Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

158 valoraciones
Meet The Medic
Por ʚSuydaɞ
Reviewing the Medic class,
I will share with you how to become a better medic with my comments in a little bit.
These are the basics of the class, here I introduce what a medic is...
Medic is one of the 9 classes available to play in TF2. It is one of the 3 support classes, Sniper and Spy. It is mostly associated with healing, and I say mostly because the Medic has 2 other things in his arsenal: His Primary Weapon and Melee Weapon.
Surprisingly, the Medic's Medigun is actually not his Primary weapon, but actually secondary. A stock Medic will have a Stock Syringe Gun, a Medigun and a Bone Saw.

Stock Syringe Gun is a weapon that shoots needles, which are bullets. Aiming with these needles can be quite difficult at first, but once you get used to it, it can be quite a devastating weapon. Deals 10 damage per hit and deals up to 30 damage with a critical hit. It holds 40 pins in one clip and has a ammo count of 150. It also takes 1.6 seconds to reload each clip.

The Medigun is a Medic's bread and butter. It is the most used weapon of the Medic. It improves your teammates and gives them a lot of improvement as well. It also charges Uber when it reaches 100%, which can give you and your improvement goal 8 seconds of immortality, but this may decrease if you spread your uber across multiple destinations (We'll get to that later).

Finally, we have a Bone Saw. It is a Melee weapon like all other Melee weapons in the game. Deals 65 damage per hit and 195 damage per critical hit. It doesn't have any special features, so we don't need to spend much time on it. It is generally advised not to use it as a Medic, because it is not very wise to perform an attack with 150 health.
Syringe Guns
You have 3 more options outside the stock, they are as follows;

The Blutsauger
Blutsauger gives you +3 health every time you hit someone, which means that you are given a lot of health. The disadvantage is that it gives you +2 improvements per second, the health that the Medic receives passively
it is +3. Even shooting randomly if you take damage will help you get some of your health.
It is a weapon that I do not use much, it is usually the first choice of Battle Medics(we will come to this later), it can save your life in many places, but it's up to you to play carefully.

The Overdose
As many medics say, this weapon is a little bad, it does 10% less damage, but you have
It gives you +1% speed for 10% Über this is not useful as you think solider and demoman can still catch up to you scouts can easily kill you even heavy's can still kill you.
Spies, pyros, and other medics 6/9 classes are not affected by a 10% speed increase, however, you know, be careful when using it.

The Crusader's Crossbow
The Raider's Crossbow gives you the ability to deal a lot of damage in one shot, as well as the health of a distant teammate, it deals 38-75 damage per shot and 113-225 damage with a critical hit.
With this weapon, you can make 8 out of 9 classes of full health in a full critical, and it also gives 75-150 health for each hit, as a result, a very good weapon is a weapon that many medics use.
The disadvantage is that it takes one shot in each bullet change. But since this weapon has a lot of advantages, compared to other weapons, it is the weapon that I use the most, nevertheless, it is up to you whether to use it or not.
Medic's Mediguns are;

Stock Medigun
Stock medigun is the most used of the mediguns, it gives your healed teammate 8 seconds of immortality (this figure may change only when you distribute über in single improvements).
At this time, it can be used to explode the opposite sentries and suppress the other team for quite a long time, this medigun fills 2.5% über charge per second, so it should be fully charged in 40 s (80 s)
change between(Of course you will fill up more quickly than your friends in ubersarj low health) in the case of war heal your teammates in seconds and you'll die per second, 24 s if / if not in combat 72 / s healing time put forward the downside to that is the base of the other weapons non-medigun who can make the team at each location and the best defense and attack, though it's up to you to use it or not use it.

