Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

39 ratings
Blue Archive
Mikamo Neru need more mods for Left 4 Dead 2
Items (130)
COMM: Mikamo Neru [Rochelle]
Mikamo Neru From Blue Archive as Rochelle ___________________________________________________ These Model Features: - Rochelle Survivor Model - Jigglebones - Viewmodel Hands - VGUI Materials ___________________________________________________ Model from: M...
2023 1 5 完全重置版 碧蓝档案 天童爱丽丝 替换eills Blue Archive
天童爱丽丝替换eills,之前有老哥说这样就能凑齐二代ba人物了,嘛,那个评论支持率还挺高的,所以我就做了这个eills版本。 我才不会告诉你我做这个mod是因为我看了爱丽丝的本子 太瑟琴了heiheiheihei 包括 vrd骨骼 飘动骨骼 ui 人物模型 手模 本人b站主页:https://space.bilibili.com/39492638?spm_id_from=333.788.0.0 欢迎关注 弗朗西斯版本:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filed...
碧蓝档案 天童爱丽丝 完全重置版 替换比尔 bill
今天心血来潮把mod重置了一次 本次更新带来的是 拥有裙子和各方面更好的贴图 人物拥有表情 终于给爱丽丝穿上了胖次 拥有防止下蹲裙子穿模的vrd骨骼 更新了头像 我能不能对着爱丽丝发电阿,这种角色最棒了!!! 希望你喜欢我的mod。你的支持就是咱最大的动力了。 ...
2023 1 5 完全重置版 碧蓝档案 天童爱丽丝 替换弗朗西斯 Blue Archive survivor
欸嘿,做了两天的成果,她真可爱嘿嘿嘿。 玩的开心。 我才不会告诉你我做这个mod是因为我看了爱丽丝的本子( 太瑟琴了heiheiheihei 包括 vrd骨骼 飘动骨骼 ui 人物模型 手模 本人b站主页:https://space.bilibili.com/39492638?spm_id_from=333.788.0.0 欢迎关注 eills 帽子版本:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2855045894 2023 1 5 完全...
碧蓝档案 体操服美游 替换Nick Blue Archive
碧蓝档案 美游(体操服)。替换nick mod内容: 第一人称和第三人称模型 人物表情 飘动骨骼 vrd骨骼 带有夜光效果 模型来自恋活提取,恋活人物卡作者为:tokiboy 祝使用愉快 喜欢的话球球点个赞呗QAQ 我的b站被处男审核和有人恶意举报已经被关小黑屋7天,而且有4个演示视频也被下架,我真的是。。。不知道哥们能不能扛过这一回了。心烦。。。。 ...
碧蓝档案 泳装白洲梓 替换 黑妹 Rochelle Blue Archive
快来这理发店! 本次mod我又是修了好久,我现在就要开始发癫了。 包含 飘动骨骼 人物表情 手臂vrd 模型来源:恋活提取 如果觉得作品侵犯了原作权益,请联系我,我会及时删除。 本mod为了能够把模型塞进求生,进行了大幅度调整,视觉上会有一些瑕疵,还请谅解。 祝使用愉快,本人b站主页:https://space.bilibili.com/39492638?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0 给孩子留个赞吧QAQ 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1eW...
碧蓝档案-泳装日富美 替换比尔 元旦快乐 【Blue Archive】
米娜桑,2023年快乐啊!!! 新的一年也要继续加足干劲好好ghs哦!!! 最近咕咕咕的原因嘛。。。最近新买了水着琉璃子,导致我沉迷ghs,以至于没太多想法来肝mod了,不过正好是新年来了,元旦的小福利还是要给上的吧!希望你能喜欢这个mod! mod内容包括 人物表情 飘动骨骼 vrd骨骼 最后的最后,送上我的新年祝福给大家! 希望大家每天都能开开心心的ghs,如果我的mod能给你的游戏路程带来一份快乐的话,我会很开心的! 尸体mod重新上传,需要的自行下载,但愿不要再遇上恶心的人 ...
碧蓝档案 体操服玛丽 替换弗朗西斯 Blue Archive
碧蓝档案的 玛丽(体操服),登场。替换francis mod内容: 第一人称和第三人称模型 人物表情 飘动骨骼 vrd骨骼 模型来自恋活提取,恋活人物卡作者为:tokiboy 喜欢的话球球点个赞呗QAQ 对玛祷至昏!!! ...
碧蓝档案 春原心奈 替换路易斯【Blue Archive】
我的评价是:一百昏!!!!! 恋活人物卡模型提取制作 人物卡模型来自:Fworks_sky 我负责模型提取和mod制作 mod包括:飘动 人物表情 vrd骨骼 喜欢的话就給咱留个赞吧,mod要是能过五星的话咱会再做一个二代生还者。 二代Ellis版本在群里:655077118...
碧蓝档案 Blue Archive 春原瞬 幼瞬 替换 coach 教练
碧蓝档案的幼瞬,登场。替换coach mod内容 包含 飘动骨骼 vrd骨骼 模型来自恋活提取,恋活人物卡作者为:夜夜 已取得授权 手模重置,小瑕疵还望忽视。 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1VP4y1d7iF?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=03c973b51fb9c267f6adcb6181af2ccf ...
