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此mod移植于Total War: WARHAMMER II的 【全派系】地标招募诺斯卡狩猎巨兽(任务巨兽原版) 并且进行了一定幅度的修改和完善: 因为超凡帝国更新了更为完整的城市,为了贴合巨兽活动背景,同时兼顾游戏性,修改了大部分巨兽的招募城市 重绘了巨兽兵牌,使其和普通同类巨兽以及同类精英巨兽相比更有辨识度 诺斯卡派系在Total War: WARHAMMER III游戏中已可占领5级省会城市,已可以正常使用本mod,混沌和野兽人派系目前依然无法使用本mod 自定义战斗添加全新巨兽类别『诺斯卡狩猎巨兽』...
【震旦天朝】更好的敕令 Grand Cathay-Better royal decree
2024.4.12更新 削弱了强度 玉龙敕令:移除减少建筑时间、削弱建筑收入、建筑成本以及发展 飙龙敕令:削弱近战攻防和武器威力、移除远程格挡概率 烛龙敕令:移除全局招募加成 冥龙敕令:削弱港口收入和可贸易资源量 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.22更新 削弱了强度 玉龙敕令:减少所有建筑时间的生效范围由全派系改为所在行省 飙龙敕令:近战攻击8,武器威力10,腐蚀-8,...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行sub:去除单位招募数量限制V1(NO limite for units quota)
Erstellt von 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
取消了与龙同行中所有新填单位的招募数量限制,但并未修改精英招募池的单位缓存数量,这意味着当你招募完精英招募池中现存的单位后,你需要等待他们随着回合变化而缓慢恢复新的招募次数 需要注意,尽管本mod并没有强到变态的程度,但仍然会破坏我游戏的平衡性,因此我并不建议你在首次战役中就使用 当然,如果你想体验横扫千军的快感 用就对了 如果你想使用取消精英单位的容量限制 请选择右侧的V2版本 记得把本mod排在原mod上方哦 ...
Erstellt von To infinity and beyond 汉化说明 汉化合集中的mod按需订阅,不必全部订阅 最近更新内容请查看这里 功能性小型模组汉化列表请查看这里〖 重要!〗 This mod is a Chinese translation compilation of English mods, so non-Chinese users do not need to subscribe 注意事项 Unique Steam Tanks 会将“皇帝盛怒号(蒸汽...
代号GYT-震旦红线&科技调整/GYT's Cathay Technology Adjustments
Erstellt von 代号gyt-B站
2024.2.23更新: 1.【桂阴圣眷】科技现在给大月鸾+10物抗 2.【回春妙手】像老版本一样提供补员加成,但只有5% 2022.5.1更新: 【坚岩凝视】特保没有生效的问题已经修复 2022.5.18更新:移除被CA背刺的特性 2022.7.1更新:移除1.3版本移除1.3版本【长垣之剑】中与官方的重复修改部分与官方的重复修改部分 2022.8.25更新:【昆兰铁砧】的天廷龙卫护甲+10现在对所有天廷部队生效 红线: 1.【坚岩凝视】的护甲加成改为特保加成,对标帝国的战争机器加特保红线 2.【长垣之剑...
伊莎贝拉花嫁 (Isabella Bride)
Erstellt von 混沌破龍斩
为伊莎贝拉替换了新模型 我的其他mod: 伊莎贝拉美化 (Isabella Reskin) 湖神仙女美化 (Fay Reskin) 机械少女 (Mecha Girl) 机械少女 (Mecha Girl Hero) 戴查美化 (Drycha Reskin) 更强更合理的受创 (Stronger and more reasonable wounds)...
Erstellt von Luke_Grand Master
我的MOD”传奇英雄【骑士王】”的二次元模型版本 仅替换模型和部分文本,人物数据和招募方式和原MOD都一样 人物信息,招募方式,请参考原MOD 原MOD连接 视频演示
动态天灾 + MCT中文汉化(Dynamic Disasters + Mod Configuration Tool)99%
Erstellt von 冰之玄月
感谢早期汉化与原作者的辛苦劳动,订阅本体mod,排序请将汉化置于本体之上开启 B站: 冰之玄月 求求关注!!! B站直播间: 喜欢的话,可以支持一下我,请我喝瓶可乐!或者大餐!
Erstellt von 言无Silence
『Martial Saint』Yun Chang 『武圣』云长 Note: Only Miao Ying can recruit 注:仅妙影派系可以招募 Comes with three artifacts,a large area damage skill and an initial skill that can transform into an archer。 有独特背景效果,带三个神器技能,一些自制领主技能和其他乱七八糟复制的领主技能。一个一次使用次数的强力aoe法术,通过技能点获取。可以通过出生...
无限精英兵种招募(通过建筑招募) / Regiments of Renown units recruitment unlimited (building unlock)
Erstellt von 俄菲洛尔
任何反馈bug,请确保只有一个mod情况下测试,不保证和所有mod兼容,mod冲突请自行排查 v4.0(beta) 这是一个适配当前游戏版本的beta测试版,至于为什么是测试版而不是正式版,那是因为我真的没玩过混沌矮人,这个建筑和兵种的对应给我人都整麻了,其他种族的建筑和兵种的英文我都认识,这个混矮的英文和游戏内翻译感觉并不是那么好理解,至少,先让大家可以使用mod v2.2.1 mod功能未做调整,但是制作了一个副mod和SFO进行了适配,副mod:适配SFO副mod,如果你不玩SFO,千万别订阅副mod...