Medigun, whose name we hardly write Kritzkrieg, is the other most popular and frequently used medigun.
It is very useful in defense and for repelling the enemy.
But a drawback of this medigun you 8 seconds instead of 8 seconds for 100% übercharge rate base will provide a critical stuffed is 25% higher so ubercharge fills 32s(64s) also, but this medigun will lead you to more deaths, because the spy behind you can still stab you, or the sniper opposite can still shoot you, and in general, the medic is in more danger in critical duos, because you will be the first target they want to hit

Quick Fix
Quick Fix The savior of the only medics in the team, this medigun heals your teammates 40% faster, so the health you will give per second in battle is 33.6 / s (100.8 / s), if you are not in combat, it is 100.8 / s (302.4 / s). Excessive rate as a disadvantage of its rapid improvement
it is 125%, that is, 300 live increases a heavy to only 376 overheals(this is 450 in normal mediguns), the Übercharge time is close to Kritzkrieg is 37 s (74 s). But this über does not make you immortal, it only makes healing your teammate 300% faster and gives immunity to influences that will hinder your movement.Distributing über is bad for other mediguns, but it's fine for a Quick Fix if you are the only medic in the team and you can't keep up with your friends, fill the lives of all your teammates quickly with a single über. There is another strange feature of the Quick Fix that allows you to move with your healed teammate, which means that if you heal scout, you will run as fast as he does, or if you heal a solider, you will be impressed by his rocketjumps or a demoma's stickyjump.
Even if it's good instead, it won't be very good to take a Quick Fix in your hand and send your friend to the sentry, it's up to you whether to use it or not.

Vaccinator device provides different damage resistances, these are bullets, explosives, fire, whichever is selected, it provides 10% resistance to that type, and it also has a 50% faster übercharge than other mediguns.
But this time, instead of a single übercharge, it is divided into 4. Each übercharge takes 2 seconds, but to get the full 8 seconds, just right-click on the full charge. The übercharge creates a bubble for you and your teammate that you heal and protects you by up to 75% from the type of damage you choose, or even takes incoming damage and gives you health.
In general, the Vaccine Tool is used as a Kritzkrieg killer because your übercharge blocks the critics by 100%, so you are not very affected by the critics and you will have wasted the über of the other party, which is a little difficult to use, but a medigun that will be very useful for you in a few issues
however, it is up to you whether to use it or not.
Melee Weapons
The medics have 4 more melee weapons besides the stock, they are as follows;

The Solemn Vow
Solemn Vow shows you the enemies' lives, but hits 10% slower as a disadvantage
it's not usually used a lot.

The Amputator
Amputator gives you an extra +3 health per second, while at the same time allowing you to collectively heal your teammates. You can perform this operation by right-clicking or making a mocking gesture.
The disadvantage is that it does 20% less damage, although it is good in some places, it is not very preferred because its damage is too low.

The Vita-Saw
Vita Saw actually helps you to keep your über 20% of the über you had before you died
it allows you to keep it in exchange for having 10 less health. So what does this mean if you have 100% über, if you die and are reborn, you will start the game with 20% über, if you die with this half, that is, 50% über, it will only hold 10%. It is not a very bad weapon, but it is not very good from the übersaw that I will mention below, but it is still up to you.

Ubersaw is the best of the melee class that many medics use(my personal opinion).
Ubersaw gives you a 25% übercharge every time you hit this benefit, of course, there is a disadvantage
when using this weapon, you shoot 20% slower, which actually doesn't lose much, because absurdly, almost half of your hits are critical, so many players are nervous about this event.
However, it is up to you to use it or not to use it :)
Priority Healing During the Match
Priority Healing are an interesting topic. It's something that can change depending on what's happening in the game, but here's a general summary

The classes that you need to prioritize during the Uber refill period are the ones that will act immediately and are under threat of dying.Improve everyone such as Solider, Demoman, Pyro, Scout, Heavy until they become overheated, because it is quite difficult to kill classes that are overheated(especially heavy)
And then if you are going to give priority to Engineer,Sniper,Spy, especially for 125 live Spy, this will be very good.

In the game - everyone is in full health
The probability that everyone on your team is in full health in the middle of the match is close to zero, during the match
i separate what you need to do class by class, they are as follows;

1. Other Medic's
Other Medics need a recovery, as they are not able to give themselves health. So be a good Medic and give health to that Medic, if he is a good Medic, he will probably give you health too. We don't want our doctors to die, do we?

2.Soliders and Demomans
Soliders is used a lot in the game and destroyed in a high class Demoman and note that the same will be waiting for you on the other side as a medic on the battle field, what you need to do before you go to jump and rocket jump and sticky Demoman Solidere must improve, because their half-dead to fight we don't want to go don't leave without any demo or Overheal you have healed those who fought on the front side of the Solidere tanklastirmal the characters weak enemies that we need to hurt in the back.

