Ocen: 40
Vanilla Weapon Upgrades (Continued)
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Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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62.448 KB
25 września 2021 o 12:55
20 marca o 18:06
Listy zmian: 6 ( zobacz )

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Vanilla Weapon Upgrades (Continued)

W 1 kolekcji stworzonej przez Zaljerem
Zal's Continued Mods
Przedmioty: 398
Original mod by Doctercorgi
If the original author requests it, I will remove this update.


(Changed from original: lowered research cost, made Machining the pre-req, lowered Crafting requirements - from 12 to 10 for LMG upgrade, from 10 to 7 for revolver/rifle)

Not compatible with Combat Extended

Upgraded LMG is now player-only after a small Empire raid utterly destroyed me recently. :)

It looked like the original mod planned to do it but never did, so it's now implemented. Feedback welcome.

Other upgrade mods:

Assault Rifle Upgrades
(Requires Vanilla Expanded Framework)

Vanilla Pistol Upgrades


Original mod notes (1.0):

Adds upgraded vanilla weapons you can craft with the weapon and parts. The recipes are unlocked after researching precision rifling and then weapon upgrades which has its own tab. They have better stats and try to fulfill a specific role.

Revolver: A close range, high damage, armor piercing sidearm for dealing with mechanoids, power armor users or large animals.

Bolt Action Rifle: Has better stats and can be used as a sniper rifle if you do not have a proper long range weapon yet.

LMG: works like an actual machine gun now instead of a worse assault rifle.

They still have room for balancing. Especially the LMG, and i'm pretty sure pirates can spawn with it (which will be changed) so if that happens...uh. Tell me if you think anything should be changed stat wise and if you encounter any bugs. My first Rimworld mod so still learning. Thanks for downloading!
Komentarzy: 10
Spagootnoodels 8 października 2021 o 23:38 
Thanks for adding RangeLight and RangedHeavy tags! Vanilla Weapons Expanded could learn a thing or two.
TheArizonaRacoon 2 października 2021 o 20:25 
ok, thats good, im going to use this on my next colony.
Zaljerem  [autor] 2 października 2021 o 18:24 
It should, I run ResearchPal - Forked as basically a standard mod in my loadout.
TheArizonaRacoon 2 października 2021 o 17:58 
does this work with research pal?
Zaljerem  [autor] 30 września 2021 o 16:59 
No, sorry. Added that to description.
Rabelo_24 30 września 2021 o 16:40 
this mod is compatible for combat extended ?
JessieFeathers 29 września 2021 o 15:03 
hey thanks for the mod! It deffs helps while not making the pool too crowded with guns! Thanks :steamthumbsup:
Zaljerem  [autor] 27 września 2021 o 6:33 
To each their own, I guess. I just update what mods I can. :)
Simmre 27 września 2021 o 6:26 
agreed, a red dot and a laser sight on your big iron is prettyyyyy ewww
ratroach357 25 września 2021 o 21:14 
tacticool revolvers, eeeewwwww