Rail Route

Rail Route

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Contest Entrants
Contest submissions for the latest contest. Currently, that's contest #2, which is based around the Inventory.
Read the rules here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1124180/view/4997309907364934126
Items (5)
Learn S
Created by MikePestr
The old railway line needs full automation. Automate and enjoy! Easy timetable map with inventory for practice of sensors use. All trains departures from Depot, 11 trains, 21 minutes. This map can be fully solved both manually and automatically. Старая жел...
Growing Metropolis
Created by romanamor
In this level, there are 6 rounds of trains at 10 minute intervals. With every round more trains are added to the previous count. The inventory provides adequate additional track and signals in order to keep trains moving on-time. In addition, you will be ...
Created by Bkoern
In this level you play a part of of the track plan of Hamburg, Germany. Hamburg-Altona train station is the start and end point of many long-distance trains as well as regional and S-Bahn trains. The train density increases over time to get used to the lay...
Created by LaRoso
Welcome to Westendhafen. Watch out, that you don't fall into the water! Facts: 35 Minutes 10 Trains 430 points achievable Inventory activated Keep calm and build your Haven. No trains here have penalties. 100% is only achievable if you use Inventory items....
Snoqualmie Pass
Created by GoodGuyJerrell
*The journey to the West is nearly ours! The only thing standing between us and infinite riches is the Cascade mountains. Luckily, our surveyors have spotted two possible paths for the railroad. We hear that business is booming up in Everett, so that will ...