3. Pyros
Pyros are the most prominent fighting character in the game, he is at great risk of dying, the reason I put him in front of the demoman and solider is that he can survive alone(of course, if he plays the pyro well).
It certainly wouldn't hurt if we gave the Pyros a helping hand.

4. Heavys
Most new medics become their crazies and they constantly give them health throughout the whole match.
I heavyler a good improvement in the target of Overheal too high even though they are not absolute improvement of 2 or 3 in the order heavys important person revenues of the self-healing feature and has a chocolate sandwich is a very good option for improving the dalokohs popular heavys not.

5. Scouts
The scouts will disturb the other team because they are moving fast. In general, Scouts don't travel a lot with the team (this may be a little different in the card push game).
In addition, Scouts will Decamp to the nearest medical bag because they are fast Scouts are among the good classes in survival, but if there are 1 or 2 scouts in your team, do not forget to give the Scout an overheal.

6. Snipers
Snipers don't need much healing, but if you see a Sniper walking from the base to the battlefield, don't neglect to give him health. A Sniper who is overheated with any medigun (yes, the Quick Fix includes this) can survive an uncharged headshot.(even the Darwin Danger Shield is included in this). So it doesn't hurt to heal them as they go quickly, only their lives can be saved.

7. Engineers
Engineers you don't really need it, but some of them attack against him at critical moments to Overheal you can make right out of a solider from time to time, though, a small improvement can help keep your defenses high damage they can take with them, and this is vital, especially in Attack/Defense maps if you are defending.

8. Spys
Do not heal them unless the spy lives fall and they do not come back to heal The spy should not be noticed, and your giving him life will leave a red or blue healing mark on him, which increases his awareness more, so in short, the Medics will not heal the Spy unless necessary.
Uber Priorities
It is a very common and difficult question that medic's are the most stuck in between, and who should I give the answer to this question to first, I have Decoupled the answer to this question into a list, and my list goes with the order as the priority and the last to be given, let's see how that ranking is;

1. Demomans

Demomans are the best at eliminating sentries, we can say that giving the demo an 8-second immortality will be agony for the sentries and the opposing team, whether it's sticky spam or a high-damage grenade launcher weapon, it will bring powerful destruction.(except for democrats).

2. Pyros

Pyros Why are pyros in 2nd place ? running towards you because they can do a negative thing that you can do to Pyro only going to escape(of course the other team, if you have a good pyro, this pair can disrupt Uber, and even has a chance to break the entire uberli pairs) and is one of the best classes Pyro the push to make the change of speed and unlimited usage without exposure to the bullet so it makes it even more scary to 2 pyro I wanted to order.

3. Heavys

The iconic Heavy and Medic pair. Heavys with spin very fast and can do more damage because it uses hitscan bullets to inflict even more damage with Uber we could increase the time, nothing about him I don't think who can shoot remotely damaged and the damage is too high i don't think anyone will stop him is a character heavys because you can say why you put 3 in addition to these advantages, they have some delay because of the attacks remain in the background in the event they were completely thrown out of Pyron ittirmes and back again so we could fight our waste heavys 3 to 8 seconds Uber ranked.

4. Soliders

In fact, giving a good soliders uber can make it do a lot of good work. But the reason he is in the 4th place is because he attacks very slowly, and the fact that the missiles he throws are in the (projectile) class pulls him behind the slightly more priority classes. You can say that, and demoman also falls into that category, yes, you're right, but pyros are harder to push stickies than soliders' missiles, so I'm putting the solider on the 4th row.

5. Demoknights
Demoknights are not a bad option if there is no one around. But don't waste it using your uber, because the shields and bots they already use provide them with extra things and make them able to kill many classes on their own, so I don't recommend using uber for demoknights unless you need it too much.

6. Battle Engineers

The Cowboys battle the enemy team to give their players some never properly engineer a part of damage can kill Uber especially those who are unable to get beyond the crisis trigger Wearers are oriented to blow up a sentry killing people, but it may take some time alone for 8 seconds, so 6 is not a very good option for Uber ranked.

7. Scouts

If a scout is good, they will do a little damage to the other side, but they can't do a lot of damage to a sentry, so their scouts don't need it very much, don't waste your uber on scouts unless it's a very urgent situation.

8. Normal Engineers
The engineer's sentry is better for manhunting than his own gun, the normal engineers uber can only be pressed in emergency times, so I put it in 8 rows.

