Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

86 ratings
[LF] Minotaur AT VN
Blueprint: Capital Vessel
Custom: Airtight
Tags: Blueprint
File Size
337.916 KB
Aug 25, 2022 @ 11:03pm
Jul 19, 2023 @ 2:37am
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[LF] Minotaur AT VN

In 2 collections by LyfeForse
Phoenix Starworks Series
11 items
Lyfeforse Complete Collection
30 items
For Reforged Eden version, go to https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2854125896

The Minotaur Assault Transport is the military refit of the Taurus Light Transport. While not built ground up as a battleship, the Minotaur can give good account of itself even late game with proper upgrade paths, and in the right hands.

Comes with 2 different color options; stock crimson and charcoal with secondary purple, grey, and charcoal.

The Phoenix Starworks Minotaur Assault Transport

The Minotaur AT is the retrofit of the Taurus LT. Featuring an uparmored hull, moving from carbon to steel, with vital areas reinforced with combat steel, and a modified profile to accommodate more thrusters, turrets, and generators. The Minotaur fulfills a role mid-game to early late-game as a quick strike attack platform.

Pilots who develope the Minotaur into an agility build, keeping weight sensible and focusing on thrusters, will find that the ship can challenge the toughest of opponents, if piloted in a corkscrew/spin manner.

Others choosing a brawler format, opting to load out full turrets, and mounted weapons with all Reforged Eden shields placed, will find a robust hit and fade brawler in the Minotaur, though caution should be taken against bigger profiles.

Hello kindred Empyrion spirits!

Let me start with a request; please respect blueprint authors. Often it takes months to finesse a build, and to have it ripped and reuploaded without permission or even so much as credit, can be discouraging, often pushing such authors away from the community.

I personally don't mind critical feedback, and constructive criticism, as it will serve me to better my builds. However, If you enjoy my content, and there is much more to come, respect my (and others) authorship of these massive timesinks. Thank You.

To see this and other builds come to life, check me out at https://www.twitch.tv/lyfeforse

To learn how to upgrade the Minotaur, and track future content, follow me at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6aeJVpaocc


1. First copy the desired color code found either here, or inside the Minotaur's quarters with control C.
2. While looking at the ship with color/texture tool out, right click to open texture palette, then click configure.
3. Your green selection box should be over the top left color. If not, left click it to select.
4. Now while holding down shift, left click the bottom right color box, then in the left UI box, hit paste.
5. Once done, your new palette should apply, but to lock it in you have to hit OK under the color palette box.

Color code for purple, grey and charcoal:


Color code for crimson and charcoal:



Minotaur comes stock with the following turrets:

6 rocket/missle launchers
6 lasers
9 miniguns
11 sentry guns

Marked placement for 8 additional turrets. The bottom can also be used for additional turrets, if not used for solar in RE.

Minotaur comes with 2 mounted lasers, and 2 mounted rocket launchers/artillery, with placement for 10-16 additional mounted guns/drills.


The retrofit from the Taurus, saw the Minotaur hull converted to steel, with critical areas reinforced with combat steel. The rear hangar was reinforced to 3 layers, with blast doors sandwiched in between 2 hangar doors. The cockpit area saw additional armor placed around the cheek area, and the bulk of the nose reinforced with combat steel.

The hydroponics were expanded and converted into auxiliary rooms, allowing pilots to decide placement. Rooms were expanded to allow for a pair of shield chargers/capacitors on either side, boosting the value of total shield displacement.


The Minotaur features a wide variety of additional thruster mounting points on all axis, which should give a sufficient level of movement when fully utilized. Later stages may see the Minotaur become a little sluggish when fully kitted out, so it at the discretion of the players to shape the characteristics of the Minotaur.

Features and Devices

Comes with Wifi, detector, armor lockers, repair station, fridge, food processor, full medical suite at rear, and partial suite at bridge.

One of the interesting characteristics of the Minotaur is that although the hangar can't accomodate larger HV's, this can be offset by mounting the top of the ship, via going up the sloped face of the forward section. This allows the wing area to host a mix of HV's and SVs, and even some small CV's allowing the Taurus to operate in a limited carrier capacity


The Minotaur Assault Transport is emphasis on the assault, and less on transport aspect. It retains the "Light transport" aspect of the Taurus, so players will be encouraged to empty often, and hotload ammo, by keeping a surplus of ammunition in a standard container, refilling the ammo contain when opportunity permits.

