Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

The War Anti-hero
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A collection of items designed to help you roleplay as your favorite war criminals.

Obiecte (4)
Army Fatigue
Creată de Diva Dan #killtf2
Camo is great for hiding. Hiding in foliage, that is. Not so good for hiding at the United Nations. -Paintable! -Two styles! Part of "The War Antihero" Set...
Army Fatigue [Style 2]
Creată de Diva Dan #killtf2
Dress to impress, then immediately kill all witnesses. -Paintable! -Two styles! Part of "The War Anti-hero" Set...
Geneva Conviction
Creată de Diva Dan #killtf2
Bad habits die hard, but not as hard as the other guy. -Paintable! -Two styles! Part of "The War Anti-hero" Set...
Geneva Conviction [Style 2]
Creată de Diva Dan #killtf2
Don't you know? Smoking is bad for your live explosives! -Paintable! -Two styles! Part of "The War Anti-hero" Set...