湖神仙女美化 (Fay Reskin)
Erstellt von 混沌破龍斩
为湖神仙女替换了新模型 我的其他mod: 伊莎贝拉美化 (Isabella Reskin) 伊莎贝拉花嫁 (Isabella Bride) 机械少女 (Mecha Girl) 机械少女 (Mecha Girl Hero) 戴查美化 (Drycha Reskin) 更强更合理的受创 (Stronger and more reasonable wounds)...
禁军统领云骧头盔版本 (Yun Xiang Reskin)
Erstellt von 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四
在巅京大街,别让我看到你,看到你头套必须给你拽掉 因为有的朋友觉得戴上头盔才有禁军的感觉,所以我就制作了一个带头盔版本的云骧,排序在本体前面即可 我的mod 重要提示:使用对单位模型进行了修改的mod时出现闪退状况的,请将画面设置中的单位细节调整至较高及以上 与龙同行震旦兵种包: 取消招募限制:
Erstellt von 尴尬甩尾
臣道上限原版100增加到600,每回合增加300点,盟友招募槽增加到9个,去除盟友单位限制 更容易招募盟友单位,以及借调军队,多试试借调军队吧,太好玩了 兼容所有,旧档可用...
Erstellt von 381mmTorpedo
移植自战锤2的一个mod,原mod链接: 基本沿用原mod的数据,作了些许改动,在此感谢原mod作者的付出。 改动: 移除了色孽神选骑士可召唤的必然之城看守和宫殿守卫,替代可召唤色孽逐心者和寻觅者。(感觉原mod中笨重强大的混勇不太像色孽风格) 将色孽神选骑士坐骑改为黑暗飞马。(原mod中骑士会陷在马里,我套用锤3新的几个混沌骑士的模型也有同样问题) 将精英欢愉守卫改为凯恩先登姐...
长牙之路/混沌矮人车队,商队可招募/可交换(caravan/convoy recruitable/exchangeable)
Erstellt von 一战无痕
//2023年5月2日19:04:50 添加混沌矮人的车队可招募/交换 我把这个功能从我的【震旦资料扩充包】里面独立了出来 震旦资料扩充包(中文版) *注意事项* 1、第一个电脑给的商队无效,重新招募第二个及之后的商队才有效。 2、中途加入MOD的话也是如此,新的商队才生效。 兼容问题: 1、如果已经安装了【震旦资料扩充包】,那么不需要加载此MOD。 2、如果没有安装的话,那么...
Erstellt von 砂糖多多です
一.传奇角色可处决 ⭐ 增加了仅限处决自己的不朽领主或者英雄的选项(对mod角色也生效) 在小地图下方挂件处选择角色然后处决 处决派系领袖可能会导致一系列Bug. 二.可以交易任意城镇 ⭐可以赠送盟友城镇并增加关系 ⭐可以交易不相邻的城镇了 ⭐交易城镇得来的多余外交点数也会转换成关系了 具体在左上角处点击交易城镇图标即可 三.更好的盟友 ⭐1. 更多盟军单位:盟军单位上限从4增加到20,食人魔雇佣兵也是。 ⭐2. 更多恩惠点数:每回合产生双倍外交点数,最大外交点数从100增加到500。 ⭐3.更长时间借用军...
Erstellt von 赤龙衔烛
现在的mod已经可以算是一个完全体了,不会和原版混沌矮人出现冲突。 mod新增单位: 震旦鼠人加特林 食人魔新军(手枪) 食人魔新军(手炮) 龙杖兵 巾帼火枪手 喷火兵 医疗骑兵队 麒麟坦克 九龙铁壁歼击车 混沌矮人歼击车(隶属混沌矮人) 铁龙战列(车头 火箭炮 终极战列) 铁龙臼炮 祝大家玩得愉快。未来还会新增更多单位供大家使用。感谢大家 更新一辆步兵战车,修复了牛牛贴图bug,以及正常更新。 最新更新六种新式空军单位:“关宁骑”天龙巨像,“却薛”战斗机,“背巍”轰炸机,“虎豹骑”极速战斗机,“巴牙喇”空...
震旦基础建筑拓展/GYT's cathay building expansion
Erstellt von 代号gyt-B站
将震旦基础建筑(发展、收入、秩序)拓展至5级,并调整了一部分原版属性 English translations: 一、对原版建筑的修改: 1.原版阳系秩序建筑相比阴系几乎没用,于是添加【当地招募容量+1】效果,并且可以减少腐蚀 2.原版阳系发展建筑相比阴系长期收益太低,于是从3级开始:当秩序>50时,建造时间-1回合,大幅提高短期收益能力。另添加3-6-9-12-15%的当地移动...
震旦天下无敌兵种补充包:烽火长垣 平衡版
Erstellt von Sunbreeze
2022/08/24更新 适配了新版本超凡帝国 2022/07/13更新 为上阳大使馆地标建筑增加了新单位:龙武铁战车 2022/05/18更新 适配了新版本,为天阳怒视技能增加了60秒冷却和额外的2次使用次数 2022/04/30更新 更新了兵种追加包:怒与谋,可以在碧血道观地标建筑招募真武金刚明王与清宝天尊护法,修复了巡天舰标志穿模的问题 2022/04/23更新 因为增添了光环,所以移除了巡天舰本身的远抗。 2022/04/20更新 为巡天舰增加了一个范围buff技能,为周围的士兵提供近战和远程buf...
Erstellt von 沙雕太守
天舟,舟也,不是冰糖葫芦 所以我改成了舟的样子 该mod只是!只是!美化了原版天舟的外观,没有添加任何新单位或数据 理论上兼容不修改原版天舟模型的任何mod 即使是修改了天舟模型的mod应该也可以通过排列mod循序达到兼容。 Junks's meaning is a kind of chinese ship . This mod make the cathay's junks actually be a junks. This mod just only changes the junks appearan...
