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magic damage nerfed
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Apr 17, 2023 @ 6:11am
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magic damage nerfed

In 1 collection by Nothing.
My grand mod collection
39 items
Nerfs magical vortexes, winds, bombardments and damage over time spells in damage by 50%.

I just hate it when half my unit vanishes because their lord clicked a button and I'm trying to make unit formations.

Single projectile spells like fireball are unaffected.
Half the amount of bombardment projectiles, meaning a single projectile like the comet spell is unchanged.
Vortexes, winds and damage over time spells do half damage.
Beast Apr 24 @ 11:48am 
Please update
Nothing.  [author] Apr 16 @ 3:31pm 
"Fatigue bugfix and balance"
Nothing.  [author] Apr 16 @ 3:30pm 
@Cyras, i have a mod for that too
fatigue rework i believe it is called
Cyras Apr 16 @ 10:21am 
Nice, just what I was looking for. I have actually been thinking about a more all-encompassing nerf for all ranged damage so that melee infantry can shine again, like overall less accuracy for ranged troops and artillery.

Many times I was looking forward to a cool siege where I would bring 2x20 stacks to assault the walls. But most of the time, all melee infantry get obliterated by magic, artillery and arrows/gunfire. Even the ones standing by next to the walls keep getting pelted by perfectly shot arrows.

I almost always find myself cheesing sieges with a mage, a lord and some heroes, just destroying their entire garrison and defensive army with magic and artillery, which is boring but necessary.

Haven't been able to find such mods, and I'm not sure whether it's quick and easy to do. But I think just lower accuracy of any ranged unit + your magic nerf mod together would increase my enjoyment of the game tenfold :)
DecentLoam Jan 23 @ 4:24am 
I'm so glad I finally found this, has been winding me up to no end
Lampros Jul 2, 2023 @ 4:48pm 
Ah, okay; mea culpa. I guess I was in a hurry and just saw "vortexes" and "winds" - given they were my biggest peeves, too ;)
Nothing.  [author] Jul 2, 2023 @ 4:23pm 
it would be nice if people read the first line of a mod description.
Nothing.  [author] Jul 2, 2023 @ 4:22pm 
but it's a little strange question, as usually people can determine for themselves if a universal rule change is balanced or not, better still, all damage spells are nerfed stated in the opening sentence so I'm not exactly sure who would win or lose with this change implemented, the only competitor is buff spells, but nobody ever uses those in the base game
Lampros Jul 2, 2023 @ 4:10pm 

No need to get aggressive. I am not against the mod per se; in fact, I've been looking at mods that nerf spell damage. My concern is instead that only vortex spells seem to be nerfed. So I was thinking the other damage spells still being too powerful.
Vvv Jul 2, 2023 @ 4:05pm 
I really like this. Sure magic is cool but it does tend to be op especially vs the AI