46 ratings
战锤III通用Mod 数据&机制

1. One Button Respec ◆ 一键重置角色技能(用来处理合邦将军乱点技能,1000金币一次,每人只可用一次)
2. Better Camera Mod ◆ 更好的视角(K关闭用户界面以获得更多电影效果、按“N”可在不隐藏单位的情况下进行缩放、按Alt+K键可以获得更逼真的战斗画面)
3. Toggle Chaos Realms ◆ 切换混沌状态(添加一个开关,关闭后乌孙不会咆哮,裂隙也不会打开)
4. Double Skill Points & Skill Dump ◆ 使领主和事务官获得技能点加倍(该作者也有仅领主加倍的版本)
5. Unlock All Skills ◆ 解锁互斥技能

6. Cpecific's Traits Manager ◆ 领主特性管理器
7. Allied recruitment / merceneries cap per army remover ◆ 从盟友与雇佣兵那边招募单位不再有数量限制
8. Easier Confederations ◆ 更容易的合邦(150+关系时生效)
9. No Confederation Penalty ◆ 无合邦惩罚
10. No climate penalties ◆ 取消气候惩罚

11. 1 Turn Research ◆ 一回合科技
12. 巧匠行会 ◆ 为所有派系添加锻造装备功能
13. Remove “Form Attack” ◆ 移除保持阵型功能
14. New Legendary Lord Artefacts Warhammer 3 ◆ 为所有传奇领主添加神器
15. Settlement Organizer ◆ 建筑之间可以相互转换,而不是拆除重建

16. Advanced Item Fuse ◆ 装备合成(蓝色合紫色,紫色合金色)
17. 25% increase in mobility in player territory ◆ 在友方领土内移动力+25%
18. Quick Building Upgrade ◆ 建筑快速升级
19. Final Battle Autoresolve ◆ 最终战也可以自动战斗
20. Way More Loot: Warhammer 3 ◆ 每场战斗100%都会有战利品(旗帜、装备等)

21. Change Starting Settlement ◆ 在开始新战役时,可以选择任意城市作为初始城市,传送领主和军队,原首都变为废墟。
22. A.I. Passive Agents ◆ AI事务官不会行动(还是会派事务官跟着你,但是不会有行动)
23. Restoring mobility after combat ◆ 战斗之后会恢复所有行动力
24. Toggle Fog Of War ◆ 左上角添加按钮,开启/关闭战略迷雾
25. Instant Quest Items ◆ 立即获得神器物品

26. UI Performance Patch ◆ 优化游戏内UI进程(大概类似于之前的清除GTA无意义循环)
27. Expanded Hero Skill Trees ◆ 拓展英雄技能树,添加新技能
28. Easy Tzeentch Realm ◆ 进入奸奇魔域自动显示所有传送点
29. Great Bastion Takes No Attrition ◆ 取消长垣的围城损耗
30. 恶魔亲王四神神耀奖励全获取

