a variable I can add to clothing item scripts that makes that clothing impractical to run / sprint / climb in, i.e. heels or long skirts, flip-flops. Sadly, I don't know how to program, good mod though!
BOBcat  [author] Dec 16, 2023 @ 1:11am 
@Novantico - Check out these mods:
Tripping Zombies
Zombies Trip Over Zombies
Novantico Dec 15, 2023 @ 10:42pm 
Any chance of a variant of this to allow zombies to fall too?