Sentinels of the Multiverse

Sentinels of the Multiverse

30 ratings
Mythikal Comics
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Jan 5, 2022 @ 6:52am
Oct 15, 2023 @ 4:44pm
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Mythikal Comics

Characters from my Sentinel Comics RPG groups, plus the Undersiders from Worm.

Including a handful of variants of other workshop mods' heroes!
Kaldrak Feb 4 @ 3:53pm 
Dunno if anyone is still here, but I have a bug report. Starblade's Chupa Porazzo states that "Whenever a hero target would be dealt damage by a villain card, you MAY redirect that damage to Starblade or a construct card."

Yeah, there is no 'may.' It does not give you the option to choose to not redirect and will force Starblade or a construct to tank absolutely everything.
Kye Jun 3, 2024 @ 11:12pm 
Love playing this mod, I really like the heroes and how they play! Speedrunner and Theurgy are a couple of my favourites, and Supplicate and Whats-Her-Face are getting up there too as I play more and more

Got a couple bug reports, though - If Gun Club Speedrunner uses zir innate power, and then deals zirself damage (in this case, from Hermetic in Team Mode Proletariat), then it crashes the game if you try to resolve it or even preview it - I think it might be because it creates an infinite loop that can't resolve since zir constantly attempting to shoot zirself...? Also, Phantom Fright and Spectrous Spook in Cadaver's deck seem to trigger even if the damage that would trigger it is reduced to 0 or prevented, which doesn't seem intended? Otherwise, loving the decks! :D
topher.s.g May 9, 2024 @ 3:02pm 
Starblade's inherent power says it should be doing melee, then energy, but is actually doing melee, then melee. Not sure if this is a text error on the card or a type error on the damage.
IC Mar 12, 2024 @ 11:19am 
Just can't help but coming back awarding this mod several times.
Red Rifle is truly my favorite handling Matriarch.
GreatWyrmGold Mar 6, 2024 @ 8:21pm 
Not sure whose mod is to blame here, but when Parahumans of the Multiverse’s Skitter uses one of her swarm cards to deal damage to Mythikal Comics’s Imp, there’s an error calculating preview, and then the game kinda hangs. You can reverse your decision and do something that doesn’t brick the game, but it’s still weird and inconvenient.

I’m guessing the interaction is between Imp’s “can’t be damaged except by targets in the same zone” thing and Skitter’s “Damage dealt by the swarm is dealt by the environment” thing. FYI, Imp was in Skitter’s zone when this happened.
angille  [author] Nov 30, 2023 @ 4:27pm 
1: lol, yeah, that photo is San Bruno. but StarBlade is from a fictional PNW city somewhere near Seattle — I just figured that photo was hilly and green enough to sub in for a different west coast area. Nexus and I are both from SoCal.

2: Chupa Porrazo is already fixed on my local build — I'm just taking longer than I wanted to get the rest of this update finished and uploaded.
joe_momma Nov 24, 2023 @ 8:23pm 
1: I really appreciate that I can tell Starblade is from Southern California just from the card art.
2: Chupa Porrazo does not seem to be working properly. It is a "you may redirect damage to her" card, but it was automatically firing for me. I had to do some order manipulation involving Legacy to stop her from taking all damage from everyone whether she wanted to or not!
angille  [author] Oct 1, 2023 @ 5:31am 
Undersiders are fixed now — they should work with Boss Rush and anything else.

@tran.bronstein — yay positive feedback!
@Justonalark — I am considering bringing back the ones that aren't from non-card-game content (like the rpg-era Dark Watch). it's just... frustratingly fuzzy.
LockeColeFF Jul 12, 2023 @ 5:23pm 
@angille The villains are showing up now. However, the Undersiders are broken and not flipping when destroyed. This issues is because using the a direct FlipCardAction instead of GameController.FlipCard.
Indecisive Strike Jul 2, 2023 @ 2:23pm 
I don't know if it's base Drift or the Mythikal Drift variant--but her track is all messed up. I'm posting on both mods.