Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Sudden Death Match Harvest
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4.966 MB
Dec 23, 2022 @ 9:09pm
Dec 23, 2022 @ 10:04pm
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Sudden Death Match Harvest

Custom Gamemode Harvest
Katsu! :3 Dec 24, 2022 @ 6:33am 
Some Advice:
> Add some real pictures to the workshop page. This'll help get you more interest, as a lot of these "wacky funny image" posts don't get nearly as much viewage of normal map photos. You can make a workshop-friendly thumbnail out of an image by going into Paint 3D and cropping an image to "Square" size.
> Add a proper explanation of the gamemode to the description. Servers, however likely or unlikely it is, like to know what they're going to be expecting when adding maps to their rotation. Players as well would like to know what kind of gamemode this could be. How does it work?
> Possibly rename the workshop page to "DM Harvest?" It's a lot cleaner and gets the point across. Unless of course this is just Sudden Death being enabled full time, in which case just say "Sudden Death Harvest."

Hope this helps!