Portal 2

Portal 2

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A Collection of Bad Test Chambers
Some people like to create collections consisting of the best test chambers they have to offer, promising hours of fun and entertainment. Unfortunately for you, I am not most people. This collection will contain the worst test chambers I have ever made, the ones I am not proud of, and dare I say, perhaps even ashamed of. Instead of a good time challenging the mind, these test will instead act as examples of how not to design a test chamber, and a case study of what happens when a fourteen-year-old kid downloads BEE2 and decides to make things that he thinks are clever, but are really just annoying at best. Enjoy, I guess.
Items (5)
Attached Turrets
Somehow we made the companion cubes so adorable that even the turrets get attatched to them. Oops. Anyway, now we're sending you over to deal with them. If you succeed, you'll get a raise. If you fail then that's going to lead to the government getting inv...
Bouncing Turrets
This test was made to see what happens when you put repulsion gel onto turrets....
How to Drive Someone Crazy
Step 1: Make it tedious Step 2: What do you mean "Step 2?" There is no step 2! If you keep failing to correctly describe the test chambers, you'll be the one being tested on. Don't screw up again!...
Manually-Operated Laser
This test should be simple, just redirect the laser. However, since the Flu seems to be going around like crazy, some of the scientists are sick and not here. If the laser is not on you will have to turn it on with the button in the observation room....