Blue Archive - Mika - Coach
Created by NanaNana
3D modeling : せとくまみりん (@mirin_setokuma) 接起源引擎(csgo, css, gmod, ins等均可)模组定做,持续营业中...
碧蓝档案 - 天雨亚子 同时RNG(Rochelle) Blue Archive - Amau Ako RNG(rochelle)
Created by MHOUND
蔚蓝档案 - 天雨亚子 RNG内裙 MODEL:みりん屋 你方唱罢我登场,格黑娜学园的风纪委员行政官,天雨アコ 参上! mod包含内容: 飘动,表情,vrd,部分夜光,不太明显的小动画以及。。以及胸部的。。摇晃吧,嗯。。 增添:自制头发质感的自定义warp贴图,全身描边效果! 大部分贴图为高清4k,所以容量会很大 但是我已经压到了100m之下,还请放心订阅! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 该模...
Blue Archive - Miyu
Created by Polandick
Blue Archive Miyu replace Zoey 碧蓝档案 美游 代替 Zoey Model by MOMO_RUI twitter - https://twitter.com/hswangrui2008 bilibili - 13201502 Model sketchfab - https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/108d81dfd5a44dab92e4dccf0cc51a02 Features - Facial expression - Jiggle bones ...
美游替换弗朗西斯/Miyu Replace Francis
模型作者已授权上传到创意工坊 The original model author has authorized to upload to the workshop 原模型作者:MoMo_Rui Origin Model Author:MoMo_Rui 作者B站有号 Mod作者:我 Mod Author:Me 好久没发mod了,发一个证明自己还活着 预览视频 Preview video b23点tv点EvTX3Rk 点自己加(举报的人没妈^^) 美游替换弗朗西斯 Miyu Replace Fransic 包括...
【碧蓝档案】伊吕波替换佐伊/【Blue archive】Iroha Replace Zoey
Credits: 编译人物模型/Complie Survivor Model:Me 描边添加/Add Outline:Me 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll:Me 人物HUD/Vgui:三三风 特涩 /Features 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones (她的前发不会穿过额头/Her front hair will not swing through her head) 表情/Expression 会发光的光环/Glowing halo (死后消失/Will disappear after sh...
【碧蓝档案】伊吕波替换佐伊(裸足版本)/【Blue archive】Iroha Replace Zoey(Bare feet version)
Credits: 编译人物模型/Complie Survivor Model:Me 描边添加/Add Outline:Me 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll:Me 人物HUD/Vgui:三三风 特涩 /Features 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones (她的前发不会穿过额头/Her front hair will not swing through her head) 表情/Expression 会发光的光环/Glowing halo (死后消失/Will disappear after sh...
【碧蓝档案】戒野美咲替换比尔/[Blue archive]Misaki Replace Bill
Credits: 人物模型作者/Original model author:ちくわエグゼ様 编译人物模型/Complie Survivor Model:Me 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll:Me 特涩 /Features 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones (她的前发不会穿过额头/Her front hair will not swing through her head) 表情/Expression 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll <-需要在首次订阅后重启游戏生效/Should b...
Rikuhachima Aru - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
The self-proclaimed "Boss" of Club Problem Solver 68 Aru is a 2nd year student at Gehenna Academy. She conducts her illegal business however she pleases. While Aru always puts on a cool, beauteous, and villainous façade, she has a habit of breaking charact...
Asagi Mutsuki - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
Chief of staff and assault activist of Problem Solver 68 Mutsuki is a 2nd year student at Gehenna Academy, a devilish troublemaker that commits acts of wanton wrongdoing without hesitation. The third student arriving to seek mayhem in zombie filled streets...
Onikata Kayoko - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
The "Section chief" of Problem Solver 68 Kayoko is a 3rd year student at Gehenna Academy. Unlike the other fixers, Kayoko is not one with ill intentions. However, she is often misunderstood as a delinquent simply due to natural scary facial expressions and...
Igusa Haruka - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
An "entry-level employee" of Problem Solver 68 and 1st year student at Gehenna Academy. Despite being shy and possessing cripplingly low self-esteem, her ideas and determination to commit any act makes her the scariest and most dangerous amongst the alread...
Blue Archive-Shirasu Azusa as Coach(梓替换coach)
Created by V♂NILLA
圣三一综合学院所属,补课部的冰之魔女。 从原本就读的学校中途退学,但出于各种各样的原因,来到了圣三一学院并继续学习功课。独自一人,却主动与他人保持距离以避免打扰别人,这让补课部的其他学生为此担心 An ice queen who belongs to Trinity's Supplementary Lesson Department. Originally, she had dropped out of her school, but for one reason or another, she has r...
Blue Archive-Ajitani Hifumi as Nick(日富美替换nick)
Created by V♂NILLA
三一综合学园的补习授课部的情感丰富的少女。虽然外表普通成绩中流,但由于温柔近人的性格啊哈哈....,在背地里有着相当的人气。因为经常倾听周围人们的牢骚与烦恼,拜其所赐,日富美的周边总会莫名出现各式各样的争端与纠纷 An emotional and sensitive girl in the Supplementary Lesson Department of Trinity General Academy. Despite her average grades and appearance,Hihumi's...
