Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

28 ratings
Battle Song Widget Redux [CLIENT]
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174.177 KB
Oct 11, 2021 @ 12:14pm
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Battle Song Widget Redux [CLIENT]

Active wigfrid battle song with Widget

This is updated version of my old mod. What the different?
1. Mod only active if you using wigfrid
2. Widget only shown if book in inventory / backpack. So if you dont have specific book the widget of that book won't shown
3. You can also hide all the widget by pressing "X" (default) you can change it on mod setting, and if you pressing X character will talk and you see the status of the widget hidden / shown.
4. And i think the best thing is now you can drag your widget anywhere and put it anywhere by hold right click mouse and drag it. but your position will not saved if you logout.

Q : why not give update to old mod instead?
A : i messed up with my code, so if you got strange bug or this mod cause your game lagging. you can use old mod instead.

Q : can you make widget for More Battle Song mod?
A : yup i can and it's possible, but the problem is i think MBS mod icon too small and i think i need to ask the author for this?

Q : why i see widget with The Forge HUD background in screenshot? but in game the widget it's ugly?
A : i don't have any permission to use it and don't want to make any trouble. so yeah i revert it to normal icon lol.

I hope wigfrid main can enjoy with this mod :)

Special thanks :
D1 for helping me making icon
MiqballHarBow for testing and tell bug

Check my other mod :
This mod make Wickerbottom grumble bee follow your mouse direction and also add aggressive mode
This mod make Abigail follow your mouse direction when you hold Shift + Right Mouse Button
Allow Abigail to attack shadow creature and pieces
Chester will sucks item around him
Add container for saddle Beefalo / domesticated beefalo
Drop life giving amulet from backpack or chest if haunted by player
Show or hide widget for wigfrid battle song
Configure your seed from birdcage
Make seed in seed pack-it take longer to spoil
Add old farm / classic farm to crafting tab
Bring back Old Applied Horticulture for Wickerbottom
Remove purple overlay from Premier Gardeneer Hat
Allow Maxwell shadow duelist to attack shadow creature
Hide all HUD from screen, it's good for taking screenshot
Now everyone can craft tent roll, sorry Walter ...
Feel tired farming horn? now you can configure the drop using this mod
凛子不是林子 Dec 16, 2023 @ 12:41pm 
Do you allow others to improve the Mods you publish?
lisak Aug 19, 2023 @ 9:16am 
cool and useful mod, good job. moving the icons is difficult for the reason @Cadunkus described. also, it would be great if the icon positions could be maintained when logging out so that they would not need to be adjusted each time. well done otherwise.
Cadunkus Jan 23, 2022 @ 11:26am 
I noticed it's difficult to drag the icons because they move faster than my mouse cursor and can only be set down if the cursor is still "on" the icon. I COULD adjust my cursor speed to exactly match the speed of the icons but I'd rather not.

Other than that, good mod. :yawp:
Castiliano Oct 11, 2021 @ 2:41pm 
Hey bro, thank you for update this nice mod!
Can't wait to play with Wigfrid again and use this. About the compatibility with "More Battle Songs" maybe i can try to help with this, the creator is another brazilian guy and he's nice. Btw, about the icons being very small, i don't know how to help with that. :DSTchester: