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Geheimnistag, the night of the Pumpkins
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Oct 15, 2022 @ 1:49pm
Feb 23 @ 4:02am
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Geheimnistag, the night of the Pumpkins

The dark moon Morrslieb is full only twice a year, and one of these occasions marks its perigee, when it is closest to the Known World in its orbit. This night is known by many names: "Geheimnisnacht" in the Empire and "Winter's Eve" in Bretonnia; it is "Twilight's Tide" to the Elves, and Ar'Uzkul to the Dwarfs. On this night, sensible folk lock their doors and bar their windows, but for the followers of the Dark Gods this is a night of celebration.

Morrslieb is accursed, a moon formed from the material cast into the skies when Chaos first burst upon the mortal world with the failure of the Old Ones' Polar Gates. Its proximity to the world strengthens the Winds of Magic, weakening the borders between reality and the Realm of Chaos. On Geheimnisnacht, small rifts become large and large become immense, allowing thousands of Daemons to walk the world for one night of mayhem and destruction. Morrslieb's chaotic orbit means that Geheimnisnacht never falls upon the same night in subsequent years, but mortal folk take care never to be surprised by its onset. Defenses are strengthened on this, the unholiest of nights, with special care given to those places rumoured to hold the favour of dark powers.

On Geheimnisnacht, Sylvanians light a candle for each dead family member and then place the candles in the windows of the rooms where they died (family members who died outside the house have their candles placed on the doorstep). Some unlucky villages are so brightly lit on Geheimnisnacht it seems like daylight.

Ghostly Greetings!

To celebrate this Halloween, this mod spookifies the Vampire Counts turning the male LLs into pumpkin head nightmares. Crypt Horrors and Zombies have also been seasoned.

This mod uses some custom assets with the following credits :

Thanks to Hazard and No Skelly Bones for the screenshots <3

Eventually darkness retreats from the sky. Morrslieb begins its slow wane and folk venture out in the new dawn. Some discover neighboring towns razed to the ground, no trace of the inhabitants to be found save for blood on charred timbers. Others take axes to trees that have twisted into unspeakable shapes, burn crops rotten through with pestilence or empty barrels now choked thick with diseased blood. All give thanks to have survived another Geheimnisnacht, and fearfully begin counting the days until it is upon them once again.

As always, thanks to our small community on Discord that does not stop feeding crazy ideas to make and improve mods.

If you want to share your ideas, lore discussions or just see what we are up to, join us on Discord [].


Everything I do is for my own use and for the community, but if you want to support my work, you can still buy me a beer via my Patreon[] :)


Arts from Old World Adventures - Hell Rides to Halt & Warhammer Odyssey.
Xoudad  [author] May 26, 2023 @ 2:00am 
Updated for 3.1
Xoudad  [author] Dec 8, 2022 @ 9:51am 
I have something like that planned yeah
Ku Dec 7, 2022 @ 8:50pm 
a christmas one would be fun too. maybe elves, ogres or even chaos. santa nurgle
CaptainKampfkeks Oct 24, 2022 @ 4:43am 
On a similar note, I'd like some brave men to stand before these spooky pumpdead. May I ask what the progress is on porting Sigmar's Heirs and your other great Empire (and Elven) mods?
Xoudad  [author] Oct 24, 2022 @ 2:41am 
Thx, love to make those :)
CaptainKampfkeks Oct 24, 2022 @ 2:24am 
I salute and thank you for the description. That has been a spooky read.
Xoudad  [author] Oct 22, 2022 @ 1:56pm 
Try to change your load order to have at the top
JuanTwo3Fo Oct 21, 2022 @ 6:57pm 
Is there a way to have this work with Hooveric? I love the mod and with Hooveric on only Vlad has the pumpkin head.
Nubsauce Oct 20, 2022 @ 8:01pm 
Holy THIS is a unique mod! I can finally be Jack, The Pumpkin King, and turn the world into my Nightmare Before Christmas!
Stickman Oct 20, 2022 @ 11:46am 
This is way higher effort than it has any right to be