[Blue Archive]Shimoe Koharu as Ellis(小春替换ellis)
Created by V♂NILLA
三一综合学院补课部成员。 原本属于正义实现委员会的她,却因成绩下滑,陷入留级危机,被迫转入补课部。 她认为自己是精英,但实际上她太笨了以至于跟不上学业。 她有收集小黄书的爱好,常常因为对最微不足道的事情幻想而感到尴尬。 Member of the Supplementary Lesson Department of Trinity General Academy. Originally, she belonged to the Justice Realization Committee, but her g...
[Blue Archive]Urawa Hanako as Rochelle(花子替换Rochelle)
Created by V♂NILLA
补课部的问题儿童。 与外表不同的是,说话时只会开车的学生,其他成员们似乎总是很紧张…… 她的行为非常危险,比如穿着泳衣上课,几乎每一个字从她嘴里说出来都是在开车,这让她周围的每个人都感到不安。 The problem child of the Supplementary Lesson Department. Despite her appearance, she's a student who only says naughty things when she talks, and her members ...
Blue Archive Kayoko-Newyear as louis(新年佳代子替换弗朗西斯)
Created by 白邪
新春佳代子,萌新的第二个小人,没有动态表情,但是支持打包动作 Credits: Nexon - Assets Cuba- Compiling,IK ...
Blue Archive Mutsuki_Newyear as louis(新年睦月替换路易斯)
Created by 白邪
结合Cuba和V♂NILLA俩个大佬做出来的结果,由于个人技术原因,除了眨眼没有表情 ...
【碧蓝档案】奥尼方加代子 Replace 佐伊
Created by 诗绮美 / Shikimi
————————————————————————————————————————————————— This addon replaces Zoey. ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ➧(这个人物是替换zoey,变成了鬼形佳代子)This character is a replacement zoey and becomes Kayoko. ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ...
COMM: Momoi Saiba [Ellis]
Momoi Saiba from Blue Archive as Ellis ___________________________________________________ These Model Features: - Ellis Survivor Model - Jigglebones - Viewmodel Hands - VGUI Materials ___________________________________________________ Model from: MikuMik...
【Blue Archive】Sunaookami Shiroko as Coach
Created by Kozeki's Milk
The more prepared you are, the better. It's a simple rule. - Sunaookami Shiroko. This is a replacement for Coach. Supposed to be a self copy with all the edits I made. But I might share it to everyone as well. -Improved Hud Icons, Incapacitation Panel. -Fi...
【Blue Archive】Sunaookami Shiroko as Rochelle
Created by Kozeki's Milk
We rob a bank - Sunaookami Shiroko. This is the Default Shiroko for Rochelle. Supposed to be a self copy with all the edits I made. But I might share it to everyone as well. This time, I tried to widen my range of skills, it took a long while, still not pe...
【Blue Archive】Takanashi Hoshino as Ellis
Created by Kozeki's Milk
Alright, alright~. - Takanashi Hoshino. Meet Takanashi Hoshino, the Sleepy Uncle of Abydos, the vice president of the Abydos Student Council, and is also the president of the Countermeasure Council. PTSD-ridden but keeps smiling at everyone. She's a studen...
【Blue Archive】Ajitani Hifumi as Bill
Created by Kozeki's Milk
Haha...I'm not very good at this,but pleased to meet you. - Ajitani Hifumi. Meet Ajitani Hifumi as Bill. Both are battle-scarred characters. went through hell and back, but keeps themselves in front of their friends despite they almost lost their hopes. (t...
【Blue Archive】Aikiyo Fuuka as Louis
Created by Kozeki's Milk
Sorry to keep you waiting! The School Lunch Club has arrived! - Aikiyo Fūka. Meet Aikiyo Fūka as Louis. A 2nd year student and one of the members of the School Lunch Club which manages the cafeteria at Gehenna Academy. Working hard every morning to make a ...
蔚蓝档案 砂狼白子(Blue Archive Shiroko)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换francis,变成了砂狼白子)This character is a replacement francis and becomes Shiroko 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the ...
蔚蓝档案 小鸟游星野(Blue Archive Hoshino)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换zoey,变成了小鸟游星野)This character is a replacement zoey and becomes Hoshino 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the chara...
蔚蓝档案 黑见芹香(Blue Archive Serika)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换louis,变成了黑见芹香)This character is a replacement louis and becomes Serika 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the chara...
蔚蓝档案 十六夜野乃美(Blue Archive Nonomi)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换bill,变成了十六夜野乃美)This character is a replacement bill and becomes Nonomi 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the chara...
蔚蓝档案 一之瀬明日奈(Blue Archive Asuna)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换ellis,变成了一之瀬明日奈)This character is a replacement ellis and becomes Asuna 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the char...
蔚蓝档案 角楯花梨(Blue Archive Karin)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换bill,变成了角楯花梨)This character is a replacement bill and becomes Karin 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the characte...
蔚蓝档案 才羽绿(Blue Archive Saiba Midori)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换louis,变成了才羽绿)This character is a replacement louis and becomes Saiba Midori 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the ...
蔚蓝档案 才羽桃井(Blue Archive Saiba Momoi)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换francis,变成了才羽桃井)This character is a replacement francis and becomes Saiba Momoi 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of ...