9. Snipers and Spys

When pressing uber, if the person you are healing is dead and there is no other sniper or spy around, they can be given to them, otherwise definitely do not press sniper or spy uber.
When to Use Uber?

As a medic, it is very important that you use your ubercharge in the right place and at the right time, it is a feature that can change the course of the game, so I will tell you how to use ubers when and where;

Stock Medigun
it makes the person who receives the uber immortal for 8 seconds, and if you want to use it in the right place, it will save and transport the whole team, but when do you use it?
We can find the answer to this question by asking ourselves the following questions;

Will the person I use uber see that I use uber?
Definitely see it, but because it's always better that you were in coordinated work you back so most of the time you don't know what she saw, or voice contact or Uber to ask for his Uber in your life that is full, wait for the run to remember here is not to give at the time of the damage it gives you full Uber it wouldn't be good.

Is there a sentry in front that needs to be destroyed?
This situation will come across you in most games, the answer to this is to attack at the right time with the right class, you can find the right classes by reading the über priority section, but we can go through a summary.
For example, a pyro or a Demoman you can attack with, but I have to say, if you are the closer you are Uber the sentry is a tactic that when you push the sentry is to get close to you quickly in this way, the sentry, the sentry will blow up easily focus on you and you provide Uber pyro.

If there is a good pyro player in front of you?(does not apply to pholog)
You don't have much choice if you use uber in this case, the pyro will run straight towards you and try to separate you or start throwing you into the air. The way to get out of this is either to watch when the pyron dies and attack at that time, or to try our luck with a pyro.
My suggestion is that in this case, direct uber may not be a very good strategy, so wait for him to be killed.

I'm about to die and there's no one around to uber-press what do I do?
The answer to this is very simple, you need to keep yourself away from death, if you are close to dying, use your uber directly, whether there is someone around or not. Because the medics are one of the most important characters of the team, even the first. therefore, your death will cause your teammates to withdraw from the battle and go in search of a health pack, or they will die very quickly. So use your uber in such cases
When to Use the Crit Uber?

Kritzkrieg Ubers
The Kritzkrieg has the power to seriously destroy the entire team, it will destroy anyone who gets in front of you in 8 seconds, but how do I use the Kritzkrieg in what situations?
in order for us to get the answer to this question, we need to find the following questions and answers to the problems;

I have a Kritzkrieg, but the uber-using medic in front of me is blocking me, what should I do?
The best thing you can do about it calculate the duration of the opposing Uber, UBER so what does that mean to use if the opponent used if more than 40 s (80 s) up there at that time you can eliminate all of them by pressing their fill from critical Uber more times after this pattern will continue if the medic the medic is alive and, if so, whether there is a benefit to this routine it breaks the medic died in track.

There is a pyro playing well opposite, what should I do?(does not apply to pholog)
What you need to do is definitely not to give uber to solider and demoman, it would be better to press uber on heavy, since it belongs to the heavy hitscan category, it will comfortably kill pyro

There's a sentry opposite, will critical damage make it destroy faster?
Absolutely no. Critical damage does not affect the structures, so it will be better to choose the normal uber.
Uber Flash(splitting)
As a medic, you don't have to use the uber in one person, you can also distribute it to other teammates, but the more you share your über, the shorter your uber will be.
So what I mean is as follows;

If we share with 1 person
=8 seconds ubercharge time

If we share with 2 person
+=5.33 seconds ubercharge time

If we share with 3 person
++=4 seconds ubercharge time

If we share with 4 person
+++=3.2 seconds ubercharge time

If we share with 5 person
++++=2.66 seconds ubercharge time

Therefore, it is not a very good idea to share your über with too many people, but it should still be shared when necessary.
And what are these situations?
example demoman destroy the sentry him and goes ahead and Uber, but there are more people, and then destroy the sentry had to share the first demo Uber pyro share and like this that will kill everyone passing by burning can be many scenarios within the game, but in this case the demo will not just Uber to the ammo of the weapon as other enemies will eat from ubersarj who've used more filling so that the period of the bullet to keep it alive and give the pyro pyro Uber and small, but much needed, it might help to use better the second time.
Health Packages on the Map
Health Packs for a medic can save lives, and they're all over the map, and getting 40, 50, or 100 health at a very difficult moment can keep you alive. Let's take a look at the Health Packages;

