Train Simulator Classic 2024

Train Simulator Classic 2024

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51 French opera tour in Germany Part 21 Staadthalle Stern

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51 French opera tour in Germany Part 21 Staadthalle Stern

51 French opera tour in Germany Part 21 Staadthalle Stern


Ligne/line/eisenbahnlinie Leipzig Dresden (extension)

Durée/duration/dauer 30


Il manque 3 panneaux d'indication de vitesse de 200 ᅢᅠ 160 Km/h. Lorsque vous verrez en bordure de voie une pelleteuse, vous freiner à 22 % pour aborder la vitesse de 160.

There are 3 speed signs missing from 200 to 160 Km/h. When you see a excavator on the side of the road, brake at 22% to approach the speed of 160.

Es fehlen 3 Geschwindigkeitsanzeiger von 200 bis 160 km/h. Wenn Sie einen Bagger am StraBenrand sehen, bremsen Sie mit 22 %, um sich der Geschwindigkeit von 160 anzunᅢᄂhern.

Un célèbre opéra français se déplace pour une tournée artistique en Allemagne. Des représentations sont dans des villes ayant un théâtre ou un opéra. Conducteur, vous accompagnez de ville en ville. Vous démarrez de Leipzig pour Riesa.

A famous French opera house is traveling for an artistic tour of Germany. Performances are in cities with a theater or an opera. Driver, you accompany from town to town. You start from Leipzig to go to Riesa

Ein berühmtes französisches Opernhaus reist zu einer künstlerischen Tour durch Deutschland. Aufführungen finden in Städten mit einem Theater oder einer Oper statt. Fahrer, Sie begleiten von Stadt zu Stadt. Sie starten von Leipzig nach Riesa.
TERRIFORTAIN  [author] Jul 31 @ 10:39pm 
Thanks Bob for enjoying the script. It's better than Facebook because we can count on each other for the most part.
robmerlo Jul 31 @ 9:40pm 
A very good and fast run thank you as i have said before you are a big help to an old man keeping hid mind busy
TERRIFORTAIN  [author] Apr 20, 2023 @ 10:20am 
Thank you Jules for your comment. you are sure to love the Germany tour. Good day.
jules Apr 20, 2023 @ 9:02am 
Very nice and fast ride- thank you.
TERRIFORTAIN  [author] Dec 3, 2022 @ 2:42pm 
Thank you for your comment. You enjoyed this scenario and it is the goal of any creator.
gonk Dec 3, 2022 @ 12:14am 
Nice scenario with lot of KI, well timed. Thank you.
TERRIFORTAIN  [author] May 30, 2022 @ 2:00pm 
Thank you for your comment and good evening.
Rammy May 30, 2022 @ 11:00am 
Nice High Speed Run and good AI. Thank You.
TERRIFORTAIN  [author] May 23, 2022 @ 5:33am 
Thank you Ludimilla fan for your comment. Right now I'm building 2 scenarios (64 and 65) with a DBDR 232. Have a nice day.
Ludmilla fan (NL) May 23, 2022 @ 1:33am 
Very nice run, hi speed and lot of traffic! Well done and thank you very much!