蔚蓝档案 陆八魔阿露(Blue Archive Aru)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换nick,变成了陆八魔阿露)This character is a replacement nick and becomes Aru 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the character...
蔚蓝档案 浅黄睦月(Blue Archive Mutsuki)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换rochelle,变成了浅黄睦月)This character is a replacement rochelle and becomes Mutsuki 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of th...
蔚蓝档案 鬼形佳代子(Blue Archive Kayoko)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换coach,变成了鬼形佳代子)This character is a replacement coach and becomes Kayoko 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the char...
蔚蓝档案 伊草春香(Blue Archive Haruka)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换ellis,变成了伊草春香)This character is a replacement ellis and becomes Haruka 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the chara...
蔚蓝档案 早濑优香(Blue Archive Hayase Yūka)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换zoey,变成了早濑优香)This character is a replacement zoey and becomes Hayase Yūka 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the ch...
蔚蓝档案 早濑优香(Blue Archive Hayase Yūka)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换coach,变成了早濑优香)This character is a replacement coach and becomes Hayase Yūka 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the ...
蔚蓝档案 鹫见芹娜(Blue Archive Sumi Serina)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换bill,变成了鹫见芹娜)This character is a replacement bill and becomes Sumi Serina 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the ch...
蔚蓝档案 下江小春(Blue Archive Shimoe Koharu)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换zoey,变成了下江小春)This character is a replacement zoey and becomes Shimoe Koharu 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the ...
蔚蓝档案 柚鸟夏(Blue Archive Yutori Natsu)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换ellis,变成了柚鸟夏)This character is a replacement ellis and becomes Yutori Natsu 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the ...
Blue Archive Concert Mod
Created by Game_of_Killer
Kivotos Students came to the Dark Carnival Concert - Replaces Midnight Riders Concert Music, Billboards, posters etc. Concert Music List midnightride : No. 131 / Kivotos Big Sports day Event ost midnighttank : No. 142 / F.SCT Battle Main Story/Event ost Cu...
Blue Archive - Unwelcome School Tank Music
Created by [ Serinus ]
Change Tank Music to Blue Archive OST Track 7 - Unwelcome School Original Music By -> Mitsukiyo Except Last Stand Finale / Concert Finale 2023.09.14 -> sound increase +3.0db Support by - 코사카 레이나...
Blue archives Seal Painting
Blue archives Seal Painting This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1836930328230758418/A073C5ADF21ED6F7C44396019EBF2F29308B470A/?imw=5000&imh=5000...
【Blue Archive】Peroro Backpack for Health Kit
Created by Kozeki's Milk
Ajitani Hifumi's Backpack may hide some unknown items that no one knows, ehh, most probably some Peroro-sama merchandise and items from Hifumi. But this time it can help you survive this apocalypse, for a limited time. This looks fine with Blue Archive sur...
Blue Archive JukeBox Custom
Created by Game_of_Killer
ブルーアーカイブ / Blue Archive / 블루 아카이브 Replaces Jukebox Music ▶ Music List badman Blue Archive OST 15.Honey Jam midnightride Blue Archive OST 32 GGF re_your_brains Blue Archive OST 82.Hifumi Daisuki thesaintswillnevercome Blue Archive OST 141 / A Game Before th...
Arnoa boomerbile - BlueArchive碧蓝档案 [彩奈小编] の 胆汁
Created by MHOUND
誒?這不是阿羅娜嗎?為什麼名字是彩奈小編呢? 沒辦法,臺灣小姐姐的配音實在是太可愛了 請原諒我,我真的沒有惡意,真的沒有! 噗…哈哈,哈哈哈哈哈! ------------------------------------------- 胆汁含有倒计时+夜光+特效 ...
和泉元艾米 | SPAS-12 艾米 | Luminous
Created by 呐呐呐~~~
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places. 艾米替换二代连喷SPAS-12 夜光 手臂长度建议80 | cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 80 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Gs4y1m7HJ 模型:Blu...
空崎日奈 | M60 泳装hina | Luminous
Created by 呐呐呐~~~
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转�? This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places 泳装hina替换M60 夜光 手臂长度建议80 | cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 80 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Eg4y1x72o/ 模型:Blue A...
Auto Lacquer - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
This machine gun is often used by Maki even when she is painting graffiti. It has been modified using Millennium's technology, and can load and fire paint bullets as well as live ammunition. Maki's machine gun "Auto Lacquer", replacing the M60 on MW:19 Ani...
Manifestation of Justice - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
The sniper rifle that Mashiro uses to carry out her duties in the Justice Task Force. Although it's a bit bulky to carry around, Mashiro claims it doesn't deter her faith in justice.. Mashiro's anti material rifle, replacing the AWP on edited MW:19 Animati...
WHITE FANG 465 - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
Shiroko's favorite assault rifle. It is always well maintained, so it is always ready for anything to happen. Shiroko's rifle, replacing the SG552 on MW:19 Animations. Credits Nexon - Assets Mav - Animation port Cuba - Compiling ...
Fresh Chocolate Mint - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
Airi's Sub-machinegun. The name came from her favorite sweets at a store she frequently visits. Airi's sub-machinegune, replacing the Mp5 on Edited MW:19 Animations. Credits Nexon - Assets Mav - Animation port Cuba - Compiling, Animation Edits ...