震旦天下无敌 原版风格兵种mod 平衡版
Erstellt von Sunbreeze
兵种补充包:烽火长垣传送门,为本mod增加了4个限制招募的特殊单位 2022/08/24更新 适配了新版本超凡帝国 2022/07/13更新]新增南皋地标建筑单位:殿前金吾卫,代替銮驾金吾卫 2022/05/18 更新适配了新版本,为龙庭天兵和金吾卫新增了抵御冲锋能力,同时可享受龙卫科技,修改金吾卫的反大反步数据,修复鼠鼠招募建筑问题 2022/04/30更新 修复了巨灵兵马俑攻...
震旦天下无敌 取消顶级兵种招募限制mod
Erstellt von Sunbreeze
2022/08/27 更新了,可以用了,多了帝国可以招募的bug,懒得修复,就做了一下帝国的科技红线适配,现在可以在帝国玩这些兵种了 2022/04/30 更新了怒与谋追加兵种的无限制招募,顺便修复了不能进游戏的问题 2022/04/22 虽然不知道怎么回事,但是好像是修复了无限制补丁无法生效或是闪退的问题 2022/4/15 增加了巡天舰不限购套餐 有些小伙伴不喜欢被限制的感觉,现在可以无限招募顶级兵了,使用请注意mod应该在本体前面排序...
Erstellt von 沙条爱歌
该mod提供额外科技树,全新的完善体系兵种单位,全新的阴阳法系事务官,解锁商队招募,强大的商队部队,兵种废料升级与精英部队等。 这个mod为震旦天朝额外增加了一组相对强力科技树,你需要通过金钱和时间来解锁这些强大对的科技,并且这些科技不会影响阴阳宁和。 这个mod新增了大量基础单位与精英单位,这些兵种可以更好的完善震旦的战略体系,丰富玩法,例如火枪、喷火器、反步部队、巨兽与各种引擎等,这些单位都享受对应的科技与红线加成,怪兽单位享受骑兵类别加成。 同样,解锁了商队招募功能,不过你必须位于本土才可以,昭明与妙...
Erstellt von Luke_Grand Master
English version: 震旦天朝与群山王国达成军事战略合作协议后,共同研制的新一代武装直升机(雾) 给震旦加了四种飞行部队: 1、武装直升机: 修改自矮人直升机,可发射火箭炮弹。 2、武装直升机(火焰发射器): 修改自矮人直升机(硫磺枪),可发射火焰炮。 3、重型武装直升机: 修改自矮人轰炸机,可以投放炸弹,加装了机翼和火箭发射器,可以通过技能发射火箭弹药。 4、朱雀烈...
震旦石狮骑兵 Guardian lion riders of Cathay
Erstellt von whc2024
·这个mod为震旦添加了两种种怪兽骑兵——石狮骑兵和玉狮骑兵 ·在震旦的传说中,这些铁石或宝玉铸成的镇宅巨兽能够祛邪除恶,保卫屋宅免受邪魔侵扰。事实上正是如此,每逢外敌入侵,这些屹立宅门的石像将会被激活,与俑士禁卫一同构筑震旦的钢铁长城。在战场上,由身披重甲的勇士骑乘的它们将会无往不利。 ·早在锤三发售前,画师Cobol Yu笔下的震旦兵种形象就已经广为流传,很多兵种细节比ca的设计还有特色,其中的石狮子骑兵便是本mod的设计思路来源,在此向他表示感谢。 ·右侧的英文翻译mod并非必需,非英语玩家不用订阅 ...
震旦精靈輔助軍 Elven Auxilia of Cathay
Erstellt von 西疆棉花王
English version. 封面圖取自Sciamano240的作品。Cover picture is artwork made by Sciamano240, I really love it, if he disallows me using his work, I'll change it.
Erstellt von 北门吹雪
冰冻吊坠:+50破甲杀伤,+20特殊保护,+冰雪系被动,+冰雪女王之镜(基斯里夫引擎),绑定风爆术。 光明魔乘镜头:当地-100火抗,绑定火球术,+10特殊保护,+光明系被动,本队+25%破甲杀伤,+全军火焰攻击。 扎尔雕像:混沌腐蚀+0,+10特殊保护,免疫接触效果,-25技能冷却速率,哈苏特系被动,绑定地狱之锤。 狮鹫军团骑枪:20个人冲锋加成,部队骑兵+25%冲锋加成,部队骑兵+12%武器威力,+100破甲杀伤,+致命迂回者(全队)。 冯卡斯坦因之剑:吸血鬼腐蚀+0,+20近战攻击,+250破甲杀伤,...
Erstellt von LaRhine
本mod是基于b站大佬“我只是大天使而已”字制作的“震旦地鸣”天门佣卫大型陶俑兵种包的独立包,仅添加了一个大型陶俑兵种,本人自己提取出来并将属性平衡了一下,也得到了大佬的允许并上传到了工坊,希望各位喜欢,附上大佬的原B站视频链接 h t t p s://w w w . b i l i b i l V 1 q 3 4 y 1 x 7 G 3#r e p l y 109827037856这是大佬原B站视频连接。 ...
