Team Fortress 2
The Proletarian Holiday
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A set comprised of:
The Sun Blocker
The Proletarian's Polo
The Holiday Hikewear

A concept of TheGreatBeast
Modeled by Mark Unread
Textured by TwoTonMoon
Promos by Phe
Артикули (3)
Proletariat's Polo
Създадена от ΘΔ Mark Unread ΘΔ
Karl Marx once said that the proletariat must get a polo, a fanny pack, and go around the world. -3 LoDs -Paintable pack -Costs $19,99...
The Sun Blocker
Създадена от ΘΔ Mark Unread ΘΔ
This typical cap is a must when the summer gets heavy, and comes included with a pair of shades too! - 3 LoDs - Paintable hat - Does not block the sun...
Holiday Hikewear
Създадена от ΘΔ Mark Unread ΘΔ
There are three things that a tourist must remember before going to vacation: close the gas, get socks and sandals, and wear them no matter what. -3 LoDs -Paintable socks -Guaranteed to make you recognizable as a tourist...