Volume Suppressor - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
A bolt action rifle used by Ui when her surroundings become too loud. As the name suggests, it can make the target quiet. Ui's rifle "Volume Suppressor", replacing the Scout on MW:19 Animations. Credits Nexon - Assets Mav - Animation port Cuba - Compiling ...
Emergency Rush Kit - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
A short-barreled grenade launcher used by Senna. A tool used to quickly remove obstacles when dispatching emergency services. Obstacles include anyone who gets in the way of your work. Sena's grenade launcher, replacing the grenade launcher on MW:19 Animat...
Flashy Inspiration - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
A sniper rifle used by Midori. She has an accessory that was given by her dear sister, and when she is in trouble, she plays with it and it seems to inspire her. Midori's G3, replacing the Military Sniper on MW:19 Animations. Credits Nexon - Assets Mav - A...
Valkyrie Standard Rifle No.14 - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
A standard rifle issued to Fubuki by the Valkyrie Police Academy. The rifle boasts its own high power, but because Fubuki tends to neglect its management, it is unable to achieve its full potential.. Fubuki's Valkyrie rifle, replacing the Hunting Rifle on ...
Millennium-made Latest Dumbbell - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
A shotgun that Sumire usually uses while exercising. It has a function that if you do push-ups every time you shoot it, you will naturally become healthier. Sumire's automatic shotgun, replacing the auto shotgun on MW:19 Animations. Credits Nexon - Assets ...
Multi Tactical - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
Eimi's favorite shotgun. As its name implies, it is designed for a wide variety of situations, from forcible breakthroughs to dealing with supernatural phenomena. Eimi's Spas-12, replacing the Combat Shotgun on MW:19 Animations. Credits Nexon - Assets Mav ...
Sweets Driver - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
Yoshimi's special rifle. In order to win the battle over sweets in Kivotos, you must first have fighting skills. Yoshimi's assault rifle, replacing the desert rifle on MW:19 Animations. Credits Nexon - Assets Mav - Animation port Cuba - Compiling ...
Red Winter Rifle (Swapped Colors) - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
A seldom-known academy on the Kivotos' outskirts with a large enrollment and district. The General Student Council's holds less influence here, so Red Winter is self-governing with Secretariat holding power. The standard issue rifle given to all Red Winter...
Red Winter Rifle Spec Ops - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
Unlike other schools in Kivotos, suspended students (those who violated certain laws) ended up in the No. 227 Special Class where they had to stay in a single dormitory. This is a bonus skin for the Red Winter Rifle that adds a third skin based off Spec Op...
Red Winter Rifle - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
A seldom-known academy on the Kivotos' outskirts with a large enrollment and district. The General Student Council's holds less influence here, so Red Winter is self-governing with Secretariat holding power. The standard issue rifle given to all Red Winter...
Backdoor - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
The assault rifle used by Chihiro. According to her, it's the fastest way to get the encrypted password. Chihiro's assault rifle, replacing the M16 on MW:19 Animations. Credits Nexon - Assets Mav - Animation port Cuba - Compiling ...
Meister Zero - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
A submachine gun with a simple design modified by Utaha herself. It is also highly durable, and can be used as a tool, just like a hammer. Utaha's sub-machine gun "Meister Zero", replacing the Mac10 on MW:19 Animations. Credits Nexon - Assets Mav - Animati...
Beyond the Lumination - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
The submachine gun that Natsu carries. For her, who basically likes to contemplate, taking out this gun is often a "last resort". Natsu's sub-machine gun "Beyond the Lumination", replacing the SMG on MW:19 Animations. Credits Nexon - Assets Mav - Animation...
Blow Away - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
A shotgun used by Haruka to exterminate pests. The definition of "pest" seems to be a case by case basis. Haruka's shotgun "Blow Away", replacing the Chrome Shotgun on MW:19 Animations. Credits Nexon - Assets Mav - Animation port Cuba - Compiling ...
Sakura Bon Bon - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
A pump-action shotgun used by Shizuko. According to Shizuko, "It's the only one of its kind in the world", with a faint scent of red bean paste, a specialty of Hyakkiyako. Shizuko's Ithaca 37, replacing the PumpShotgun on MW:19 Animations. Credits Nexon - ...
Chistka - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
A pistol used by Cherino to purge someone. You don't even need to pull the trigger, just point the muzzle of the gun and shout, "Purge!" is enough in Red Winter. Cherino's revolver replacing the Magnum on MW:19 Animations. Credits Nexon - Assets Mav - Anim...
Common Sense & Echolink - Blue Archive
Created by Cuba
A gun with a cute design that Ayane is wielding. Unless you repeatedly say or do something insane in front of her, you don't get to see this in front of her very often The pistol that Kotama always carries. It is a model with a minimized firing sound so as...
【Blue Archive】Sunaookami Shiroko SG553 Replaces SG552
Created by Yuki ICE
青春×奇迹×武器! 何気ない日常で、ほんの少しの奇跡を見つける物語。 在无心的日常中,发现少许奇迹的故事。 素材来源介绍 蔚蓝档案(日文:ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-,韩文:블루 아카이브,英文:Blue Archive,简称:ブルアカ,原称:Project MX)又称碧蓝档案、蓝色档案,是由韩国Nexon旗下子公司NAT Games开发、Yostar代理发行的一款角色收集RPG游戏。 《ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-》是以高技术力自豪的NAT GAMES正在开发的第四部作品。...