黑暗精灵兵种扩展(New Drak elf unit)
Erstellt von Lk
8.13更新 新增以下兵种 6.黑檀暴龙 招募建筑:巨龙巢穴、巨龙之塔 初始容量:1【巨龙巢穴增加招募容量】 绑定技能: 灵魂恐惧【被动,50%生命以上触发,降低范围内敌军10护甲,25%基础杀伤和破甲杀伤,20领导力,50%生命以下失效】 暴 怒 【被动,50%生命以下触发,增加自身50%冲锋速度、近战攻击,25%破甲杀伤,20%移动速度,持续回血,持续45秒,50%生命以上失效】 科技树:吃黑龙科技和红线 8.3更新 移除部分技能特效 8.2更新 1、修BUG 2、给黑檀龙骑士新增技能“:契约【陷入近战...
Erstellt von Blackoutsider
为震旦新增4位传奇领主,分别是: 妙影派系招募 正体不明,四神加持,穿越者,虎魔之主,焱麟的创造者,公输燕之夫,白龙银甲,长垣领军太初 妙影之女,真龙血裔,公输燕 凡人法师,魔法少才,司空昂 未知之神太初座下第一大将兼左膀右臂,恶魔克星,虎魔大军的第四号领导者,太初的第一舔狗,极端忠诚,「屠魔者」穷烈 新增兵种 虎魔,长垣四本招募,龙卫五本招募 巨力虎魔,长垣五本招募 无派系版:
-BR- More Beautiful N'kari 诱惑
Erstellt von Black Rabbit
"A notorious and ancient Keeper of Secrets, N'Kari has broken empires and countless minds in his ceaseless quest for new depraved sensations." —N'kari I've been wanting to redo this Lord for a long time. I hope everyone likes it! Please report any bugs you...
-BR- More Beautiful Zhao Ming! 金属龙
Erstellt von Black Rabbit
"There's more than iron in Zhao Ming's blood. He rules a province too close to the Ogre's mouth -- a land blighted by fell minerals and overrun by cloaked vermin. It's got to him! His sisters know, his brothers suspect...but his mother, the Empress, will n...
Erstellt von Doggie No.201
这是最后一次更新啦~ 让Mod兼容了一些广受欢迎的角色mod,比如Mixu和传奇英雄 修正了戴查无法获得技能的bug (之前我把dlc16错写成了dlc04) 修正了妖婆无法获得技能的bug (妖婆的Key竟然是Crone而不是Hellebron,难怪我第一次写错了) 赋予升到50级的传奇领主(以及英雄版的伊莎贝拉和家主)三个强力的新技能,让传奇领主在对抗天灾的时候能够发挥出更强大的作用,并给你把领主肝到50级的动力。此mod仅对玩家生效(AI不会去点这个技能)。如果你想让AI优先选择我新添加的技能,可以用...
AI General 3
Erstellt von paperpancake
Delegate control of some or all of your units to an AI General during battle. You can select which units AI General should control. Multiplayer AI General 3 is not as polished in multiplayer as it is single player, and not all players can use it at once. F...
All Female Legendary Heros(agent) Can Be Recruited By All Factions
Erstellt von Wyccc
Description All female legendary heros(agent) can be recruited by all factions! Support various mods characters! vanilla game heros will come at 8 turn. other mods heros will come at 20/30 turn. you can rename them after recruitment Supported Mods You can ...
All Female Legendary Lords Can Be Recruited By All Factions
Erstellt von Wyccc
Description MiaoYing Repanse Katarin Fay-enchantress Alarielle Hellebron Valkia Morathi Isabella Sisters-of-twilight Khalida Aranessa Elspeth Can be recruited by all factions Incompatible with tombking. you can rename them after recruitment Add additional ...
Araveena Custom Legendary Lord / Anarsis Bloodwrack Medusae Legendary Hero - Dark Elves - Deadwood Sentinels [Outdated]
Erstellt von JillSandwich
Hello all, I'm not updating this mod for the moment. LuminousClarity has an updated version you can download and use. Thank you! Lore A rarity among the Druchii, Araveena and Anarsis were born twin sisters to a noble family of no particular renown. Growing...
Armoured Maneaters
Erstellt von Fröb
Updated for 5.0 DESCRIPTION This is an updated version of my mod ‘Armoured Ogre Maneaters’, which was originally made for Total War: Warhammer II. The basic ogres look very much what you would expect like – brutal, archaic and also a bit primitive. But how...
Artists' Guild - CHS
Erstellt von endofanty
Introduction Add a forge for all factions that vanilla game exist, to get all transferrable items that vanilla game allows. It is a way to get vanilla items, instead of I made these itmes. The "I,II,III" prefix indicates which game the item came from, the ...
Artists' Guild - More Ancillaries Submod
Erstellt von endofanty
Introduction Add 70 new items for all factions. Some text or effect originate from TW:3K, OPUS:Echo of Starsong, Genshin impact, Honkai impact 3rd. etc. Compatibility In fact, if there's something wrong in the mod, the game will crash at start. And the con...
Better Alliance
Erstellt von BAGHolder
(Updated to 5.0) Features: 1. More Allied Units: Allied unit cap increases from 4 to 20, so is Ogre mercenary. 2. More Favor Points: Doubled favor generation per turn, with max favor increased to 900 (from 100). 3. Borrow Army Longer: Ally army can be borr...
Better Camera Mod
Erstellt von kam2150
Hello, Famous mod from Warhammer 1 & 2 is back! This simple mod allows both closer and further camera heights, more suitable for better screenshots and nicer view of the battlefield. Press "K" to turn off UI for more cinematic view, Press "N" in order to z...
