Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Atlantis Mu Lemuria
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Atlantis Mu Lemuria

One of our team will try to keep the mod functional so that you can continue to use it as Pdox updates things, but we will not be adding new content. Thank you for your support!

Old European maps, so beautiful, so innovative, so... wrong.

But what if they weren't?

Atlantis Mu Lemuria is a mod that adds two new continents and multiple islands to the game. The premise is simple: what if the old European maps from the Age of Exploration were correct? All of those lands that should have been... really exist! Explore the great wetlands of Mu and the roaring sands of the Ackerson desert in Lemuria. Sail the great fjords of the Northwest Passage around Kilwalk, Cascadia and Valhalla Islands and swim the shallow waters of the ancient ruin-filled Kolpo Bay in Atlantis.

AML features a vast history and story, each nation being carefully crafted; from the dangerous criminal underworld of Atlantis to the vengeful king Roderiq and his visions of a free Africa; play as many nations and guide them to greatness! Overthrow capitalism in Kumari! Rule the Atlantic with the great Atlantean navy! Unite your fellow Muror peoples as the Federal Republic of Mu! Play as the Great Todorovia or perhaps liberate your fellow Africans as Yohannia! Join the Japanese in their trans-Pacific conquest as the colonial Chinese nation of Trinsuyin and win back territory claimed by rival nations!

Find unique gameplay and even more unique peoples all over the world, from the petite Muror to the towering Kanagans. Get invested in the riches Atlantis and Mu. Learn the Muror language of Tilmu and learn to write in Izhazur. Learn to manage your supplies in large swamps, or through the great Omarqa mountains. Build tanks to assist you in liberating Africa, or industrialize your nation to catch up to the great powers of the world.

- Updated to Pdox's latest DLC
- Continued fixes for problems we've had (this is an ongoing process)

===TO DO===
- British Lemuria's Civil War is not functioning as expected, and it's causing issues. We're re-working some things there.

We're continually working on bug fixing - so please stop by the Discord and let us know what you find!

Please join us on the AML Discord: https://discord.gg/bkhsmnF
Thanks to Iropagis for the wonderful loading art!
A big 'Thank you!' to the Kaiserreich and Rt56 teams for their excellent examples and for allowing us to use some of their portraits!
A super huge thanks to the team behind Full World Map Version 1.0, whose full world map we used to improve the map of AML tremendously!
Thanks to ℝ𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕟 for allowing us to use Full World Map Version 1.0 as a basis for our new map!
451 comentários
LilyMondragon 1 de mai. às 20:35 
what happened to the elf version of this
Can you update the plots for the new release dlc?plz
goose eater 27 de abr. às 15:49 
@arnisk zeelandia isn't included afaik hyperborea is in siberia
chainsaw_man_27 17 de abr. às 3:12 
is a 1.14 patch being worked on?
Nehmo1995 29 de mar. às 18:51 
love it
ArNiSk 28 de mar. às 21:28 
What about Zealandia and Hyperborea?
Darak 23 de mar. às 23:09 
Ваш мод прекрасен! Но он не совместим с Too Many Ideologies
Прекраснейшие два мода, так хочется использовать вместе

Но при игре пропадают идеологии и Фото лидеров ваших стран
HorrorKatze 21 de fev. às 9:06 
man i really wish this mod existed for victoria 3
Rear Admiral Poopsalot 4 de fev. às 17:03 
Can't wait for the next update, looking forward to it!
Klintzon 9 de jan. às 11:12 
Why did you remove the island of södrakors :(