Small Health Packs

Gives 20.5% Health when taken

Medium Health Packs

Gives 50% Health when taken

Large Health Packs

Gives 100% Health when taken

The biggest thieves of Health Packages are scouts, when your life is running low, they constantly pass in front of you and steal Health Packages from you because they are running fast when they run to Health Packages.
Who should take this risk and prioritize the Health Packages?
this question can be answered with a list like this;

1. Medic
Medics need Health Packages more than anyone else, so if you see a medic running to health packages, let the medic take it, it will improve you because it is already a standing health package.
2. Spys
Spies usually do not play with the team and, as a matter of fact, there will be no medicte near them. In the 2nd place, the priority should be on the spies, they need health packages to save themselves.
3. Scouts
Scouts usually play separately from the team, like spies, they don't have a medic near them, so 3 priority scouts are yours.
4. Pyros
Since the pyros are fighting at the front, they may not even have time to retreat towards medic, as they will be in enemy lines, because they are far away, the 4 priorities are the pyros'.
5. Demomans
The stickyjumps of the demos can take their lives a lot, so they may need to buy a health package, so the 5 priorities are for the demomans.
6. Soliders
The soliders, on the other hand, do rocketjump just like the demomans and lose most of their health, but they are under the demomans because the rockets do less damage than the sticky ones.
7. Heavys
The Heavies have sadvich and chocolate, or a pocket medic, so they don't need a lot of health packages.
8. Engineers
Engineers have dispensers, so they don't need them very much, but considering that they don't have dispensers, which is unlikely, they are still in the 8th place.
9. Snipers
Snipers usually don't take much damage, but before you go to the health pack, pay attention to whether another teammate has gone.

These priorities are really important, but most players either don't know these priorities, or when they don't know and implement them, many medics or people who are in dire need at the time die.
How To Deal With Spies And Scouts
How about losing it with a knife blow when you have 100% Uber.
Of course, no one wants this, because it can be very bad for both you and the team if your uber, which you have filled up there, is nothing. I'll have a few suggestions for that.

In general, for this, my back is constantly facing a person, so it can be a wall, or it can be a stone, or it can be a friend I entered with, no matter how much you see in front of you, it is more difficult to watch your back than to watch your front.Because the tasks of a medic in a conflict are very many, the solution to this, as I said, should be to lean against the walls and check what you see as suspicious with close combat, if you can at that moment, or if you are armed with a Raider's crossbow, it will help you understand if the person coming from a distance is a spy by shooting once.
Do not have too much close contact with the spy, because some spies are very professional in their work, you do not want to eat a facestab or stairstab, but with a certain experience, you can prevent what will happen, if you first started, definitely do not get into a melee.
Spies are not a class that can be under your control, if there is a decent pyro that does its job, this problem will already disappear, or you can ask a pyro to do a spy check, which will be useful for the whole team.

This applies to Scouts, while spies are sneaking behind you, scouts will come jumping and shooting at you, scouts are more understandable, but more difficult to kill than spies.
What I do for scouts is to pull there if there is a narrow place around me, or to pull to a corner, because every corner can make you invisible a little bit, and you can try to damage the scout in the corners with your melee weapon. But if you are alone in an open area, you don't have much chance.
Taking a Position
It is very important to take a position with a medic, because medics are high priority targets, so let's explain how to take a proper position a little better;

1. Ensure The Perfect Balance Of Viewing Angle And Your Safety
The reason medics are the first target is that they have the source of health, so when playing with medics, you need to follow the opposing team a little, of course, do not cross the line while doing this, you can draw your own line relative to your team's front teammate, neither too close to him, why too far from him, so you will be left in the middle thanks to your teammates behind and in front of you. Some medics die too quickly by going too far in front, while some medics cause the death of teammates fighting at the front because they are standing too far back, this needs to be adjusted well.

2. Stay Away From Open Areas And Cut-Off Points
Whether your team is good or bad, these possibilities can be erased or cause more problems. In other words, if you have a bad team in the conflict, you are very likely to be shot in the head at any moment in the open field or to be the target of sticky bombs and rockets.
Avoid tight spots that you don't know and corners that the enemy doesn't see, because a demoman may have set a trap there, or a pyro may come out of the corner, so when passing through those corners, go next to your teammate, because the medic alone(except for the battle medic) is nothing.