Calm's Greasus Reskin
Erstellt von Calm&NormalTime
Features Reskin for Greasus Goldtooth Compatibility Since I needed to change the land units table to give Greasus walking animations, this mod will not be compatible with anything that changes Greasus's statline, However this mod does increase Greasus's wa...
Campaign Weather Overhaul
Erstellt von John Matrix
Mod is fully compatible with Immortal Empires Expanded, but place mine first in the load order! *Screenshots are outdated, will upload new one soon* INTRODUCTION This mod is a complete overhaul of campaign map lighting and weather. I have created and added...
Cathay Custom Abilities and Skills
Erstellt von teos_the_blue
Hello Everyone * Updated Rebalanced and updated with new skill* Link to all Skill and abilities mod collection This Mod add new skills for Cathay Faction - Adds Breath attacks (storm and iron Breath for Dragons) - Adds passive for dragons (immortal dragon)...
Cathayan Lords' Ogre Mercenary Skills (submod)
Erstellt von Bastilean
This little submod adds command skills related to Ogre Mercenaries to Lords of Cathay. Ogre Mercenaries include: Ogre Bulls (variants) Ironguts Lead Belchers Maneaters (variants) Mournfang (variants) Specifically, check the photos too see that the ogre mer...
Cathays Fireworks - Thunderclap Eruptor
Erstellt von [-ODM-] Loupi
Gives Cathay a high tier artillery unit, the Thunderclap eruptor, to better reflect their alchemical and pyrotechnics prowess. Based on ancient chinese gunpowder technology, it can fire two different projectiles, the Thunderclap bomb or Molten metal bomb. ...
Celestial Dragon Cathay units
Erstellt von Gribovic
The Mysterios of Celestial Dragons has been summond and gifted from the Celestial Gods 2 new recuit able units. - Celestial Dragon Can use Yang Dragon Breath - Spell : 8 winds of magic - Celestial Dragon Storm Can use - Urannons Thunderbolt - Spell Cost : ...
Climate Adaptation - Faster Version
Erstellt von Alex Zhao
This is a faster adaption version of this Climate Adaptation mod. Please don't use both mods at the same time. This mod will allow a faction to gradually adapt a region's unsuitable climate, and slowly reduce the debuff every turn until it is completely re...
Community Bug Fix Mod - Game v5, Batch 3
Erstellt von Groove Wizard
Community Bug-Fix Mod Welcome to the CBFM Steam page! You're probably here because you like playing TWWH and want to have a slightly better time at it. Us too. Mostly. This mod, as you may have assumed from the title, is a collection of bug fixes developed...
Distinct Faction Towers
Erstellt von All is Dust
This mod gives all factions visually distinct deployable towers. Buildable towers are specific to settlements (map) so if you are bretonia and take a skaven settlement don't be alarmed that now your peasants know how to build warp towers. The buidable barr...
Double Skill Points & Skill Dump
Erstellt von Alex Zhao
This mod lets lords and heros get 2 skill points per level and provide a skill dump that increase the character's hit point 1% per skill level. Suggest to start a new campaign. AI will also get more skill points. Will conflict with other mod that edited ch...
Dragon Breath Attack for Cathay
Erstellt von Fönix
Description This mod gives the Cathayan dragonlords a dragon breath ability when they are in dragon form. This ability has infinite uses but the cooldown only decreases when you have at least 15 winds of magic. Therefore you have to decide whether you want...
dragon breath for cathay汉化
Erstellt von 九转大肠
本mod仅为dragon breath for cathay提供汉化, 该mod为妙影和昭明的龙形态分别添加了一种吐息的技能。 妙影的吐息为闪电,对单目标伤害高,施法距离远; 昭明的吐息为火焰,对多部队伤害高,施法距离近; 需要注意的是,上述技能只有在魔力大于15时才会进入冷却。 英文原版对技能的描述太简单粗暴,本人对描述进行了“本地化”修改。 ...
Dynamic Disasters
Erstellt von Frodo45127
NOTE TO ALL Development of this mod has been ended, because I have neither time, nor interest in continuing it. Source code is on the bottom of the description if someone wants to continue it. Reasons: I wanted to make a mod that made endgame interesting, ...
Dynamic World
Erstellt von a70f
Current Version of the mod (v7.1) This mod replaces all shrubs (only) with each race asset, making the world look more alive and unique. Whether you're a human, chaos, green skin, high elf, dark elf, or any of the demonic gods, you can make your mark on th...
Dynasty of the Damned 中文汉化
Erstellt von Tutur Dynasty of the Damned 汉化 兼容Poljanan的碧血族mod 注意:由于该mod替换了吸血鬼伯爵派系,任何其他修改吸血鬼派系的MOD可能会导致不同程度的问题 描述概览 将僵尸叛军替换为新派系:左道王朝 添加独特的兵牌与部队 添加独特英雄:薄暮幽人 添加独特的薄暮系法术 可用事务官建造...
Dynasty of the Damned [BETA]
Erstellt von Team SCM
Remember this is a BETA This mod functions well but there are a few bugs, we are aware of them, feel free to report things you see in the Modding den Discord SCM channel. Thank you and enjoy Feel l...
Erstellt von Smiling.exe
OVERVIEW: This mod adds new unit experience rank icons. New icons have numerals and visible experience bar which fills up with each rank up. They are color coded to feel similar to vanilla ones. · Completely safe to install, update and uninstall at any mom...
Fu Yuanshan,the guardian of great bastion/震旦新传奇领主傅远山
Erstellt von Archer
Here are the english translation mod: Here are my sfo version SFO适配版: Fu Yuanshan Can Only Recruited By Miao Ying傅远山只能被妙影派系招...
