

895 ratings
Integrated Genes
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
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2.460 MB
Nov 3, 2022 @ 11:29pm
May 3 @ 11:11am
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Integrated Genes

This mod aims to integrate Royalty and Ideology into Biotech's genetics system, by adding multiple genes that are designed around pivotal features of the earlier two DLCs.

Integrated Genes currently adds 22 unique functional genes and 4 cosmetic genes, with 1 archite gene. Some are available with only Biotech installed, but others additionally require Royalty and/or Ideology.


Core Biotech
  • Blind - Carriers of this gene are totally blind, due to degredation of the occipital lobe. Their eyes still see, but their mind cannot.
  • Grandiose - Carriers of theis gene tend to develop delusions of grandeur, believing themselves more entitled than their peers.
  • Constant pain - Carriers of these gene experience constant pain. A feedback loop in the brain's nociception center causes a constant perception of pain, even when no physical injury is present.
  • Speechless - Carriers of this gene are mentally incapable of forming words in the context of verbal communication.
  • High Standards - Carriers of this gene are physically revolted by anyone they perceive as less attractive than themselves.
  • Duelist - Carriers of this gene have improved reflexes and deft hand-eye coordination, making them fearsome opponents in melee engagements.
  • Frail Digestion - Carriers of this gene grow a small, delicate stomach that struggles to digest unprocessed nutrients. Raw food provides them with less nutrition than usual, and can cause intense nausea.
  • Free Spirit - Carriers of this gene develop a strong sense of self-importance. They absolutely despise being confined, imprisoned, enslaved, or otherwise made to submit to others, and will compulsively react to such subjugation in the form of violent outbursts.
  • Natural Leader - (Requires Royalty OR Ideology) - Carriers of this gene develop a set of mental, emotional, and psychic traits that make them naturally adept at leading others.
  • High/Low Motivation - Carriers of this gene develop neural pathways that either encourage or discourage strenuous or monotonous work.
  • Crown of horns - Carriers of this gene grow a "crown" of horns above their brow.
  • Bright orange skin - Carriers of this gene produce a pigment that gives their skin a crisp orange color.

  • Meditation dependency - Carriers of this gene experience an increasing emotional anxiety. They must meditate regularly to clear their minds, even if they lack a psylink.
  • Heat dispersal (Spectrum) - Carriers of these genes will either recover from neural heat more quickly, or more slowly.
  • Latent Psychic - Carriers of this gene have an innate psychic attunement. This attunement does not provide an immediate psychic link, but may allow the carrier to form one naturally at some point in life.
  • Archotech attunement (Archite) - Carriers of this gene have special archites in their neurons, maintaining and improving their psychic link to distant archotech intelligences.

  • Certain/Uncertain (Spectrum) - Carriers of these genes have altered levels of neuroplasticity, and are either resistant or prone to adopting new beliefs.
  • Herd-minded - Carriers of this gene develop a compulsion to imitate their peers, allowing popular consensus to dictate their beliefs.
  • Streamlined anatomy - Carriers of this gene develop biological pathways specially designed to speed up biosculpting.
  • Biosculpter dependency - Carriers of this gene suffer from a degenerative illness known as "geneblight". This condition will flare up regularly, and worsen over time, unless treated by a biosculpter pod's medical cycle.
  • Gauranlen tuned - Carriers of this gene have a natural link to gauranlen trees, and find it easier to maintain a link with their queen.
  • Gauranlen dependency - Carriers of this gene have a natural link to gauranlen trees. They need to be soothed by the psychic emanations of a dryad queen, and will suffer from mounting anxiety in the absense of a tree.
  • Submissive - Carriers of this gene are given a sense of pleasure by carrying out orders, and by pleasing their perceived masters.
  • Terrified - Carriers of this gene have an overactive fight-or-flight response, and are easily frightened in many situations. They can't even handle basic combat without becoming overwhelmed and fainting.
  • Dryad face - Carriers of this gene develop a wide mouth and grow a throat sac, producing a dryad-like appearance.
  • Dryad voice - Carriers of this gene have vocal chords that can imitate the croaks and warbles of dryads.

Please let me know what you think of the mod. I hope to continue working on it, tweaking and improving existing features while also adding new ones. Any feedback about balancing or gameplay feel helps me out a lot.

If you like my work, and have the means, consider leaving me a tip:

Non-Steam version: https://github.com/Turnovus/Integrated-Genes/releases/latest
Popular Discussions View All (2)
Jun 8 @ 4:11am
PINNED: Bug Reports
Nov 19, 2022 @ 5:31am
Balance Suggestions
vorzogu Jun 8 @ 4:07am 
Hey there!
I think i have found a bug.
I have a pawn with meditation dependency, and it loose all of his solace everytime i save and reload the game.
I play with loooooooooots of other mods, so maybe the problem come from elsewhere, but i still think it would be cool if you can check this.

PS: great mod.
umbrunoqualquer Jun 2 @ 2:01am 
Are Gauranlen tuned, Gauranlen dependency compatible with Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Anima Theme?
Space Moth May 8 @ 9:17am 
@Turnovus It is part of the 'randomness', hard to tell if things are just random or if there is an issue. I did notice in the same time my other colonist did not get afflicted once.
Turnovus  [author] May 8 @ 8:21am 
@Space Moth
It seems like geneblight is happening twice as often as it should be, because the gene is configured to apply the affliction 4 times per year.

I'll double-check the tuning and take the mechanical changes into consideration. Thank you for the comment.
Space Moth May 8 @ 1:11am 
I've been playing with this mod for a while and not had issues, but in my current game I have a couple pawns with Biosculpter Dependency. I'm not certain but it feels a touch over-tuned in how often it is required.

One of my colonists was afflicted by Geneblight on the 1st of Sep, 13th of Sep, 11th of Dec and the 14th of Dec. This is with about 2.5-3 days of treatment between each one.

Is it possible to make Geneblight a longer term condition that alerts once it reaches more critical levels rather than the random cooldown time between each occurrence?
dinhkhiem199833 Apr 27 @ 1:11am 
There are a few outdated methods in the mod that throw errors, although I have played for quite a while now without game-breaking issues.
Flamangos Apr 21 @ 4:16am 
Scionin Apr 19 @ 9:09pm 
@Lung same
Lung Apr 15 @ 5:15am 
This appears to be tripping some red flags in console on start up.
Turnovus  [author] Apr 13 @ 3:29pm 
I don't want to spoil too much of Anomaly for myself by digging around in its files, but I am planning on looking into it after I finish my playthrough. I have a few ideas already, but I don't want to say too much too soon.