Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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District Styles Plus V2
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28 May 2023 @ 23:29
24 Haz 2023 @ 17:29
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District Styles Plus V2

This is a copy over Please visit original mod for description for now.


Change Log (Compare to Original)

  • Added Copy button to copy district style (e.g. If anyone want to create copy of CCP style but add/remove base building)
  • Added filter for CCP contents

Bug Fix
  • Fixed the mod using District ID instead of using proper name from Locale

Usage Guide & FAQ

This section is addressing some feature request I see in original mod.

Q: I want to control the build not to be upgraded.
A: You should mark the building as historical building.

Q: I want to control the build only at certain level.
A: You can use Advanced Building Level Control mod for this. Further more, this mod supports controlling historical buildings too.

Q: I want to rename a district.
A: I am also investigating in this, however I believe this may not be possible or I need to modify some base code that have greater side effect. Instead of support renaming, I added Copy style. You can select existing style and make a copy with new name then delete the old one.

Q: I want to restrict to building list to what in my District Style only
A: Currently the mod do not modify in game logic, as the game logic will only use District style if those meeting the criteria like matching building type/size/level. This can cause Vanilla building show up instead. I am also looking into the possibility of enforcement but this may have to modify game logic. So it won't be happen anytime soon if it is possible.

Q. My district style is not showing up in game or content manager
A. Check are you using Skyve, if yes also double check you have the style enabled in assets, Skyve manage all mods/assets loading now and not even Content Manager can see it

I am a programmer myself but I have never programmed in C#, so there will be quite a bit learning curve for me to adapt to this development environment. So use at your own risk as I can't gurantee I won't break anything

At this stage I am taking this as a side hobby as I see original mod owner haven't made any update recently. So depends on how busy I am I may not able to be confirm fully committed into improving this mod for now. So maybe no feature request for now. My first priority while have time is to do bug fix first, once I solved most bugs issues and it consider stable then I can consider feature request. Feel free to report bugs for this mod.

Feature Request

  • Enforce Building to District Style only
  • District Style summary

Known Bug issues

High Priority
  • Removing district style does not save. Looking into data serialization logic
  • Changing district style can despawn historical building. I look into is it default in game logic behavior or cause by my mod. if it is default game logic behavior then i won't fix it for now. There is a plan to re-do some default in game logic but it will take times

Not important
  • Upon loading save game when you are in game (not from menu) there is change it crash the District Style Editor Panel. However as mod like 81 tiles are disabling load save game, this bug probably have no chance to trigger for most people. (It seem to be known as second loading issues of Cities Skylines. and it is normal)

  • meda22 - the original mod owner of this mod
  • Nyoko for creating the image
  • FindIt mod for some codes on icon image loading

Support for this mod is now available at Discord
215 Yorum
yDNA 19 saat önce 
UICopyStyleModal.cs Line 79 - 83

var selectedDistrictStyle = UIDistrictStyleSelectPanel.GetSelectedDistrictStyle();

if (selectedDistrictStyle != null) {

DistrictStyle newStyle = DSPDistrictStyleManager.CreateDistrictStyle(_name.text);

var buildingInfosToInclude =

Logging.DebugLog("Try to add all buildings to style.");

foreach (BuildingInfo info in buildingInfosToInclude)

new List<BuildingInfo>(buildingInfosToInclude), selectedDistrictStyle);
yDNA 19 saat önce 
I looked into it and found out:
- If a style is copied, a new .crp file gets created in the styles folder for the new style, but it does not contain any assets. That's probably why the style is empty after reloading the game.
- The game uses two different objects to store a style: DistrictStyle and DistrictStyleMetaData. The first one is used while the game is running. DistrictStyleMetaData is used to write the style to the hard drive. (Probably there's more to it, but that's what I'm interested in :D)
- For the game to write the district style to the hard drive, it needs to call StylesHelper.SaveStyle(), like most of the methods in the mods DSPDistrictStylePackageManager class do.

No problem, just use the DSPDistrictStylePackageManager methods, for example like it is done in UIBuildingSelectPanel.SetupIncludeAllButton() which implements the 'include all' button.
yDNA 19 saat önce 
Thank you very much for taking over the mod! I'm very happy with it, but discovered a bug and maybe also a fix. I don't want to setup the whole dev environment to test it. But maybe it's enough to post it as a comment?

Ok first what I experience and believe it to be a bug:
If I copy a style it works as long as the game is running. The next time I load the city, the new style is empty.
sobeh; 27 May @ 21:21 
I subscribe me but i cant find in mais mod list. Why?
jk2l  [yaratıcı] 18 May @ 16:43 
@ChrisKav if the issue is being too much maybe better to remove the mod. I think to fix it I may need to rewrite the mod from scratch which will be lot of effort atm
ChrisKav 18 May @ 13:18 
@jk2l first of all thank you for your work on this mod. The community appreciates it!

Just wanted to know if you plan to release a fix for the district styles being mixed as myself and others have mentioned or if I should go ahead and remove the mod? Thanks again.
Zorgasme 15 May @ 13:27 
Catastrophic, doesnt work at all, the game ignore the theme of the district selected and let grow all building he wants to.
Sivalto 13 May @ 9:47 
Thank You! Before this could not get any own Mod Theme's to work properly. Now all is good :)
ChrisKav 12 May @ 3:23 
@chaoticducc I have also noticed that. Very annoying on what is in general, ana amazing mod
jk2l  [yaratıcı] 9 May @ 18:35 
@Syn hi i don't think i have the free time to do any feature request, most of the functionality are inherited from original mods and there already bug reports that i cannot reproduce or identify. at this stage i don't think i will work much on this mods unless it's something straight forward to fix.