Fudging Vassals
Erstellt von LordOmlette
Welcome back, commanders! If you used this mod in Total War: Warhammer 2, then you know what the deal is. For everyone else, please read on: HOLD UP If you don't see a "vassalize" option, use The_Inquisitor's very recommended All Diplomatic Options - Vassa...
万世天朝制作组首个对决mod 鼠人与矮人的最高科技结晶,贪婪与仇恨驱使的战争机器 憎恶与仇恨,毒风与硫磺 胡须与胡须,钢铁与钢铁 为鼠人派系添加了三头特装型憎恶 鼠特林版(鼠特林版为精英兵) 喷火器版 次元钻头版 为矮人派系添加了三种仇恨清算机甲 末日铁拳机甲版本 矮特林机甲版本 钻头机甲版本 为矮人工程大师添加了机甲坐骑 is English
万世天朝 2.9Beta 需要模型包
Erstellt von 小铭
伟业,守护,宁和——让震旦天朝万世伟大 你需要订阅模型包 万世天朝模型包传送门 模组概览 派系 兵种数量 机制 震旦天朝 40 建筑大修+长垣大修 矮人 37 —— 恐虐 8 血魔法 蜥蜴人 9 原版巨兽增强 食人魔 11 —— 奸奇 1 —— 色孽 1 —— 古墓王 16 魔法大修 基斯里夫 16 拥趸大修 高等精灵 13 英雄荣耀晋升 黑暗精灵 13 巫王黑塔 木精灵 14 —— 诺斯卡 —— 招募狩猎巨兽+废料升级 斯卡文鼠人 25 —— 混沌矮人 4 —— 全派系机制 气候适宜系统 传送阵 攻城战大...
(5.x Dwarf) Guns, Smoke & Spectacle
Erstellt von BrutusCz
!!WORKS ONLY ON ULTRA VFX SETTING (on low/mid/high you get no effects)!! Don't forget to enable "Smoke Transparency Fix" mod that I listed in dependencies. "Guns, Smoke & Spectacle" Overhaul aims to bring gunpowder units to another level, initially inspire...
High Resolution UI Improvements
Erstellt von prop joe
Still works, I'm not updating it until it actually requires an update. If the launcher warning bothers you use a mod manager. Resizes or adjusts the following UI screens: unit recruitment screen diplomacy screen lord/hero recruitment screens objectives scr...
Immortal Landmarks
Erstellt von Heimdal
UPDATED FOR 5.0 The mod will run without Mixu, but you'll be missing a bunch (~80%) of the landmarks. Adding landmarks requires startpos modding, Mixu's Unlocker = common startpos framework that keeps mods compatible. KEY FEATURES
increase autoresolve point(0.7)增强玩家自动分(0.7)(永远有效 always valid).pack
Erstellt von wodwd
这个mod永不失效!别管mod管理器的警告!直接用就行了! Stupid ca makes player's autoresolve point terrible,So I used this mod to fix it 愚蠢的ca让玩家自动分变得很糟糕,所以我用这个mod来修复它 You can use this mod directly in the middle of the campaign 你可以在战役的中途直接使用这个mod This mod increase autoresolve point...
Khan-Queen's Sleigh - Updated
Erstellt von Xoudad
"The heart of Kislev is here. A heart of ice, holding us firm in the face of great threats." This mod aims at giving Katarin her iconic sled as the Ice Queen, in a vanilla approach with Ice and all : Her warhorse has been re...
Landmarks of Legend
Erstellt von The_Inquisitor
OVERVIEW Landmarks of Legend adds many landmarks to locations all over the Warhammer world, with some landmarks granting access to special units and Regiments of Renown. Currently, there are landmarks for the following factions: - Grand Cathay - Kislev - K...
Lazy's Katarin Khan-Queen's Sleigh Compatibility Patch (Deprecated)
Erstellt von LazyIcarus
Compatibility patch for Katarin reskin: Khan-Queen's Sleigh: Place above both mods in the mod manager. Currently there is th...
Lazy's Katarin the Ice Queen (5.0)
Erstellt von LazyIcarus
Reskin for Tzarina Katarin with some hints of Tzeentch corruption. Only works in campaign. Features animated icicle crown on all mounts / foot (submod to remove crown: unit cards and portho...
Lazy's Katarin The Ice Queen Remove Crown
Erstellt von LazyIcarus
Optional side mod that removes Katarin's crown on the campaign map and in battle. Affects 3D portholes as well, but does not change unit card or 2D portholes. Place above the base reskins in the mod manager (see screenshot) Changelog 2023-05-27 fix to remo...
Lazy's Morathi Ascension Stage 1 (5.0)
Erstellt von LazyIcarus
Note: don't enable if you're just playing the Realm of Chaos mod as it will break rifts from spawning. Morathi doesn't exist in Realm of Chaos so you shouldn't need this mod for her. Reskin of Morathi that comes with a unit card and 2D porthole. For progre...
Lazy's Morathi Ascension Stage 2 (5.0)
Erstellt von LazyIcarus
Reskin of Morathi that comes with a unit card and 2D porthole. For progression gameplay (advancing through stages with extensive effects), and later stages, join the discord in my profile. Features 4k new body (armor separated from body and also increased ...
Legendary Characters - 传奇人物包【中文汉化】
Erstellt von To infinity and beyond 相关机制模组 The Nemesis Crown(复仇王冠)与 汉化 建议开局游戏前,在菜单界面打开 MCT 设置,自行调整模组传奇领主是否领导相关派系 战役地图人物显示英文名称 这是因为mod的任务脚本给部分人物强行设定了英文名,必须在脚本中对其汉化,但mod的更新常常带有脚本改动,哪怕只增删了一两行代码,汉化也要及时更新,不然就容易导致稳定性和兼容性问题。 目前工作繁忙,精力有限,所以已删除了脚本汉化。...