【Blue Archive】Izayoi Nonomi's Little Machine Gun V as Minigun
Created by Kozeki's Milk
My children are all so cute!! - Izayoi Nonomi "I am Izayoi Nonomi... and this is my weapon. She weighs one hundred kilograms (Yuuka moment) and fires two hundred dollar, custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute. It costs four hundred thou...
【Blue Archive】Himuro Sena's Medicine Bottle for Pain Pills
Created by Kozeki's Milk
Drink this medicine and you'll get temporary heal in no time, or you'll end up as Himuro Sena's casualties patients. Features: -Hud Icons (not available with current version, might be added in future update) Next is in between a Survivor HUD Icon mod and a...
【Blue Archive】Yakushi Saya's Poison Bomb for Boomer Bile
Created by Kozeki's Milk
This is Yakushi Saya's Poison Bomb used in her EX Skill: It's My Masterpiece!. It deploys a poisonous smoke with lingering damage through a circular area. Updated Features: - Glow Effect (Saya's bomb has a glow effect in-game, not game-accurate but good en...
【Blue Archive】Asagi Mutsuki's Duffle Bag as Explosive Ammo
Created by Kozeki's Milk
Kufufu~ Do you want to know what's inside the bag, Sensei? - Asagi Mutsugaki This is Asagi Mutsuki's Duffle Bag, It has enough explosives to clear out enemies, it also contains explosive rounds for that extra kick on your weaponries. Blue Archive is good, ...
【Blue Archive】Kozeki Ui's Encyclopedia for Health Kit
Created by Kozeki's Milk
This is Kozeki Ui's Encyclopedia or Guest book from Sensei (Ui's Relationship Story: Episode 3), She brings it all the time, it may be an encyclopedia, but sometimes it's just that guest book with Sensei's writing on it. She may call it this one: Sensei's ...
【Blue Archive】Shimoe Koharu's Handbag as Incendiary Ammo
Created by Kozeki's Milk
Do not ask what are the contents and the books inside the bag, just get one and keep quiet, you might need it later. - Koharu, most probably. This is Shimoe Koharu's Handbag/Slingbag that she carries whenever she roams outside. inside the bag are some cont...
【Blue Archive】Sorai Saki's Equipment Bag as Defibrillator
Created by Kozeki's Milk
This is Sorai Saki's equipment bag, it contains some items needed for the survival of Rabbit Platoon. Features: -This mod only contains the world model, you will still use the default chest paddles. You have been warned, Sensei. Credits: NatGames/Nexon - A...
【Blue Archive】Hinomiya Chinatsu's Syringe as Adrenaline Shot
Created by Kozeki's Milk
I'll leave you with this medical syringe, Sensei. Good luck on surviving. - Hinomiya Chinatsu, probably. This is a medical syringe Chinatsu uses for healing teammates. She just gave you one, use it wisely. Features/weird bugs: -Worldmodel clips on survivor...
【Blue Archive】Kaiser PMC Student/Soldier Equipment Bag as Defibrillator
Created by Kozeki's Milk
We have obtained an equipment bag from a Kaiser PMC Soldier, you have to use it's contents to survive this fight, may RNG be on your side. This is the Equipment Bag a Kaiser PMC Handgun Soldier/Student equipped with. - Replace only the world models. Credit...
【Blue Archive】Shimoe Koharu's Holy Hand Grenade for Pipe Bomb
Created by Kozeki's Milk
"Yes, of course! The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch Kivotos! 'Tis one of the sacred relics Koharu carries with her. Koharu! Bring up the Holy Hand Grenade!" - Sister Hanako How to use the Holy Hand Grenade "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt...
【碧蓝档案】星野替换教练/[Blue Archive]Hoshino Replace Coach
Credits: 人物模型作者/Original model author:魔王 manou 模型预处理/Model preprocessing:Kokkorylien Vgui:三三风 Mod制作/Rest part:Me 特涩 /Features 细描边/thin outline 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones (尽我所能减少了穿模/I try my best to decline chance that the model may go through each other) 光环自发光/Glow...
Sensei (Replace Smoker)
Created by io-ichan
Replaced Smoker With Blue Archive Sensei Also replaced first person arms Model:I made it in Blender Complie:me...
COMM: Joumae Saori [Zoey]
Joumae Saori from Blue Archive as Zoey ___________________________________________________ Features: - Zoey Survivor Model - Zoey Light Model - Jiggle Bones - Viewmodel Hands - VGUI Materials ___________________________________________________ Model from: ...
COMM: Susanookami Shiroko [Zoey]
Susanookami Shiroko From Blue Archive as Zoey ___________________________________________________ These Model Features: - Zoey Survivor Model - Zoey Light Model - Jiggle Bones - Zoey Viewmodel ___________________________________________________ Model from:...
Sensei (Replace Jockey)
Created by io-ichan
Replaced Jockey With Blue Archive Sensei Also replaced first person arms Model:I made it in Blender Mod Making:me...
Sensei (Replace Hunter)
Created by io-ichan
Replaced Hunter With Blue Archive Sensei Also replaced first person arms Model:I made it in Blender Mod Making:me...
