Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Portal Gun
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Apr 1 @ 11:58am
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Portal Gun

In 1 collection by Tchernobill
8 items
Adds a portal gun to project zomboid.
Realism level: 0%.
Balance level: 0%.
Fun level: 99%.

.. zzzt ..bout those things. We just call them prototypes.
We had five of them, but one got wrecked when we escaped.

Yoo-Joon took two when he tried to flee the country.
He was gonna stop at his hotel in Louisville.

Lily took one with her.
She said many times "It looks like a big stapler"..
For sure she hid it in a store at the Mall.

I still got one with me but not for long..
One of those thing bit me..
I'll put it south of the pond.

Sh*t! We were so close to something great..
Anyway, if you recover one, there are things you must know:
If it stops working, just wzztt.. don't ..skrkrr..
It will stabilise by ..izzzzf.. but it will take time.
Very i..tzzatt thing: dzzzt
And tzz..zzt important: don't p....ze..o....ver

Caution: Teleport messes with normal Cell Loading system
  • Teleport is partially bypassing the Cell loading system.
  • Consequence: LoadGridSquare may not be called on arrival cell squares.
  • Consequence: Trapping item may not be filled as expected if you reach their square with a closeby teleport.
  • Consequence: Loot refill may not be filled as expected if you reach their square with a closeby teleport.

  • Why can't I see my portal ? The markers used to display portals are only visible on the same level.
  • Why can't I place a portal when I shoot ? You need to have the target square in the visual. It cannot be in the air.
  • Can be added / removed from existing game.
  • Works in solo and multiplayer.
  • Is this overpowered ? yes.
  • Does it teleport items and furnitures and cars ? no.
  • Does it teleport Zombies ? If you activate the sandbox option (at your own perils), yes. Back Up Your Save!
  • Where are the new items? [spoil]Read the lore above.[/spoil]
  • Where are the new items? I want to spoil my own fun! [spoil]Military got some.[/spoil]
  • Where are ALL the new items? [spoil]Don't ask, search. Requests will be ignored/removed.[/spoil]

Ask for permission[]
This mod can only be added to and extended with the express permission from the original creator. Having received permission, credit must be given to the original creator, both within the files of the mod and wherever the mod roams online.

If no permission is received you may not alter the mod.

If you wanna support kind words are very welcome.
If you don't have any, you can still
[] or use donate on paypal[].

The cake is a lie!

Workshop ID: 2986715593
Mod ID: PortalGun
wolfee0507 Apr 4 @ 11:48am 
Tchernobill  [author] Apr 4 @ 10:50am 
@wolfee0507 I can confirm there is no prototype in Louisville's Mall.
I edited the description to split lines so you do not mix cues as it was misleading.
Good luck.
wolfee0507 Apr 4 @ 12:25am 
also for the mall in louisville i also checked the military store there
wolfee0507 Apr 4 @ 12:22am 
i just haven't been able to find it wherever the lore tells me it probably spawns in :/
wolfee0507 Apr 4 @ 12:19am 
i did read the description and even the lore but i do have a question about the mod itself, so i did read the lore and im guessing the portal gun spawns in the grand ohio mall in louisville in a crate somewhere in a store maybe? and maybe even military bases? i've tried looking ingame for it i couldn't find it? am i looking in the wrong areas? does it even spawn in containers or did i just get unlucky. im also confused about the lore in some parts and i would like to play around with the portal gun, is there any hints or anything that it could potentially spawn in like a certain container type or something?
Tchernobill  [author] Mar 24 @ 1:42pm 
@axelroadman I just had a glimpse back at the code and you can remove the portals in debug mode (solo) or as an admin (mp)
El Chapo fr76 Feb 24 @ 3:55am 
wtf bro this mod xd
Tchernobill  [author] Jan 19 @ 11:02am 
@axelroadman The only way to remove these portals is to remove the mod and not to use in this save anymore.
The portals are related to a gun. the initial gun is probably lost forever so the save is "doomed".
You may continue this game without the mod no problem.
You may start a new game and import your character with Character Save mod and use this mod.
axelroadman Jan 19 @ 10:52am 
I played with the mod for a while, then turned it off and played without it for some time. Now I connected it again and found portal markers that remained from the previous time. The Portal Gun does not remove them and does not place portals into this cell. Is there any way to remove these markers?
King White Wolf Jan 5 @ 6:09pm 
@Olav Why not just test it yourself to find out? If you're concerned with losing the npc, just back up your save.

As a matter of good practice, and to save yourself the demoralizing frustration of losing important save to things like save corruption or other potential issues, you should be backing up your saves anyways.