3. Choosing the Meeting Point Well
You can say what does this mean. This means that medics usually don't go to teammates who are injured, teammates who are injured come to the medic and wait for you to replenish their health and leave.
this looks so easy, even though the team to gather an unsafe place because it would be very bad demoman or solider instant you can feed(especially stickybomb to random crit) so the enemy does not have access to too much, and hang out in the places she's seen and done a better job of pulling in the health of the stand there you'll have your teammate ending.

If you think that these are wrong, please, you can contribute to making this guide better by stating below :)
What is a Pocket Medic ? And the Best Pocket Classes to Do
One of the other good questions is the explanation of this is that it's like being attached to someone from the beginning to the end of the game.Actually, it's an event that I don't recommend, but I still have a list for those who want to do it;

1. Heavy+Medic
Heavy and medic are best friends, aside from friends, there is a beautiful heavy and there is no obstacle that medic cannot overcome, they are a one-on-one duo for multiple enemy attacks in sentries, so I gave this pair the primary turn.

2. Solider+Medic
Soliders(if they play well) can be a great pocket, of course, it can't keep you alive as long as heavy, but still, I wanted to give the secondary row because this duo is too strong when it comes to kritzkrieg.

3. Pyro+Medic
Pyro is a very versatile character and the other characters in attack and in defense of the cause of the separation is that a good pyro pyro they do a very good job by pushing the team's enemies by burning or in close binary cared so much, because life can help minimize damage when medicle to take more aggressive play(does not apply to every pyro) pyro ucucul saw fit so to order.

4. Demoman+Medic
Demomans can protect their medics well, but I can't say the same for their teammates, demomans can do a lot of damage, they can easily eliminate sentries and unwanted powerful classes. When you look at other classes, demoman pocket is a class that is not very good to do, but it is up to you.

I have not added other classes here because they are completely ridiculous classes that are made of pocket, but in a short summary, 1. Scout 2. Engineer 3. Other medics on your team (not to mention Spies, because you should never pocket them)
What is Battle Medic?
Battle Medics usually do not die and are constantly in battle. Battle medics will not benefit their teams too much, in fact, they will not harm, there will be no advantage or disadvantage, since there will be a very small loss. But if you want to be a good Battle medic, you need to press your team no matter how much you are in the battle, because this is a task that a medic needs to do.
But I have some suggestions for those who really want to become a battle medic.
Weapons should be for the benefit of the medic my recommendations are as follows;

What I Recommend in Primary Weapons;

Crussader's Crossbow = Deals a lot of damage, but the rate of fire is slow and fires a single syringe with each filling.

Blutsauger = In general, when we say Battle medic, the weapon that comes to mind gives +3 health to the Bloodsucker with each shot, and this is the weapon I recommend, which is very useful in difficult-to-avoid battles.

In the Case of Secondary Weapons, I Recommend

Stock Medigun= The reason I recommend this depends on your melee weapon if you are going to buy an ubersaw, this is the medigun I recommend, as soon as you are stuck, you can use your uber and get out of the enemy's way Decently.

Quick Fix= The reason I recommend this is because it makes the self-heal thing faster.

Vaccinator= I don't recommend much, but it can still be evaluated to reduce the damage caused by the class behind you while running away from a place.

What I Recommend in Melee Weapons

Stock Bone Saw= I recommend it because it has no disadvantages.

Ubersaw= I recommend this, like many people, because it is a melee weapon that should definitely be used one-on-one to prepare the uber in escapes.

Of course, other melee weapons can be used, but these are the ones I recommend. Good luck with your Battle Medic. :)
What to Do in Mann vs Machine
Medic plays a very important role in Mann vs Machine mode, as in the normal game.
In the meantime, let me Decipher a brief summary for people who have never played mann vs machine.
It is a battle against robots, a game mode in which we do our best to prevent robots from setting up a bomb on our side or dropping a bomb on a designated area
First, let's start with the set of weapons that I recommend you to take;

As a primary weapon;

Crussader's Crossbow


For the Secondary Weapon;


As a Melee Weapon;


What you need to do is very simple.
just keep your teammates alive and lift the deceased by giving life to the reanimator on the ground
every shot of fast and big soliders is critical and they can shoot very fast in such cases, don't forget to use the projectile shield you got from the upgrade station and try not to die yourself like in a normal game, and if one of the important things is to share your flasks, don't forget to upgrade. That's all I wanted to say about mann vs machine, Good Luck :)
How to Earn More Points With Medic?
This is the question that many people wonder, where does medic collect his score on the leaderboard.

