Fallout 4

Fallout 4

490 ratings
Let me teach you HACKING
Because you are doing it wrong

Hacking perks is kinda cool, but you know what even cooler?

It's actually surprising how small percent of people really know how hacking works in Fallout.
And there is not just guessing the words, you can do more than that.
Everytime im telling someone the tricks i've figured out one day - everyone was like "wow dude thats really cool, i didn't knew that!".

So i've decided to make a simple quick guide to teach you some REAL KUNG-FU HACKING in literally few seconds.

Put your POWER GLOVE and let's do it!
So thats how the code should be look for you, read it like in some Matrix movie.

There is your attempts on the top, 1 block is 1 attempt.
Also there is 2 rows of words and symbols. 3'rd row will appear when you start your things.

Thats everything you should look at, other parts means nothing to you and dosn't needed.
So technically you working only with the 3 rows of words and symbols.
Well, even first two, third one is just usefull information.
Our main goal in Hacking is to find a word in the code.
This word is our True Password, which we have to choose with 4 attempts.
Other words is false ones and if you press one of them - you will loose 1 attempt, but will see how many letters is correct in the wrong ones.

So our first move is to randomly choose 3 words in the code.
Just try your luck and there is a chance that you just guess it right away. But if you don't - you will have 1 attempt left and also can see how much correct letters in the right side for each choosen word. You don't know which ones, but you can see if those false passwords with correct letters have same letters in it and just remember it.

Example with 3 choosen false passwords:

  • TRUE
    2\4 correct
  • GLUE
    2\4 correct
  • VENT
    1\4 correct

As you already can see - there is only 2 letters correct in firts two passwords and 1 in third, and each of it have the letters E and U, so now we now that correct one have UE and other passwords withought it will be wrong ones.
But how can we guess correct one if there is still too many words left and we have only 1 attempt?
Thats what most people not know but you will now.
Let me show you something you probably never notice before.

You can find some breaker segments in the code and you can actually press it.
But there is a few things to know:
  • Segment must open and close breakers as they normally do
  • Breakers must be open and close in the same line of code
  • Breakers in segment must be the same type
    there is 4 types of breakers - ( ) [] { } and < >
So each of those segments helps you.
Some of it will delete 1 wrong password from the code and some of it restore your attempts.
Thats why is importart to spend your 3 attemps randomly first, so you can refill it.
Content inside the breakers is no matter, whole thing with opened and closed breakers is a 1 additional button as passwords is. When you hover your cursor on closed or opened breaker it will highlight whole segment instead of just 1 symbol. Fun thing is that one breaker segment may be inside another one, and each of them works.

Really cool, right?

There is an example for you:
As you can see this code have only 4 segments. Not really lucky, but better than nothing, right?
So you just choose it as you choose passwords and get some help to clear the code a little and also restore attempts for another guessing try. And now you not just have attempts restored but also know some letters that real password should contain.
Probably :D
if TRUE = reward
So that's it.
Best way to understand all this faster - find some locked terminal and solve it with this guide.
You will figure things up real quick.

And now you can HACK!
Coooool :D

Oh and if you said that there is 5 segments in the example and i missed one - that means you totally understand the idea and can do it easily now :D

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Thank you, have a nice hacking!