ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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3D Transfer
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May 28, 2023 @ 2:11pm
Jun 25, 2023 @ 12:18pm
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3D Transfer

In 1 collection by Evolanca
9 items
MOD ID: 2982011194

The mod is still in development. Please read the "Known Issues" unter discussions. For more informations please join our discord. We do not provide further support on this page since its hard to manage.

3D Transfer is a mod which gives you as server owner the ability to restrict transfer of items, blueprints and dinos between servers.

You currently have two different Transfer Stations available.

The big one is meant to be a public station and can be placed by admins in the world. It does not require power and it can not be damaged or destroyed. Disable the engram if you wan´t it for admins only.

The small one is meant to be a privat station. Player can craft it in a Replicator and place it in their base. It requires tek generator power and can be damaged. To balance PVP a bit more, you can disable the compress function, so player can not empty a base in a matter of minutes with the help of Transfer Crates.

How doe´s it work?
Player can simply go on a Transfer Station and compress literally everything if you dont restrict it with black/white-lists and the station will give you a Transfer Crate which contains those goods. The mod naturally restricts any normal upload function of items. The only items which can be uploaded are Transfer Crates and items which are whitelisted for vanilla upload.

The player can choose between two different compression modes, "Normal Compression and "Export Compression". Export Compression will produce a Transfer Crate of the opposite server mode. So when you are on PVE and you choose Export Compression, you will create a PVP Export Crate and vice versa.

As admin you can decide what kind of stuff can be compressed in each type of Transfer Crate. This way you can control which stuff can be taken from PVE to PVP and back. Many .ini options give you huge control over transfer of Items, Blueprints and Creatures.

You can also work with the vanilla upload whitelist and allow certain stuff to be uploaded just normally via obelisk.

EngramEntry_CompressionStation_TEK_big EngramEntry_CompressionStation_TEK_small

Big Transfer Station (public) No power needed & non destructive
cheat giveitem "/Game/Mods/3DTransfer/CompressionStation/Variants/PrimalItemStructure_CompressionStation_TEK_big.PrimalItemStructure_CompressionStation_TEK_big" 1 0 0 false

Small Transfer Station (privat) TEK power needed
cheat giveitem "/Game/Mods/3DTransfer/CompressionStation/Variants/PrimalItemStructure_CompressionStation_TEK_small.PrimalItemStructure_CompressionStation_TEK_small" 1 0 0 false

.ini Settings
[3DTransfer] AllowPVEonPVP=false AllowPVPonPVE=false AllowPrivatCompression=false AllowToCompressAll=false BlueprintFilterIsWhitelist=false BlueprintFilterCSV= ExportBlueprintFilterIsWhitelist=true ExportBlueprintFilterCSV= ItemFilterIsWhitelist=false ItemFilterCSV= ExportItemFilterIsWhitelist=false ExportItemFilterCSV= DisableCryopodCompression=false CreatureFilterIsWhitelist=false CreatureFilterCSV= ExportCreatureFilterIsWhitelist=false ExportCreatureFilterCSV= TransferStationInventorySlots=100 VanillaUploadWhitelistCSV=


This mod/code/work is protected by:

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Creative Commons License[]

Do not use this mod for commercial purposes. Do not sell any items or functions related to this mod.
Seryntas Feb 16, 2024 @ 10:45am 
I'm interested in using this mod for my cluster. I'm surprised there isn't an option in the ini to disable the need for element power.
Bulk Biceps Jul 21, 2023 @ 7:39am 
Would suggest an ini option to disable the monitoring logic and make it function as just a simple compression/decompression action with no filter...but...some items like filled fish baskets, bee hives etc need to be filtered out otherwise that causes server crashes. You see a similar behavior with the itemsplus when you attempt to upload those items into the sql database.

Could possibly change the way the blacklisting logic is handled to operate like DinoStorage's Terminal TerminalOnlyAllowItems option but just inverted so you literally can't put those items into the structures inventory itself. Not sure if that's the way it works now as i didn't get that far with it.
Bulk Biceps Jul 20, 2023 @ 8:37pm 
Well out of scope for this mod's design but pertains to any cluster using Lethal's (plugin developer) ItemsPlus plugin for buffer overflow management. This mod will break the plugin's companion mod and disable automatic item upload and display /upload needed (typically only for element and tributes but results in any items in a player's inventory triggering the flag. As both this mod and the plugin monitor for disallowed items in a player's inventory I assume that's where the overlap is occurring causing this.

The other result is the random disappearance of equipped armor and items from a players inventory. Again, assuming overlapping hooks here.

This mod and Lethal's plugin were designed for tackling the buffer overflow issue common with ark, just with different approaches. On a server that can run plugins, would be quite the boon for anyone moving a base or mass farming, uploading the compressed data boxes to the sql database server without ever touching ark's data buffer.
Vacuous Truth Jun 18, 2023 @ 5:16pm 
It's a dedicated server, but only hosted on LAN mind you!

I have used a cluster setup previously on the current map as well, but wanted to be able to upload characters to other maps without copying the steamid.arkprofile files into the folders.

Thanks for the reply, and always a pleasure.
Evolanca  [author] Jun 18, 2023 @ 1:09pm 
@KeeperOrion Thanks for your reports. Some of the issues will be eliminated with the next update. Question: Do you run the mod on a server or in singleplayer?
Vacuous Truth Jun 18, 2023 @ 2:28am 
Minor bug#2: The first crate successfully uploads, downloads from ARK Data, and decompresses all items within. The second crate which is Uploaded/Downloaded from ARK data no longer decompresses with items inside the crate.

Note: Without leaving the ARK Data window, can upload and download multiple crates with no issues decompressing all of them, but soon as the inventory is closed and re-opened to download the crate, the items do not show up in the crate.

My Thoughts:
I assume it's on a world save timer where it's only possible to open 1 crate every 15 minutes?
Or a Non-cluster where ARK data zeros out byte data issue similar to DSv2?
I haven't confirmed anything just initial testing.
Vacuous Truth Jun 18, 2023 @ 2:24am 
I found a few issues which range from minor to major.

Minor issue: Decompressing two crates one after another, you are unable to access any of the two, or more. (Temporarily just decompress 1 crate, obtain items, repeat)
The above could have an impact on players who cause grief.

Major Bug that causes world corruption/server rollback: Compressing any of the items from 'ArkPots' causes the crash (Mod Author 'darklore').

Crashstack text, and an IMG of the crash below.
Evolanca  [author] Jun 14, 2023 @ 2:06am 
@KultistSeferet Please join our discord for further troubleshooting. Your problem can have many reasons. The link to our discord is in the Alpha Ark banner.
KultistSeferet Jun 13, 2023 @ 6:47am 
hello, I play on a local server, transferred resources to another map and now I can’t use the transfer function between maps again
Evolanca  [author] Jun 9, 2023 @ 12:32am 
@Keeper Orion: It is [3DTransfer]. I addet it into the description. Thank you :)