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Trajann's Charred Judge
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Dec 27, 2022 @ 5:46pm
May 15 @ 2:35pm
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Trajann's Charred Judge

Note: This mod is included in my Khorne Compilation. If you are subscribed to that mod then you don't need to be subscribed to this one.

This mod adds a new legendary lord to Skarbrand, the Daemon Prince, Valkia, and the undivided Chaos lords.

He's a legendary Bloodthirster who serves as Khorne's right hand, and as his most brutal enforcer. Now when I say legendary, I do mean legendary. This guy is an absolute word-destroyer, though that power does come with a pretty high price-tag. The Judge has a variety of skills and abilities to turn him into a complete melee juggernaut. Though he also has a few buffs that apply only to Khornate Daemons, making him the perfect choice to lead a Daemonic host. He comes with his own skill dump that gives Khorne corruption up to +30, as well as an "ultimate skill" unlocked at level 50 which cranks his stats up to 11.

I tried to balance this guy by making him expensive, but ultimately he is still really dang powerful. He's meant to be the pinnacle of Khornate might, and to have no rival in pure melee combat. If there's enough demand for a nerf I'll consider it, but please keep in mind that I intentionally designed him to be strong. He isn't invincible though. Through testing he is quite vulnerable to magic/melee hybrid characters. So be wary when facing lords such as N'kari, Be'lakor or even Ku'gath, as Nurgle debuffs can be hard for The Judge to fight through without support.

This mod also includes a unique RoR, The Judge's Enjoys! They're an elite unit of Bloodcrushers with a unique ability to debuff enemies around them. They are unlocked at level 28 and naturally benefit from Bloodcrusher tech.

The Judge is added to the legendary lord recruit pool upon the start of a new campaign. This guy had a ton of love put into him, as I've wanted to create a custom Bloodthirster since Khorne was first announced. Any feedback you have is greatly appreciated, and please let me know any issues or concerns you have! I hope that you enjoy playing with this guy.

If you would like to support me, you can donate here: . It is by no means required, and even if I never receive a single cent, I will continue to make mods for as long as I have interest. But of course, any donations are greatly appreciated!

Radious sub-mod courtesy of DarkRite:
Antem May 14 @ 1:10pm 
So im NOT crazy then! Thanks for the quick fix!
I assume you already know, but just in case. The same problem exists on your Heroes aswell, like Khorgoth. Only one of his items unlocks on levelup.
Trajann V  [author] May 8 @ 7:55pm 
Good to hear! I'll work on updating my other characters with the fix
PsychoLandlord May 8 @ 7:40pm 
Yuuup that fixed it, all skills are present and item events are firing correctly. Thanks for looking into it!
pisslord May 8 @ 7:25pm 
hell yea ! just tested with this one and the charred judge is so back
Trajann V  [author] May 8 @ 6:46pm 
I think I found the culprit, something in the 5.0 update changed how the game tackles skills, but it never showed up as an error in RPFM. I updated this mod, let me know if it works!
PsychoLandlord May 8 @ 5:37pm 
@Trajann V
I dunno what to tell you man, I'm only using your mods and requirements +CC and that's what happening. I've verified all game files, I'm on the current live build of the game, and I've resubbed to all your mods just to be safe. Stuff's busted on my end.

If it matters at all my testing is with Archaon and Be'lakor, rather than any of the monogod factions. Not sure if that would affect anything, can't imagine it would, but I don't make warhammer 3 mods so I might be wrong about that.
Trajann V  [author] May 8 @ 4:42pm 
After testing, I was able to unlock all items just fine via normal gameplay, and all skills were available. Whatever issues you're encountering, my mods are not the main cause.
PsychoLandlord May 8 @ 3:43pm 
I should add that the items can be added fine via the console and function normally, it's just that only the lowest leveled item is granted whenever they hit that xp threshold and then they never get their other two.
PsychoLandlord May 8 @ 3:41pm 
@Trajann V
Nah I have the same issue Antem is having with all your lords, running only the Judge, Butcher and the Other Gods comp alongside local recruitment for WOC (requirement warning) and console commands to test. Additionally, a couple of your custom lord skills are missing from all of them, notably only the huntress has her skill dump and it seems that all lords only have either the level 50 self buff or army buff, rather than both of them (as in only one skill is present on the charsheet, I'm aware they lock each other out when you take one) Not sure why that'd be, everything seems right in RPFM, but I'm not super deep into warhammer modding. I've unsubbed and resubbed from everything and the issue persists.
Trajann V  [author] May 6 @ 4:45pm 
I'm not encountering any issue like this. You either don't have the most recent version of the mod, or you have a mod conflict.