These improvement points also apply to overheal, for example, if you are on the blue team in card push mode, you can get a score between 4 and 6 points before you even Decamp.
And how are you going to do that?
By giving everyone an overdose and paying attention to the preparation time above, pressing uber or krit will increase your score (the vaccinator is medigun, which earns the most points).

And other ways to earn points;

The points don't show you that you are a good player, I just thought it would be useful for your xp and I wanted to add it. :)
Medic Calling Icons
It's not a big deal, but I still wanted to add it to my guide because I wanted everything about medic to be found here.

"Medic!"bubble (if the health score is 100% or above)

When he was injured, he said, "Medic!" bubble (if the health score is below 100%). The more damage the player takes, the redder the bubble will be.

While burning, he said "Medic!"bubble (if the health is 100% or above).

When he was injured and burned, he said, "Medic!" bubble (if the health is below 100%). The more damage the player takes, the redder the bubble will be.

When the player bleeds, he says "Medic!"bubble (if the health score is 100% and above)

When he was injured and bleeding, he said, "Medic!" bubble (if the health is below 100%). The more damage the player takes, the redder the bubble will be.
The End
Team fortress2 why I'm making this guide because I played a very long time ago(the first is going to ask me to meet you if I'd say 2012) I mean, when I arrived in mann vs machine medict and I can say I played good enough to tell you what I know because I'm and have enough knowledge and help beginners in order to, so I decided to do something like this, of course, no one I'm playing, I'm not saying I'm good enough for myself that there are better men than me I, Of course, the mind is superior to intellect. Please do not swear and humiliate yourself when commenting, as this is my new guide translated from Turkish to English, I may be wrong, please, I would appreciate it if you add me or indicate it in the comments. Good luck to all the Medic's and Players :)

My Other Guides
45 comentarios
Big Reiz 1 AGO a las 15:27 
imfromvenus69 16 MAR a las 16:21 
damn good guide too bad im dislexic i need this shit
ʚSuydaɞ  [autor] 25 NOV 2023 a las 22:59 
very good explanations I expect you to make a guide from you in the future
heal receiver 29 OCT 2023 a las 9:01 
I'd say crossbow doesn't really have a downside so you kind of do have to play it if you want to play optimally.

For melee I think you're wrong to say that solemn vow isn't used a lot, and it's probably the best option given the free info you get to make the right decision (the most important skill on medic).

Heal priority is tough to give a 1 size fits all approach but I'd say heal players that are at risk of dying immediately first, and then prioritise crit heals so that you are maximising the health of the team.

As for ubers I'd say you really need a demo if you need to uber into sentries. Soldier is second best but quite a bit weaker for this.

If you are ubering into players only then you want the ability to get in quickly and cover distance so you want demo or soldier + a scout ideally.

I think heavy ubers are generally quite weak for this reason, unless you have the option to get into the ideal position immediately following the uber.
shpee from tf2 21 AGO 2023 a las 8:07 
Actually, it's really helpful for your team when you heal scouts. Scout is a really powerful class and 125 hp is not very much. I always try to heal good scouts, it can be a game changer. Change da priority!
Nyx 18 DIC 2022 a las 2:47 
Great Guide,even though I don't play Medic this gives me GREAT tips!
Cocaine for Kids 1 DIC 2022 a las 9:52 
güzel olmuş
doctor sex 29 NOV 2022 a las 9:38 
Nice Information one small issue no sex part
ʚSuydaɞ  [autor] 13 NOV 2022 a las 20:48 
Thank You:lunar2019piginablanket:
☠Dragnoros, der Wächter 12 NOV 2022 a las 18:25 
☠Dragnoros, der Wächter Gerade eben
Tf2 guides are all made shitty and stupid. Well, exceptions prove the rule. xD

I click on a random guide and then you see such a well thought out and made guide. The other guide writers should take a look at your guide so that they know how to make a good guide.

P.S I can judge something like that. I'm a guide writer myself xD