31. 我要宁和 ◆ 将宁和的生效范围修改为[-1,1],而不是仅有0
32. increase autoresolve point ◆ 增强玩家自动分(该作者有0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7版本,个人觉得0.4就够了)
33. Alarayn's Tier 4 Minor Settlements ◆ 允许建筑4级小镇
34. Minor settlement become land battles ◆ 将小镇的战斗全部变成野战(即去掉城墙)
Items (32)
One Button Respec
Created by DrunkFlamingo
Features This mod adds a button to the character skills panel which can be used to reset the skills of a character. Each character can only be reset once, and resetting skills costs 1000 gold/favor. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with all othe...
Better Camera Mod
Created by kam2150
Hello, Famous mod from Warhammer 1 & 2 is back! This simple mod allows both closer and further camera heights, more suitable for better screenshots and nicer view of the battlefield. Press "K" to turn off UI for more cinematic view, Press "N" in order to z...
Toggle Chaos Realms
Created by DrunkFlamingo
Features This mod adds a toggle for the Chaos Realms narrative to the campaign settings screen in both Singleplayer and Multiplayer campaigns. If the toggle is left on, the game will proceed as normal with no changes. If the toggle is set to off: Ursun wil...
Double Skill Points & Skill Dump
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod lets lords and heros get 2 skill points per level and provide a skill dump that increase the character's hit point 1% per skill level. Suggest to start a new campaign. AI will also get more skill points. Will conflict with other mod that edited ch...
Unlock All Skills
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod disabled the mutual exclusion of all skills. AI also will be benefit from this mod and works for saved games....
Cpecific's Traits Manager (+win64)
Created by Cpecific
You can set trait level with double click, or remove trait by double-clicking on an active level. ⚠️ *IMPORTANT* - Area with lords is scrollable. ⚠️ Can work without memreader, but you won't have access to some features. ✔️ Compatible with any mod. ✔️ Save...
Allied recruitment / merceneries cap per army remover
Created by Xenon
As in title. Removes cap on how much units from ally or mercenaries can you get. ...
Easier Confederations & Vassals
Created by VanguardMk1
Annoyed that your best buddies don't like to confederate you for whatever reason? This mod significantly increases your chances of confederation and vassalage when you're best friends (150+ relations). This should help AI factions confederate each other mo...
No Confederation Penalty
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod disabled all races' confederation penalty. Should be compatible with everything, but might be override by mods that edit confederation penalties....
No climate penalties
Created by Ancalagon
Removes all climate penalties from the game for all factions. Simple as Will always be save game compatible as long as you don't have another mod messing with climates. Won't ever need to be updated unless CA totally reworks climate in which case I'll have...
1 Turn Research
Created by Lain
Reduces research time to 1 turn. Player Only....
Artists' Guild - CHS
Created by endofanty
Introduction Add a forge for all factions that vanilla game exist, to get all transferrable items that vanilla game allows. It is a way to get vanilla items, instead of I made these itmes. The "I,II,III" prefix indicates which game the item came from, the ...
New Legendary Lord and Hero Artefacts Warhammer 3 (Updated for 6.0)
Created by stompie5
Description This mod adds over 400 new items and Legendary Artefacts for almost all the Legendary Lords and Heroes. The new items can be viewed through the Lord's or Hero's Quest Screen and will unlock automatically. The mod also adds some new items the Dw...
Settlement Organizer
Created by d_oms
This is a simple QOL change for building arrangement in settlements. I've always wanted the ability to re-arrange buildings in a settlement after capturing or after building early-game. This script allows you to swap buildings around in a settlement (exclu...
Quick Building Upgrade
Created by Cpecific
When you have a lot of settlements, it becomes annoying to constantly hover over desired upgrade building level. As there is rarely a choice between what to upgrade, it does bring a question: why is it not in the base game? My Other Mods Skill Queue Traits...
Final Battle Autoresolve (for Realms of Chaos Campaign)
Created by DrDCB
A simple mod that enables autoresolve for the final battle against Be'lakor in the Forge of Souls (just like the four Daemon Prince soul survival battles in the Chaos realms). Useful if you are using other mods to minimise the hassle of the Realm of Chaos ...