Legendary Characters - 103 Dalmatians
Erstellt von Stratovarius
101 Dalmatia... 103 Legendary Characters Yes, that top line number is correct! We have broken the 100 character barrier with a truly massive 21 character drop, finally ensuring that Legendary Characters covers every single faction. This also sees us releas...
Legendary Characters Assets
Erstellt von Stratovarius
Contains all the required visual assets for the Legendary Characters mod. If this isn't in use, LC will break. See LC for credits, images, etc....
Less Annoying AI Agents
Erstellt von Alex Zhao
This mod let AI more likely to deploy agents in their own region instead of the enemy faction's region. Should be compatible with everything....
Lyra the Lioness: Legendary Hero
Erstellt von Rat of the Lake
Overview: This Mod adds a legendary hero to the High Elves factions. She spawns when you build the second building in the hunter-building chain (the building that allows you to recruit White Lions of Chrace). Hero Description: The hero is a female White Li...
MIXER - Mixu's Unlocker
Erstellt von Mixu
The newest version of MCT is recommended to be used with this mod. It will work without it, but your save files will be bigger. This is a startpos mod that unlocks all factions in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns. Building slot submod has bee...
Mixu's Mousillon
Erstellt von Mixu
This mod adds two Mousillon themed factions available to play with in Custom Battle and playable in Immortal Empires if you use Mixer. Features Mallobaude, the Black Knight - Mallobaude starts near Mousillon where he will need to kick the Red Duke out of M...
Mod Configuration Tool - v0.9 Beta
Erstellt von Groove Wizard The Mod Configuration Tool is a user interface, and a rich backend system, which enables modders to create settings for their mods, which can be edited within the Mod Configuration Tool. In short, if a mod you use doesn't us...
More Ogre Mercenaries
Erstellt von Alex Zhao
This mod adds more units as ogre camp mercenaries and increases the max ogre mercenary per army to 4 units. Only affect ogre camps that are built after enabling this mod. If you want to have some command skills to buff your ogres when playing Cathay I reco...
New Legendary Lord and Hero Artefacts Warhammer 3 Updated
Erstellt von stompie5
Description This mod adds over 300 new items and Legendary Artefacts for almost all the Legendary Lords and Heroes. The new items can be viewed through the Lord's or Hero's Quest Screen and will unlock automatically. The mod also adds some new items the Dw...
No Confederation Penalty
Erstellt von Alex Zhao
This mod disabled all races' confederation penaly. Should be compatible with everything....
One Button Respec
Erstellt von DrunkFlamingo
Features This mod adds a button to the character skills panel which can be used to reset the skills of a character. Each character can only be reset once, and resetting skills costs 1000 gold/favor. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with all othe...
Quick Building Upgrade
Erstellt von Cpecific
When you have a lot of settlements, it becomes annoying to constantly hover over desired upgrade building level. As there is rarely a choice between what to upgrade, it does bring a question: why is it not in the base game? My Other Mods Skill Queue Traits...
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords
Erstellt von sm0kin
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords ported to Total War: WARHAMMER III – Update 5.0.3 This mod transfers legendary/immortal lords and heroes of defeated factions to factions that are still in play. It works both for the player ...
Regiments of Renown - All Factions by Pwner1
Erstellt von Pwner1
*UPDATE* Belkaor gets all units, fixed nurgle unit recruiting, Sigvald gets Marauders,Valkia warriors, ARchaon get skullcrushers,festus spawns,azazel hellstriders,vilitch gets knights, Kholek gets nothing. Updated appearance for Skullrage and Huntskards. *...
Rename Legendary Lords(still work)
Erstellt von 小铭
Now you can rename legendary Lords. Thanks for @Prop Joe and@Alex Zhao...
Research Overflow & Options System
Erstellt von JerreyRough
This mod causes research points to overflow after completing research, and gives players some options to fine-tune their game's research rate mechanics. Overview The Research Overflow & Options System mod (ROS) implements three features: Overflow Research:...
Roar of the Jade Sea : Yin-Yin, the Sea Dragon
Erstellt von Poljanan
The Sea Dragon of Cathay has returned! The Eastern Provinces - NEW playable Cathay Faction *MIXER required to install this mod!!* -How they play- Outside their faction effects as well as the lord army buff from Yin-Yin ...
Sarvente's custom characters: Enhi
Erstellt von TriT
After several weeks of learning and many hours of effort the first hero mod is finally here. MOD OVERVIEW This mod adds one custom legendary hero for Western Provinces faction. I tried my best to make the hero unique in terms of appearence, skills and abil...
Sarvente's custom characters: Enhi - 煾熙中文汉化
Erstellt von CheNg
This MOD is a Chinese submod 介绍 由Sarvente制作 煾熙是一名效忠于震旦维安阁的龙裔,目前接受阁内委任,于昭明麾下就职。她是一名强大的烈焰法师,其所有的火焰法术都比普通版本要强。除此之外,她还是博学者、律法顾问与经济学家,法兽座也对这位少女青睐有加 该MOD与同作者的Sarvente's Ministry of Internal Security(震旦维安阁)共享同一背景,震旦维安阁我也已完成汉化。若想了解作者关于震旦维安阁的完整设定,可一同订阅 ============...
