Space Engineers

Space Engineers

226 人が評価
Angled Attachments
Type: Mod
Mod category: Block
526.938 KB
2023年2月27日 19時54分
2023年3月1日 20時08分
3 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Angled Attachments

This mod is a WIP (progress may be slow)

  • Not intended for static grids, may cause spontaneous combustion.
  • Do not create a full loop of hinges. Such Clang summon circles are illegal under the authority of SE Code 676. (and may cause unintended behavior)

Gone are the days of using hinges and rotors to get those nice swept angles!


This mod adds simple armor-like blocks (they are actually hinges in disguise) that have subgrid attachment points in 15, 30, and 45 degree increments. (more may will be added in the future if this gets popular). Unlike regular hinges or motors, these don't need to be powered, and are way less prone to breaking!

Now you can make big, heavy angled structures even in full gravity! In testing they were way less clangy than using normal hinges, but YMMV.


Special thanks to Digi who gave me lots of guidance

Ship pictures courtesy of [SPITFYRE] PJS

Note: Currently there's a bug for the 45 degree angle blocks that can cause some crazy behavior. I won't be able to work on a fix right away, but it's on the todo list.

Please report any other bugs you find over in discussions
人気スレッド 全て表示 (2)
2月6日 13時10分
Future Additions
2023年6月22日 6時15分
Bug reports
74 件のコメント
Archon  [作成者] 2月16日 12時11分 
Hearing that story I might just make some disclaimers, hopefully save others from explosive base syndrome a bit...
kinngrimm 2月14日 6時09分 
I thought as much. The mod is surely easier to use than to deal with hinges for this purpose, but as with hinges and other parts of that sort in SE, Clang is ever present. I used them as part of a base and it blew up in my face :) now i dont.

Not sure if it was maybe about weight as well or just because i had several connected to the same subgrid and merged ^^ which then lead to just looking at it wrong ... making it violently shake. Several because i wanted that area to look good, so maybe if only using one ... . as you stated they are based on and act like hinges, which makes them a pain in the ass still, while then not being able to adjjust them as the settings seemed to had been removed, which i guess makes the use easier ^^.

Anyways there is hope that you for this mod or keen for SE2 would make it happen.
Archon  [作成者] 2月14日 5時41分 
@kinngrimm sadly, that isn't really possible. Because of the way grids work in SE, any non-90-degree angles need to be subgrids, and this mod just hacks the existing code for hinges to make a hinge that doesn't (or at least shouldn't) rotate. I'd considered looking into ways to make the subgrids with none of the logic behind hinges, but that's just more effort than I'm willing to put into this mod at the moment. Maybe I'll revisit it at some point, but no promises...
kinngrimm 2月10日 13時26分 
A bit wobbly, could they become part of the same static grid i build them off? I am not enjoying the hinge like behavior. They seem to have phantom forces just like hinges. Could you make angled versions of regular armor blocks that don't inherit behavior from hinges?
kinngrimm 1月21日 15時23分 
I second @Polyglottus motion to add conveyors(armored?) fitting to the angled pieces you already have.
High Lord Baron 2023年11月19日 16時30分 
Is there a good way of using them right next to each other? I tried using the for swept down wings, but they dont quite work like hinges in that I cant place just the head....
Molten Carnage 2023年9月11日 9時21分 
I appreciate the work you've done. This is absolutely needed as vanilla. Unfortunately there are the existing problems and there isn't an angle here that works with the 1x2 armor slope (26.57 degrees). Keen and their weird numbers, go figure... I know I'm placing unwarranted pressure, but I hope you will re-attempt this mod. I cannot stress enough how much this mod is needed. Thanks again for the attempt.
[RTB] Sarianos 2023年8月23日 1時40分 
This is probably slightly outside the purview of this mod but have you considered making offset/spacer blocks? It's a similar concept to these angled blocks being essentially an armour panel like block that acts like a rotor offset for adding clearance to mechanical builds and such.
anzellott 2023年7月13日 9時36分 
@QualityPen just use a block, their sides are all 90 degrees lmao
Mark F. Smith 2023年6月14日 11時27分 
Requesting a very shallow angle variant, 2-3 degrees. Thank you regardless!