Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

917 értékelés
Clear Cove
572.143 MB
2022. szept. 17., 22:17
2022. szept. 22., 18:59
7 változásjegyzék ( megnézés )

Feliratkozás a letöltéshez
Clear Cove

Full map (major spoiler)
Clear Cove is intended as a map that you explore and rediscover. Looking at the full map defeats that purpose, but if you really want to, you can do so here:


Clear Cove is a large, highly polished standalone map for Project Zomboid. Standalone means that it's not part of the vanilla map, it's its own new world that you are meant to explore and discover.

- 5 towns
- multiple rural locations
- multiple points of interest (prison, resort, military base, hidden bunker and more)
- custom buildings (thanks to the folks from the PZ mapping Discord)
- vast woodlands and wilderness hideouts.
- in-game map that shows you the main towns and roads, but not everything else to encourage you to explore and discover.
- custom, profession-based spawn points.
- custom zombie spawns
- detailed foraging zones and vehicle spawns
- tons more for you to discover.

Want more?
If you enjoy this map, please like/favorite it and leave a comment. If enough people show interest, I might start expanding it and making it even bigger. Thank you. ?

Special thanks
To all the folks on the PZ Mapping Discord & everyone that shared their pre-made buildings for me to mooch off of.
Credit for the buildings I used:
- MalBagel
- Dylan
- Myloo
- throttlekitty
- Message me if your name belongs here

To everyone who playtested and found issues before i released the map.

Workshop ID: 2864464688
Mod ID: clearcove
Map Folder: clearcove
Népszerű témák Összes megnézése (1)
2023. nov. 10., 8:05
KIEMELVE: Hosting Clear Cove on a dedicated server
283 megjegyzés
uttergarbo 6 perce 
(1/3) i hope that the negative reactions haven't discouraged you too much from standalone mapping. i think they have a ton of potential and i actually think that sometimes having a map connected to the vanilla is more of a hindrance than benefit. choosing this to be standalone was smart.

i'll admit that i'm usually a Map Andy and i think that ultimately, my bias using maps because of that, led to this not fully being my cup of tea. i feel like it's only fair to play maps the way the creators originally intended at first, so for a couple days IRL i gave a shot playing this without a map of any kind for the first time in years. (!) at first it was a really fun challenge to actively encourage me to explore. but i ended up feeling like i kept driving long rides to nowhere, and that's what discouraged me from enjoying it more. i feel like it's way too harsh to say that this is a flaw of the map though,
uttergarbo 6 perce 
(2/3) because it clearly has so much care and love put into it (and what PZ maps don't eventually end up with you driving in every which way) i think that this was sadly my bias and reliance on using maps showing through - maybe because i'm always subconsciously expecting 'something' to show up while i'm driving, i find myself disappointed more because i have the wrong expectations.

this would be a fun map to revisit any time i want to relight my PZ experience and really challenge myself to play the 'real apocalypse' way. mini maps have soiled my brain. SOILED IT!

i also really appreciate the fact you left the public map available for everyone to see and use, even if that's against your original creative vision. that's really respectable honestly.

there are times when i think of trying PZ map modding, but ultimately i feel like it takes soooo much work, and honestly? people don't tend to appreciate it fully at all.
uttergarbo 6 perce 
(3/3) not just this mod but pretty much every mod comments section i've seen, just as a player, is full of the same people - 90 percent of them either complaining about a conflict they clearly caused themselves or complaining about another facet of the map that's literally stated on the page. how is a modder not supposed to feel discouraged? i do like the PZ community, but i think people are way too whiny at times and really inconsiderate.

tl;dr, although my Map Andyness hindered me personally, i can absolutely recognize how much time, care, thought and love went into this and i hope to see you embrace more standalone maps - or whatever you want - if you still feel like it. i most likely will revisit - just the idea of getting more coastal areas in PZ is such a selling point!
Bagels  [készítő] máj. 21., 18:06 
no sorry
Father, GrimCreaper72 máj. 20., 21:11 
Haya, bit of an ask here but the Kentucky Roleplay server wish's to ask if you could modify your map slightly to use for our next iteration. That way we could get them built in the map generator and have as preexisting buildings. otherwise players can break the walls down if there admin built, and that's not good when your a Real Life roleplay server (=
Bagels  [készítő] máj. 1., 10:58 
JustDean ápr. 30., 23:10 
Is this able to be used in MP guys?
Bagels  [készítő] márc. 20., 19:30 
Actually I don't remember if police officers spawn at the station or not, I might have not made it do so for balance reasons, I don't recall.
Bagels  [készítő] márc. 20., 19:30 
It's not guaranteed. If you have mods that can also affect it.
SchoolProblems márc. 20., 6:24 
hey uh, whenever i spawn as a character with a police officer profession, it still doesnt let me spawn in a police station