Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Item ini tidak kompatibel dengan Counter-Strike 2. Silakan lihat halaman instruksi untuk melihat kenapa item ini tidak dapat digunakan di Counter-Strike 2.
Plunderthunder | M249
Batalkan favorit
Senjata: M249
Jenis Skin: Ahli Senjata
Ukuran File
13.950 MB
23 Mar 2022 @ 8:30pm
10 Okt 2022 @ 11:52am
1 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )

Apa kamu ingin melihat item ini diterima dan didukung di Counter-Strike 2 secara resmi?

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This was another challenging one that I restarted several times. I originally wanted to go very Substance Painter-realistic with it, but was unsatisfied with the way the baked lighting worked with the simulated materials (especially the gold), without having any real control of the spec values and color.

That then transitioned into a semi-realistic hand-painted style which looked amazing in Photoshop, but blurry beyond belief in game thanks to the low resolution of some pretty large areas.

Eventually I went to my tried-and-true "cel-shaded" illustration style that I like to do with patterns, and I think that ended up working best for something this silly!

💖Cool links💖

💖Recent stuff that I made!💖