Way More Loot: Warhammer 3 (Updated for 6.0)
Created by chubbyninja89 (TNB)
Updated for OoD and Patch 6.0 This is just a recreation of the mod I remade back in Warhammer 3, that gives the player, no matter the difficulty level, a 100% item drop chance. And while the effect can't be seen, it should be pretty much the exact same thi...
Change Starting Settlement, YES IT STILL WORKS
Created by prop joe
Still works, I'm not updating it until it actually requires an update. If the launcher warning bothers you use a mod manager. Allows you to start the campaign from any settlement of your choice: when you start a new campaign the mod adds a button (see firs...
A.I. Passive Agents
Created by [WP]Slavyk
~ CAMPAIGN ONLY ~ A.I. Passive Agents Please show your support if you like it :) Hi everyone, This mod will prevent the A.I. to use agents against you. You will still be available to use yours as normal. Slavyk...
战斗后回复行动力 Restoring mobility after combat
Created by Sunbreeze
打完一场马上接着下一场 玩家战后恢复100%行动力 Players recover 100% action power after the war...
Toggle Fog Of War
Created by FlashMash
Adds a button in the top left to toggle fog of war. I like to check on the state of the world from time to time, so I had to turn on/off a mod all the time. When Change Starting Settlement came out I had the idea to take the disable/enable of the fog of wa...
Instant Quest Items
Created by Ser Poutine
Description Finally figured out how to get this dang thing to work, so now I'm here sharing it with all of you! A lot of the quest rewards are weapons which let's be honest are nowhere near as good as the Khorne weapons or Sword of Slaanesh, both of which ...
[DEAD MOD] Performance Patch
Created by Spartan VI
DO NOT SUBSCRIBE! THIS HAS BEEN FIXED IN PATCH 1.3 This mod no longer does anything because this has been patched in the 1.3 update, so the mod has been replaced with an empty pack file. If you were using this mod prior to patch 1.3, there's no harm in kee...
Expanded Hero Skill Trees
Created by devon752
Expands the skill trees of Heroes! Currently completed races: All of Chaos (except Chaos dwarfs), Cathay, Kislev, Skaven, Dwarfs, Empire, Greenskins, High Elves and Vampire Counts. Everything the mod does: - extends vanilla trees - adds additional skill tr...
Great Bastion Takes No Attrition [EoM]
Created by Wolfy
Announcement of End of Maintenance Hi everyone, I have an announcement to make, and it is that, after seven years of modding, I have decided it is time for me to step aside. My personal situation has changed a lot since I started, and sadly, I do not have ...
Created by 中南野犬
恶魔亲王的可以获取全部的四神神耀奖励,为了解决最后一个奖励概率性获取不能的问题,现在把献身所需的神耀值调的比神耀上限要高了,所以现在不够再进行献身了。 4月8日更新:调整了UI表现,把献身的UI移回原位置,但依然对需求数量做了超过神耀最大值的限制,因为献身会导致UI消失,不利于玩家观看,而且献身用处也不大,所以没有解除献身的限制。 目前通过战役效果来实现解锁的目的,所以可能会导致与其他MOD产生冲突,如果太多人出现无法解锁的问题,我会将其回退到旧版本以保证MOD正常工作。 enjoy!...
increase autoresolve point(0.4)增强玩家自动分(0.4)(永远有效 always valid).pack
Created by wodwd
Stupid ca makes player's autoresolve point terrible,So I used this mod to fix it 愚蠢的ca让玩家自动分变得很糟糕,所以我用这个mod来修复它 You can use this mod directly in the middle of the campaign 你可以在战役的中途直接使用这个mod SFO changed it to 0.25,only my mod takes effect when used togethe...
Alarayn's Tier 4 Minor Settlements
Created by Alarayn
Updated for 5.0 If you are having issues with crashing on startup Please check to see if the mod has been updated. You can go to steamapps\workshop\content\1142710\2792284475 make sure that it says that the date modified is recent. If unsubing and resubbin...
Minor settlement become land battles.
Created by Flavius
100% Percentage chance that the AI will choose to fight you on the field for non-port minor settlement battles. The approch changed a line for AI behavior so I can't make it dependent on tier. This mod seems to work well too:
360° fire arc / 360度射击
Created by losrt
Not update anymore new mod (Since CA deleted Parthian Archery, the implementation method was changed): Origin:
Tabletop Caps: Thrones of Decay
Created by DrunkFlamingo
Features This mod adds army-level Unit Caps for all factions, inspired by the Warhammer Fantasy Battles Tabletop rules for army composition. All units are either core, special, or rare units, and have an associated points cost. Each army is allowed to have...
AI Recruitment & Army Compositions (Updated 1-30-25)
Created by Heljumper117
Updates 1-30-25 Updated ratios with +10% for Hel_infantry_medium, +5% for Hel_infantry_light, and minimum 10% Hel_infantry_fanatic for applicable army templates 12-15-24 Updated for patch 6.0 11-2-24 Updated for patch 5.3 8-28-24 Small fix for Slayer Pirat...
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战锤III通用Mod 艺术&设计
12 items