More gods for Call of Cthulhu - Cults
Mod, 1.4
130.116 KB
2022年11月7日 4時56分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

More gods for Call of Cthulhu - Cults

Description: This mods adds additional gods for "Call of Cthulhu - Cults", to be discovered through research.
For now, it only adds Daedra (from The Elder Scrolls lore), and uses default spells.
As such, its main purpose is flavour - perhaps used with MorrowRim.
I've only added a little flavour text for the Daedra, and only mixed in the spells provided by "Call of Cthulhu - Cults" (I've added some 'bad' spells, as well. Daedra worship is dangerous!). Also, since I'm quite deep into deeplore, my interpretation might be quite different from yours. Feel free to edit and change. See License.

License: GPLv3+.

Caution: I don't have time to maintain this mod. See License.
3 件のコメント
JACK 2022年11月10日 23時34分 
very cool, wish there were more mods like this!
illPosedProblem  [作成者] 2022年11月7日 14時38分 
Spells are implemented as C# code, which I don't have the time to write and, far more difficult, test. This mod is entirely XML, because that's what I had the time for. Hopefully, somebody would be interested enough, that's why I've used the GPLv3+ license.
TurtleShroom 2022年11月7日 10時29分 
That would be AWESOME if you could make this integrate with the Morrowind Mod. You can actually call Daedras (like Scamps, Harpies, and so on) using that Mod. Adding it as a dependency would be easy and unlock a whole new world of AWESOME.