Portal 2

Portal 2

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Complicated Tests
A collection of al the complicated test created by me,a convenient arrangement of all parts.
Items (11)
Portal: Complicated Test
Welcome to the first test chamber.It will be a bit confusing....
Portal: Complicated Test 2
The second continuation of the complicated tests Good luck in passing!...
Portal: Complicated Test 3
Finally, the author learned how to make maps using beemod.Try it, it's beautiful and difficult...
Portal: Complicated Test 4
The fourth card of comlicated test, what you need to pat the convolutions in the brain....
Portal: Complicated Test 5 Pre-Final (Remake)
The remake a pre-final test will make you doubt your abilities By Atsushi_42 (Platinum)...
Portal: Complicated Test 6 FINAL
Final of Complicated Test's ENG Well, this is the final of all the "Complicated tests" Chambers that are quite difficult to pass, and you need to "move your brains" to figure out how to pass. Quite unconventional. Well, I would like to say that my project,...
Together Part 1
Have a nice game! If there is any problem,please contact me...
Together Part 2
The long-awaited sequel test chambers "Together". There is a beemod, many bugs and errors may be present, if any, please let me know....
Broken Test(First Test)
Welcome to my own tets.This test will delight only combat androids...
Broken Test-Final Tower
This os the last test of the broken test series...
Easy Test : Labyrinth
A maze with rretust,nothing ordinary...