Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Farming Coffee
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187.294 KB
Mar 17, 2022 @ 11:55am
Apr 24, 2022 @ 5:30am
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Farming Coffee

Adds the possibility to farm coffee.
Another version is available Here for compatibility with Farming Time.

Find Coffee Seeds Packet
  • Coffee Seeds Packets are found in the same places as other seeds packets.
  • As always with distribution, it triggers depending on the active mods when you become close to newly discovered containers.

How to farm Coffee Trees
  • Find a place that protects the tree from the wind(*) and from the cold(*).
  • Ensure you got Coffee Fruit from Coffee Seeds Packets or from your last harvest.
  • Seed the Coffee Fruit like any other seed.
  • Ensure the tree has nearly always maximum water. You can use this Irrigation mod to help.
  • Coffee can be harvested twice a year(**), some days after it blooms in May and November.

How to use the Coffee fruits
  • You can plant your coffee fruit to get new trees.
  • Else you should roast your coffee fruit with any stove before they rot.
  • Once it is roasted it cannot rot anymore.
  • You can then make Coffee from Roasted Coffee with a Mortar and Pestle.
  • To consume the coffee I strongly recommend to use the Isothermal Can.

Limitations and Tips
  • (*)Coffee tree is not adapted to this latitude, keep your tree protected from the elements. When the cold comes after the power is down, you'll also need an additional source of heat.
  • (**)You'll need approximately 2 months for the tree to be mature so be prepared. It's been rumored of double harvest, but it is very rare: don't count on it.
  • Coffee fruit rottens extremely fast (in 5 ingame days). Plant or cook them as fast as possible.
  • Coffee fruit out of the seeds packet are currently bugged and do not rot.
  • Fatigue management from food item is bugged in vanilla. See here[]
  • Fatigue management is corrected and enhanced with the Isothermal Can of Coffee.
  • In case of mismatch between client and server, Follow the steps here[].
  • Works for multiplayer.

  • Thanks to Xnertot for the tree implementation and 2d creations.
  • Thanks to Aragon for the irrigation mod.
  • Thanks to Eggon for the distribution interface that garantees to not break user mods whatever happens.

It's ok now, you have a persistant source of coffee.

Ask for permission[]
This mod can only be added to and extended with the express permission from the original creator. Having received permission, credit must be given to the original creator, both within the files of the mod and wherever the mod roams online.

If no permission is received you may not alter the mod.

Workshop ID: 2780469626
Mod ID: FarmingCoffee
Tempritscher Sep 2, 2024 @ 10:40am 
im unable to place the seeds in a crop.
i have over 50 seeds and the menu for placing shows 0
anyone else having this issue?
kurikinton Jun 16, 2024 @ 10:21pm 
By "raw coffee" i mean it's been hulled, washed, and dried. Not raw as in the fruit straight from the tree.
kurikinton Jun 16, 2024 @ 10:20pm 
> Else you should roast your coffee fruit with any stove before they rot.

Just FYI, raw coffee lasts much much longer than roasted coffee. It keeps for at least a year before there's any noticeable decline in quality. Meanwhile, roasted coffee only lasts a couple weeks before it starts to rapidly decline in flavor and quality. It doesn't *rot* per se, but it stops tasting very good (in other words, supermarket coffee is shit).

Proper coffee suppliers stock and sell raw beans because they keep for a long time.

But I guess nobody's working on this mod, so I"m going to need to study up on modding and make my own coffee mod...
Tempritscher Nov 1, 2023 @ 4:13pm 
Looks like the Mod isnt working anymore.
Tested on dedicated server
Notecja Jul 26, 2023 @ 10:08am 
I have weird issue with watering - the irrigation pipes seems to not water trees. They water potatoes and work with sending water from barrel to barrel, so I think the problem might be on this side. Also with high gardening skill you can see how much water plant needs - and out of curiosity I let water level drop on trees to 33/100 and it still shows it as green. To compare other plants are going to show water levels as red when they are low and yellow/amber when low but with DWF.
404_coffee.exe Mar 26, 2023 @ 6:14am 
I love coffee.
Tchernobill  [author] Nov 7, 2022 @ 12:23pm 
@Gaist Heidegger I adapted it to Farming Time Here in a hope for some future multiplayer compatibility but I have not much faith in that.
Gaist Heidegger Sep 19, 2022 @ 8:35am 
Farmable trees seems to be fairly out of date, is this still tenable despite that?
Tchernobill  [author] Sep 17, 2022 @ 5:21pm 
@[+DG+] Sir_Castic indeed. It needs moderate temperature good watering and no wind. You can have this anywhere indoor.
[+DG+] Sir_Castic Sep 16, 2022 @ 8:14pm 
coffee? in kentucky?