Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

The Proletarian Holiday
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A set comprised of:
The Sun Blocker
The Proletarian's Polo
The Holiday Hikewear

A concept of TheGreatBeast
Modeled by Mark Unread
Textured by TwoTonMoon
Promos by Phe
Articles (3)
Proletariat's Polo
Karl Marx once said that the proletariat must get a polo, a fanny pack, and go around the world. -3 LoDs -Paintable pack -Costs $19,99...
The Sun Blocker
This typical cap is a must when the summer gets heavy, and comes included with a pair of shades too! - 3 LoDs - Paintable hat - Does not block the sun...
Holiday Hikewear
There are three things that a tourist must remember before going to vacation: close the gas, get socks and sandals, and wear them no matter what. -3 LoDs -Paintable socks -Guaranteed to make you recognizable as a tourist...