[Blue Archive]Shirasu Azusa (Swimsuit ver.) as Coach|水梓替换Coach
Created by V♂NILLA
Azusa is in her swimsuit! She's trying to be her normal calm self, but her first time in the ocean is making her nervous! Furthermore, the friends she came with won't let her sit still! Features: VGUI Basic Flexes 2D Facial Expressions Original Rigging Cus...
[Blue Archive]Ajitani Hifumi (Swimsuit ver.) as Nick|水日富美替换Nick
Created by V♂NILLA
Here's Hifumi in her swimsuit, having secretly "borrowed" a tank for Azusa, who has never been to the beach! It seems that Hifumi's screw-up attribute becomes even stronger when she rides in the tank, causing the summer fuss to become even bigger...? Featu...
天童爱丽丝 | AWP 爱丽丝(女仆)|Luminous
Created by 呐呐呐~~~
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places. 认准modB站作者(๑•ω•๑):CY火余 爱丽丝(女仆)替换AWP 夜光 手臂长度建议80 | cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 80 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/...
COMM: Miyu [Ellis]
Miyu from Blue Archive as Ellis ___________________________________________________ These Model Features: - Ellis Survivor Model - Jigglebones - Viewmodel Hands - VGUI Materials ___________________________________________________ Model and all rights belon...
[Blue Archive]Misono Mika as Tank(normal ver.)|聖園ミカ替换tank
Created by V♂NILLA
original model version|原模型版本 here is another version,a bit more funny,I supposed.Their facial expressions are slight different|另一个版本,也许更有趣一些,两者的面部表情略有不同: another ver BiliBili Feature|特色 Facial Expression|面部表情 NanoHelveticrolls|纳米瑞士卷 Jigglebones|飘动骨骼 Firstp...
【碧蓝档案】Nico替换黑妹/[Blue archive] Nico Replace Rochelle
Credits: 模型提供/Moded provider:晓在努力不发电(BUID:1266194255) 编译人物模型/Complie Survivor Model:Me 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll:Me 特涩 /Features 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones 表情/Expression 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll <-需要在首次订阅后重启游戏生效/Should be function after restart your game,if you just subsc...
COMM: Urawa Hanako [Coach]
Commission for N1t3C0r3 HuN13 ___________________________________________________ Urawa Hanako From BlueArchive. ___________________________________________________ These Model Features: - Coach Survivor Model - Viewmodel Hands - VGUI Materials ___________...
COMM Ajitani Hifumi [Rochelle]
Commission for N1t3C0r3 HuN13 ___________________________________________________ Urawa Hanako From BlueArchive. ___________________________________________________ These Model Features: - Rochelle Survivor Model - Jigglebones - Viewmodel Hands - VGUI Mate...
Created by 呐呐呐~~~
这简介我懒得再写了,复制都懒得再复制了,反正懂的都懂,不懂的去翻之前的作品的简介看。还是那句话,认准B站作者:CY火余 (*^▽^*) 模型:碧蓝档案,Blue Archive 普通佳代子替换小手枪,春节佳代子替代双枪。演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ns4y1B7DX 再有人过来问我咋小人在哪在哪看不完整啥的,指定有你好果子吃啊!ヽ(`Д´)ノ还有别再找我加啥steam好友了,不会同意的 ̄へ ̄ ...
[Blue Archive]Hoshino swimwear replace Coach
Created by Elaina
Hoshino swimwear replace Coach. model:Koikatu/ms Jiggle bones/飘动骨骼 Expression/表情 VRD Use the zoey action/使用zoey动作 The survivor portraits blinking animations....
[Blue Archive] Tsukiyuki Miyako as Nick
Created by V♂NILLA
Miyako is a member of SRT Special Academy and the leader of the RABBIT Platoon. Her facial expressions rarely change and she rarely shows her emotions. People around her tend to think she is unsociable, but in her heart, she is a kind-hearted platoon leade...
[Blue Archive] Kazekura Moe as Coach
Created by V♂NILLA
A member of the RABBIT Platoon of SRT Special School. She is a dangerous girl who gets a thrill out of unleashing massive firepower without regards to any short or/and long term consequences. Her reason for not leaving SRT is due to her wanting to use the ...
蔚蓝档案 浦和花子(Blue Archive Hanako)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换coach,变成了浦和花子)This character is a replacement coach and becomes Hanako 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the chara...
蔚蓝档案 花岡柚子(Blue Archive Yuzu)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换zoey,变成了花岡柚子)This character is a replacement zoey and becomes Yuzu 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the character...
蔚蓝档案 下江小春(Blue Archive Koharu)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换rochelle,变成了 下江小春)This character is a replacement rochelle and becomes Koharu 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of th...
Blue Archive Style HUD
Created by Interneted
27/02/2024: I am starting to regret making this. Description This replaces your survivor HUD to a 2021 Blue Archive Style HUD, it's not entirely exact, but it should be similar. I tried my best to replicate most things with the original game. Features: The...
[COMM] Blue Archive: Haneko
Commissioned by OGRE, Blue Archive's Hanako model by TararaTarako playing as Rochelle Features: - Eye tracking - Facial flex - HUD icons - Custom bile - Viewmodel arms - Jigglebones - Support reskin - Zoey anim Credits: TararaTarako - Model, textures 7EMP3...