320k x2 container
250k x1 ammo (expandable option) for RE, 320k x1 for Vanilla.
88k x1 harvest (expandable option)
8k x2 misc storage

Lore and History

After the commercial success of the Taurus LT, buyers started pinging Phoenix Starworks for an uparmored, and upgunned version, for use in hotter sectors. Phoenix Starworks' division 4 responded by taking on task. The outcome being a product that held true to the spirit of the Taurus, yet able to operate in the most dire of circumstances.

when the first prototype was coming off the assembly, a young engineer by the name of Tony Max, mistakenly calibrated the wrong color scheme to the unit, resulting in the ship coming out in a black and red format. This would turn out to appeal to some buyers, and later the option was added for a choice of color to Phoenix Starworks products.

The Minotaur would see success as a armored light transport in contested areas, and in the wrong hands, pirates and raiders would make prolific use of them, much to the dismay of border colonies, and unsecured transit lanes.

The Phoenix Starworks Minotaur AT; order yours today!
LyfeForse  [author] Feb 25 @ 5:05pm 
Thank you Russ. I started with designing boxes as well, and I will tell you if you put the effort in, you can push out of the box aesthetic.
russlog6 Feb 25 @ 12:08am 
Nice build. I am using this as my starter CV in Lost Mia. Needed something with teeth yet not too expensive and couldn't be bothered replacing all the hull blocks in the Taurus. Took out a lot of the large thrusters and replaced with mediums. Took out the pulse lasers and knocked down to a couple of T3s. I like that it is a bit more hull hardened than the Taurus. Eredium and Zascosium and gold is limited. Will revert to original fitout when I can get the resources.

What I really like about this Minotaur/Taurus series is the rear access for my HV and the gardens, which a lot of starter combat CVs don't have.

I also really appreciate the effort you go thru to explain upgrading. It's a life saver for players like myself. I have trouble designing a square box.
LyfeForse  [author] Feb 11 @ 10:23pm 
You may have hit your blueprint cap. Try removing some blueprints to make space
Ghidora Feb 11 @ 6:11am 
I can't seem to find the file in the list of blue prints after downloading ...any suggestions?
LyfeForse  [author] Jul 19, 2023 @ 2:41am 
Good catch. Thanks Cesr, have updated the blueprint and notes

Cesr Jul 18, 2023 @ 6:19am 
After some fiddeling (renaming and the prefabinfo command) I discovered the problem....it has too many Sentry guns, 11 wheras 8 are allowed in this version. I removed some in Creative, resaved it locally and it is no longer red.....
Cesr Jul 18, 2023 @ 5:45am 
Hi LyfeForce

I really like this CV and I want to spawn this BP in Vanilla, but my BPscreen tells me there is a forbidden block, so nothing happens, cant even bring it into the factory. I'm playing the latest updates (1.10.x). In a creative save it loads perfectly fine...... What can be the issue?
Ian_Wolff May 17, 2023 @ 6:26am 
What drew my eye to that screenshot was mostly the way the downward engines seem to be more the enclosed type in slightly more angular armor so the turret next to the vertical sidewings does not overhang. The gun palcement with the extra shaping looks quite nice as well actually. I might have a look to see if I like that more or not.

Either way its a lovely ship to fly around in with plenty of upgrade potential for quite some time in my first playthrough of eden.

Also, thank you for taking the time to answer :)
LyfeForse  [author] May 17, 2023 @ 5:57am 
The file is long gone. The differences are real subtle, with the exception of the reverse thruster placement and turrets on the outer cheeks. Maybe the biggest difference is the mounted artillery over the front top of the ship. You could roll that back to a Taurus type configuration, and you would have something resembling the one in the first pic
Ian_Wolff May 16, 2023 @ 2:51pm 
Finally made the transition to RE a month ago and got around to building this and have been loving the use of it ever since. I do have a small question though LyfeForce, is there a file available for the red version on the first screenshot? The blockwork and thruster placement look a bit more angular but quite interesting, would love to check out the differences on that if at all possible.