Golf It!

Golf It!

321 ratings
3-2 Holly Hill C
File Size
5.607 MB
Feb 14, 2023 @ 10:15am
Feb 14, 2023 @ 10:21am
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3-2 Holly Hill C

In 1 collection by TOAST
Mini Golf Megaworld
18 items
Originally from Mini Golf Master 2, made by eGames (1992-2012 RIP)

3-2 as in 3rd category (of 4) and 2nd map (of 18 total) each with 9 holes.
9 holes, all are Par 2, max strokes per hole is 8. (The game's cap because of single didget count perhaps)
OUT OF BOUNDS adds 1 penalty, banning F and R (both resets) is encouraged the original didn't have those things.
The surface is Slippery Default, the walls are Bouncy Default.
The maps are quite easy, the game had Amateur mode (only speed) and Pro mode (speed and accuracy) the latter being incredibly unfair. Even the ingame "Hard mode" got nothing on the 2 bars filling the second being the accuracy. I guess it's fine but I won't force it on anyone.
Have fun!
Much thanks to for keeping the Lithtech engine compatible throughout all literations and an actual be able to open the .dat, .dtx and .abc files inside of them. Would have been impossible without them!