[BlueArchive]Iori Swimsuit replace Coach
Created by Elaina
Iori Swimsuit replace Coach. 银镜伊知泳装替换Coach. model:Koikatu/reb_orange ...
[Blue Archive]hina swimsuit replace Rochelle
Created by Elaina
hina swimsuit replace Rochelle Jiggle bones/飘动骨骼 Expression/表情 VRD Use the zoey action/使用zoey动作 The survivor portraits blinking animations....
[Blue Archive] Shimoe Koharu (Swimsuit ver.) as Ellis|泳装小春替换Ellis
Created by V♂NILLA
为了监视老师来到无人岛的三一综合学园所属,补习授课部的一员。 作为正义实现委员会的一员,扰乱风纪的事情是绝不容许的!虽然抱着这样的使命感,但渐渐地也觉得就在岛上悠闲度假似乎也不错。 "你、你在看哪里啊!?变态!!" Features: VGUI|基本图标 Proportion animation|Proportion动画 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2269315845041140031/988B8652F2DF22A7C8966D9E296B78F...
Blue Archive - Toki - Nick
Created by Polandick
Blue Archive Toki replace Nick 碧蓝档案 時 代替 Nick Model by せとくま みりん(@mirin_setokuma) twitter - https://twitter.com/mirin_setokuma - Support the original author! Model model - booth.pm/items/5022736 Features - Facial expression - Jiggle bones - VGUI icons - FPS...
COMM: Ogata Kanna [Rochelle]
Ogata Kanna from Blue Archive as Rochelle ___________________________________________________ Features: - Rochelle Survivor Model - Jiggle Bones - Viewmodel Hands - VGUI Materials ___________________________________________________ Model from: MikuMikuDanc...
银镜伊织 替换 教练(lori replace coach)
Created by 艾米诺阿斯
公元二零二三年十一月,艾米先生闲来无事,欲访鸡窝与众生徒嬉戏。忽有信使来报,时逢周年之庆祝,故献之以宝石曰青辉。先生大喜,即呼爱将阿罗娜,命其招募各学院之精英。不时,彩光四溢,见一美人,发丝若雪,双目似炬,肩扛长铳,冷面冰霜。先生定睛观之,原来是那银镜伊织。即欣然携之同往咖啡厅。奈何库中空虚,无精美礼品相赠。美人不悦,所以本mod没有表情。-----------《史记·列传·艾米先生列传》 来自本手模苦手的新mod,蔚蓝档案的银镜伊织,白毛红瞳黑皮好耶(lori from blue archive,repl...
[Blue Archive] Urawa Hanako (Swimsuit ver.) as Rochelle|泳装花替换Rochelle
Created by V♂NILLA
Hanako in a swimsuit(?) visited an island. Her usual testing behavior seems to have faded away, and she seems to be opening up her heart... Features: VGUI|基本图标 2D Facial Expressions with|静态表情 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2163477092711352746/0...
Blue Archive Shared Content
Created by Cuba
This addon contains assets that are shared between multiple Blue Archive mods I have made. ...
【Blue archive/碧蓝档案】杏山和纱替换弗朗嘻嘻/Kyouyama Kazusa relace Francis
Created by KyuuSyou
借物表 来源: 模之屋 模型作者:戈登〓弗里曼 杏山和纱替换弗朗嘻嘻/Kyouyama Kazusa replace Francis 特色 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones 表情/Expression 静态表情 VRD 使用zoey动作/Use the zoey action 动态夜(自发)光/noctiluca vgui 描边 看和纱小剧场看的sensei我好有感觉~ 可惜没在工坊里找到肥猫的MOD,只好自食其力了 肥猫可爱捏~ 只是表情不小心做的有点屑屑的感觉(就是这种感觉哒! 如果你需要其他人物的替...
[Blue Archive]Yutori Natsu replace Ellis
Created by Elaina
Yutori Natsu replace Ellis 柚鸟夏替换Ellis model:模之屋/皆神kosame 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones 表情/Expression VRD 使用zoey动作/Use the zoey action ...
[碧蓝档案/Blue Archive]角楯花凛兔女郎小人枪-30连Military Sniper
Created by 六道花凛
 这个打扮……?有什么,奇怪的吗……?  本MOD替换30连军用狙击枪/Military Sniper 模型资源:碧蓝档案/Blue Archive游戏文件提取 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19m41127x6/ 2024.04.29:优化了嘴巴贴图 2024.05.21:去掉了枪口火光 ...
[COMM] Blue Archive: Bunny Hasumi - Coach
Created by Ænima²
Commissioned by Dicaprio Model by Suyakouta Hanekawa Hasumi from Blue Archive, playing as Coach Features: - Facial flex - Eye tracking - HUD icons - Jigglebones - Custom bile - Viewmodel arms Credits: Suyakouta - Models, textures Cuba - Bile normal map 7EM...
蔚蓝档案 黑崎小雪(Blue Archive Koyuki)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换louis,变成了黑崎小雪)This character is a replacement louis and becomes Koyuki 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the chara...
蔚蓝档案 生塩诺亚(Blue Archive Noa)
Created by 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换bill,变成了生塩诺亚)This character is a replacement bill and becomes Noa 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the character....