Sarvente's Ice Matriarchs
Erstellt von TriT
After long long learning process, my first (of hopefully many) custom hero mod is finally done. MOD OVERVIEW Mod adds one new custom hero for Kislev — Ice Matriarch. This hero is primarily centered around the Ice Guard and can provide large variety of buff...
Singe & Moloch's Ryulungan Dragon for Grand Cathay
Erstellt von Singemeister
Hello there! So this is quite interesting for me, a collaboration between myself and Moloch - he did the model and the skin, I did the stats and the text. This dragon is a big flying monster, not quite as tough as the Terracotta Sentinel, but far more mobi...
Save Camera Settings
Erstellt von Rhox
Intro This mod is a spiritual successor (aka worse than the original) of a sm0kin's WH2 mode Save Camera Settings. It lets you keep the camera settings across multiple campaigns. Here is how...
Speedy Turn Camera
Erstellt von Skywalker
Mod that just speeds up the camera move between your turns. Save Compatible Other mods Compatible This is a direct port from WH2 mod "Faster end turn Camera" to WH3 It modifies a database default entry the game has, nothing more. This mod doesn't need to b...
Stronger And Fairer AI 更强更公平的AI
Erstellt von losrt
!!!Notice!!! If using this mod in competitions, Very hard and Legendary campaign difficulty are suitable for players who have added player buffs or need extreme challenges It is recommended to use NORMAL difficulty for the first game. The AI strength of No...
Tech-Tree Compilation汉化
Erstellt von Shirrisa
对Tech-Tree Compilation进行了简易的汉化,都是机翻+略微润色,只翻译了部分,会缓慢更新,还有一些专用名词不认识,希望大佬们能帮忙指出正确翻译。 目前进行了机翻的派系:震旦,基斯里夫,高精,矮人,吸血鬼,绿皮,蜥蜴人,食人魔,斯卡文鼠人,混沌四神,混沌勇士 目前进行了润色的派系:高等精灵,恐虐,瓦尔基娅,帝国,巴托尼亚 以及评论区我不能用,提示我讨论区在我的地区不可用,不知道为什么。...
Tech-Tree Compilation (Old Version)
Erstellt von Decky
What does this mod do? The mod adds new Technologies to ALL Tech-Trees: Beastmen, Cathay, Khorne. Nurgel, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Ogre Kingdoms, Kislev, Empire,Vampire Count,Vampire Coast, Bretonia, Dwarfs, Choas Dwarfs, High Elves, Tomb Kings, Wood Elves, Ska...
Toggle Fog Of War
Erstellt von FlashMash
Adds a button in the top left to toggle fog of war. I like to check on the state of the world from time to time, so I had to turn on/off a mod all the time. When Change Starting Settlement came out I had the idea to take the disable/enable of the fog of wa...
Erstellt von Mazisky
Unique Faction UI
Erstellt von Müsliriegel Summary Changes the UI to a unique design and colour for all factions to be more immersive overall. Troubleshooting USE THE "DEFAULT" UI THEME OPTION FOR THE MO...
Unlock All Skills
Erstellt von Alex Zhao
This mod disabled the mutual exclusion of all skills. AI also will be benefit from this mod and works for saved games....
Valkia Reskin
Erstellt von NeptuniaAA
模型由Alvaro大佬制作,这是兵牌适配的版本。 没有更改campaign_character_art_sets_table,理论上适配任何mod。 The model is made by Alvaro, this is just the unit card version。 The original link:
Yukino Cth Garrison mod
Erstellt von ωうさぎωニャω
2024/03/21: Hi everyone (๑╹◡╹)ノ”Here is the author: Yukino, I am very happy to update the Dan Heaven Garrison mod for the players who like my mod! Tip: (This mod is not SFO compatible), this mod is designed for the original! (Please re-subscribe to this mo...
[DEER24/震旦] 与龙同行 地标建筑包(Landmark patch)
Erstellt von 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓻2四 Intro Mod内容已包含于派系包中,请不要同时订阅启用      本Mod将我为与龙同行制作的派系包中添加的地标建筑物独立出来,以给那些想要...
[GLF] Ancillaries Remake金花物品重制
Erstellt von 金花
这个MOD不包含语言文本,任何玩家都可以直接使用,也可以随意取消订阅,不影响存档 This MOD does not contain language text and does not require language patches. Any player can use it directly, You can also unsubscribe at will without affecting the archive MOD介绍: 这个MOD计划重新调整所有物品的效果(不包含坐骑、旗帜、随从) 增强...
[GLF] Hero Expansion金花英雄拓展
Erstellt von 金花
这个MOD增加了新的传奇英雄 这些传奇英雄都有独特的技能与技能书,还有专属神器 这个MOD兼容MCT模块 Main Mod Summary Translation: This mod adds new legendary heroes These legendary heroes have unique skills and skill books, as well as exclusive artifacts English Patch:
已经过期-[GLF] Landmark Remake地标重置
Erstellt von 金花
这个版本已经过期,且不再更新,请订阅下面的新版 MOD功能: 这个MOD调整了游戏里的所有地标效果 部分地标添加了新驻军 部分地标还增加了低级与高级版本 English Patch: Thanks for FullAutoAttack's work...
[zerooz] 震旦兵种 Cathay Units
Erstellt von zerooz
这是我的震旦兵种mod。 添加了大量的震旦兵种。 This is my Cathay Units Pack, I add 20 new units for Cathay. Ai can hire all the units. If you play in English Version you need add my English translation mod./ 中文玩家不需要订阅英文补丁包 Here is my other mods/我的其他mod Cathay units mod/震旦兵种mod ...