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Items (20)
Better Enchant UI
Created by Unforgiven
Better Enchant UI Enchantment fragments are sorted by rarity, then by name; Enchantment names are now displayed with their rarity color; You can no longer select enchantments that you have less than 10 of on the Enchanting table. The stack number is displa...
Created by Psychloor
Allows you to build more freely, ignoring a lot of collisions but not all of them. Can also press T to force toggle a specific mountingbehaviour configured in CFG file. Really recommend grabbing this if you haven't already: ConfigManager, gonna help so muc...
Command Handler
Created by Unforgiven
Command Handler Utility that manages the registered chat commands for other mods. You're able to configure command key (commands' prefix) in the .cfg file, or via a chat command in-game. By default, it's . (dot). For example, you can set it to @ by typing ...
Configuration Manager
Created by mokos311
ConfigurationManager for use with Craftopia. Pressing the F1 key opens a menu that allows you to manage cfg files for each mod at once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed that operations are no...
Craftopia Mod Loader (BepInEx)
Created by pocketpair_dev
クラフトピアにてModを利用する際に必要となるModです。 Workshopに公開されているModを利用する際には、自動的に本Modをサブスクライブするか承認が行われます。 ▼BepInEx
Craftopia Mod Loader (BepInEx)[Updated]
Created by Lasheras
UPDATED! This mods also now ENABLE and FIX the mod loading in the game (waiting for official fix) This mod will update your BepInEx in the mod loader with the lasted version (v5.4.22), this version it's also compatible with other mods, it's mandatory to ha...
Display Skill Levels from Equip
Created by Unforgiven
Display Skill Levels From Equip Display skill levels gained from equipment in the skill tree. Only passive skills are stackable. A red level means you have more total points in the skill than the maximum. Otherwise it will be displayed in green. Legacy ver...
Created by mokos311
A mod that expands your inventory without affecting your save data. When saving, the state of the inventory is written to an "external file". What is actually saved in the save data is the state of the inventory before it is expanded. Reads the contents of...
Created by Reina_Sakiria
This mod makes the magic shield follow the waist and adjusts the size based on the avatar. This mod does not change the game balance or save data, but only affects the appearance. It also works correctly in multiplayer. (v20230704.1932) Terms of Use We are...
Quality of Life
Created by Unforgiven
Quality of Life Small and random QoL changes, and bugfixes. Features All toggleable features are disabled by default. They can be enabled by using chat commands in-game (preferred method), by using the Configuration Manager (optional), or by editing your ....
Silvet Command Line Toolkit
Created by Silvet
ATTENTION: ONLY WORK FOR SEAMLESS VERSION Comment Bugs/Trouble With YOUR USAGE, or NOBODY Can Help You 使用: Usage: 这是一个命令行驱动的模组,以下所有命令均以!(英文叹号)开头,在聊天栏输入,回车前切记检查参数,否则可能导致游戏卡死 This is a command-line driven mod, all the following commands start with "!", type ...
Stun Resist Chance HP
Created by Unforgiven
Stun Resist Chance HP Chance for player to resist stun depending on your remaining HP %. You can modify the values in-game using the chat commands, or configure them directly in the .cfg file. Chat commands .set_stun_max - Set the maximum stun resist chanc...
Unlock Forbidden Zone
Created by astable
Remove restrictions on forbidden zones. You will not be deported if you explore in prohibited areas such as Brigandine. Please back up your save data before exploring, Use at your own risk. ブリガンダイン等にお散歩に行っても強制送還されなくなります。 未実装区域の為、セーブデータをバックアップのうえ、 自己責任でお散歩し...
BasicToolFix / Disable RootMotion & InputReserve
Created by AziO
Disable RootMotion / InputReserve for basic tools such as axe and pickel It was made for personal use, so it's a bit crude. Please report any bugs as I haven't debugged it enough. 斧やピッケルなどの基本的な道具のRootMotion / InputReserveを無効化します。 個人用途で作ったので作りが雑です。 デバッグが不十分...
Created by Lasheras
Tihs mod require the last BepInEx for some techinal issues, and you can update it with the auto updater mod Craftopia Mod Loader (BepInEx) please install and enable it, or install/update your BepInEx by yourself This mod change the size and page size to th...
Created by Lasheras
- Increase the Stack limit to 5000 by default - Increase Crafting queue to 250 by default - Increase Bank capacity x10 by default The config file are generated on first run and located at GameFolder/BigStacks.cfg with JSON format, BECAREFUL with the values...
Digital Clock Date
Created by Unforgiven
Digital Clock Date Display the in-game time next to the date. Requested by a fellow fisherman. The format and color can be configured in the .cfg file. Compability This is compatible with both Legacy and Seamless versions. If you enjoy the mod, and would l...
Drop Items Force Stack
Created by SL1900(M_f)
Forces dropped items to stack with same items if they are close enough...
SprintFix / Running Pick-up
Created by AziO
This mod prevents Sprint from exiting when the use key (E key) is pressed during Sprint. It was made for personal use, so it's a bit crude. Please report any bugs as I haven't debugged it enough. Sprint中に使用キー(Eキー)を押したときにSprintを終了しないようにするModです。 個人用途で作ったので作り...
Automatically gives you any building item back into your inventory that has fallen underground. Mod was made by xiaoye97. 地下に落ちた建物アイテムを自動的に在庫に戻します。モッズはxiaoye97によって作られました。...