Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress Collection
Items (9)
Corporate Cannon
Created by Mooses Suuri
1000 likes !!!!! Big thanks to all of you who have took your time to like and comment on this item, it really means a lot to me :D "Fight for Democracy" A Presidential clearance-level shotgun reskin for Soldier. Download as a mod! Gamebanana TF2mods Models...
Bedevere's Battle Helm
Created by Jukebox
Sir Medic, the not quite as strong as Heavy ...who had nearly fought off the Spy of Blue ...who had nearly stood up to the Saw of Sawmill ...and who had personally wet himself at the Battle of Badwater Basin. Facial Flexes Jiggle-boned face plate and feath...
Adventurer's Assault Earnubs
Created by Nacco
Just some hat. Might be a long shot because of the trademark issues. I've read the guidelines, I just wanted to try some stuff out....
The Comical Gentleman
Created by LazyGremlin
The Comical Gentleman! For the good ol' chaps out there who wish to blow it out of proportion! This is technically a version 2.0 of a previous work I released called "Polite Speedster" and a replacement. - 2 LODs: 1272 tris, 674 tris - Paintable goggle len...
Slack Suspenders
Created by AyesDyef
Don't forget to strap up tight, you're in for one fast ride! Jiggled boned for maximum flappyness! Paintable straps! Downloadable mod here: Here!...
The Anime Patron
WARNING ! Does not increase your power level !! ------------------------- PAINTABLE. DEFAULT COLOR IS YELLOW. 2 LODS. Goes awesome with the kill taunt :). Picture of all the colors included....
The Plague Doctor's Shawl
Created by Lejean
A thick black waxed shawl to survive the cold winters of europe. Part of the plague doctor's set Info: 3 Lods AO map...
Commendably-Collared Coat
Created by Roo
Fact: The bigger your collar is, the better you are at everything. With this, you're bound to conquer at least one asteroid (probably not THE Asteroid, though)....