Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Research Facility, KY
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12 maja 2022 o 8:00
17 lipca 2022 o 23:07
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Research Facility, KY

The Research Facility, KY is a full expansion and redesign of the secret military base that can be found to the west of Rosewood, KY. It's design is inspired by the sprawling complex of Black Mesa from the Half-Life series, as well as from the town of Eureka from the TV show Eureka (2006).

The facility conducts advanced research in the areas of high tech aerospace engineering, plant sciences and advanced biomedical research. The facility contains a several large research facilities, a satellite launch facility, a small heliport, a military outpost and a company town to house the employees of the facility.

The entire facility is surrounded by double wide, unclimbable military grade fence, and at the time of gamestart the facility has been placed on a full lockdown. This means it will be impossible to get past the main gate with a car until you have a sledgehammer (you can still climb the front gate). The zombie population are very high within the facility, but there are many valuable looting areas and many army vehicle spawns making it a much more attractive late-game looting spot compared to its vanilla counterpart.

"The Biomedical & Engineering Facilities are on full lockdown with shutters blocking off all entrance and exits, if the system worked the infection will be contained" (hint: there are ways in/out without a sledge)

You can spawn within the base, but the spawns are VERY high so it will be a very tough start in terms of numbers if playing on normal or above.

An optional addon is included that connects the Research Facility to Rosewood via a proper main road (see worldmap image for cells)

The map uses the cells 18,41 / 18,42 & 19,41 / 19,42.

Works well with...
  • Fort Redstone 2.0 - This mod was specifically designed to support the new incarnation of Fort Redstone, and does not overlap any of its cells at time of writing.
  • Raven Creek - LOAD Raven Creek AFTER THIS MOD! Tested with this mod and works fine (they come up right against each other but dont overlap)
Incompatible with...
  • Slocan Lake (Sort of works, you must put Slocan Lake (and Raven Creek etc) AFTER Research Facility.
  • Rosewood Access Road (breaks half the map) and is not needed (This map contains its own access road).
Multiplayer / Server
Make sure you go into the server settings, map, and then add this map to the list and move it up to the top of the list to ensure it prioritizes generating the new area rather than the base map (not sure why its an issue within this map).

Special Thanks
DaddyDirk for his tile mod, and his excellent YouTube series that taught me how to map!

Support Updates and More Content
Like the map and want to see more? Please consider a one time or recurring donation to support the many hundreds of hours it takes to create work like this.


Those Who Dare RPG - Founders Edition
Those Who Dare is an innovative new tabletop RPG from the creator of Research Facility, KY allowing you to play in any era of human history from our past to far future, or mix and match your game for a fun alt history experience. If you’re a fan of tabletop, or want to try and get into the game Those Who Dare is a great choice. Our crowdfunding campaign is live now until the 14th of December. Hope to see you there!

Workshop ID: 2807152393
Mod ID: rbr
Mod ID: rbrA2
Mod ID: rbrA
Map Folder: researchbase
Map Folder: researchbaseroad
Map Folder: rbr_road
Popularne dyskusje Zobacz wszystkie (1)
25 lutego o 14:17
PRZYPIĘTE: Bug Reports
Komentarzy: 229
StormFather  [autor] 11 maja o 20:26 
@Misha - yep rbr & rbra2 are the right ones. When I do the v2 it will all be cleaned up. I'll post those coords on the desc cheers
StormFather  [autor] 11 maja o 20:23 
@Cernofile - check the vents!
Cernofile 11 maja o 6:55 
how to i get out of the hospital??????
MishaXG 8 maja o 9:38 
If i understand correctly:

MOD ID: rbr = base
MOD ID: rbrA2 = road
MOD ID: rbrA = old legacy version (don't use it anymore on a new map / server)

MAP Folder: researchbase = base
MAP Folder: researchbaseroad = road
MAP Folder: rbr_road = old legacy version (don't use it anymore on a new map / server)

I think most of this is true, but i'm not sure about "rbrA2" if it's mandatory for the base or it's only for the road.

Some clarification on which ID / Folder is what would be great cause with Base + Road + Legacy it's hard to tell what to use if you want for example only the base but not the road.

In addition written details of: Base cells used (which is allready done) + Road cells used would be great. Just so it's easy to find without having to go on screenshots & commentaries.
Normally those Cells should be:

BASE => 18x41 / 19x41 / 18x42 / 19x42
ROAD => 20x41 / 21x41 / 22x41 / 23x41 / 24x41

Can someone confirme or give clarification please?

Lobotomised discord mod 22 kwietnia o 10:40 
hey how do you spawn in this base i want to know!
caligulasAquarium 12 kwietnia o 16:52 
I for the life of me cannot get this to work. ive ran it as the only mod on a solo game, thinking there was interferance and still nothing :/ kinda running out of ideas
이방인 6 kwietnia o 19:06 
zombies from near surrounding woods cling to indestructible walls at biomedical research causing below 30fps 15 ~ 20 fps. indestructible walls should be removed or changed to normal breakable windows.
A Hoonter of Hoonters 4 kwietnia o 22:56 
I have been loving exploring the base and finding all the little nooks and crannies. Kudos for making an area that's interesting and rewarding to explore on its own terms. It'd be fun to make my way through the warehouse/office building even if there weren't the tantalizing stockroom at the end.
Morgan 28 marca o 17:18 
May I use this in my modpack?
Scorpion 18 marca o 14:54 
Can this be added midway through a multiplayer run? I've tried adding it to a server on indifferent broccoli but there's no change to the map