Portal 2

Portal 2

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Mirror mirror
"After the humans had been 'rescued' from the vault, ATLAS and P-BODY also discover something else interesting in Old Aperture. The blueprints to an undiscovered, lead-based gel that reflects most energy. Now GLaDOS is working overtime to create some tests with this gel before the humans are ready for testing. Of course, what none of them knew is that the gel was originally a test run to see how lead could be turned into their popular pudding form. The result was the cure for cancer (so they said), and they marketed it world-wide. About seventy countries were wiped out completely, and Aperture had to destroy all records of the incident so they wouldn't get blamed for it. Of course, everyone knew they did it and sued them down to dust. And that is the story of how the Aperture Science Regulatory Commission branch of the US Government was formed in 1967, as well as how they went bankrupt and were forced to test hobos for $60."

A collection of simple tests using the BEEMod Reflection gel. The look and aesthetic is heavily inspired by the Cooperative Testing Initiative test chambers.
Items (5)
Mirror mirror #1
Created by Krosp
Some simple tests involving the absolutely safe, reflection gel....
Mirror mirror #2
Created by Krosp
Another couple of simple tests, where you must now manipulate both the lasers and the reflection gel....
Mirror mirror #3
Created by Krosp
A harder version of Test Chamber 19....
Mirror mirror #4
Created by Krosp
Soaring through the air......
Mirror mirror #5
Created by Krosp
GLaDOS has redesigned one of her old testing tracks to create some new reflection gel based tests....