Train Simulator Classic 2024

Train Simulator Classic 2024

28 ratings
Suburban Glasgow

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Suburban Glasgow

This is the new version of Suburban Glasgow, reworked to use Suburban Glasgow Northwest.

At the moment, it is just Suburban Glasgow Northwest and part of WCMLNorth. However, the long term plan is to reintroduce the remaining parts of the original route. Anderston, Glasgow Central Low Level and Argyle St are in the process of being rebuild from scratch, although this is at a very early stage in this version.

Note that the lines through Central Low Level to Rutherglen and then on to Whifflet via the R&C are the only parts of WCMLNorth to have been revamped. As the revamping generally includes replacing the track to support super-elevation, it should be known that scenarios created for the legacy parts of the route will likely not work in future versions!

The next part of the plan is to re-integrate the south side lines to this route, likely with some updating as well as the completion of the line to East Kilbride... There is currently no timescale for this.

Prerequisites are:
Suburban Glasgow Northwest

Despite what is mentioned above, no further DLC is required.

Important Note: You must install the Scotland West Asset Pack available here---->
Cyclone Oct 3, 2024 @ 3:02pm 
What's going on with the WIP nature of this? Has this been completed yet? Obviously the line to Airdrie can likely be added now, as well.
The Nasty Moonshine Jul 6, 2024 @ 11:32pm 
Womp womp
marco Jul 3, 2024 @ 11:29am 
And yes, I do have the asset pack, the SGN and WCML North routes
marco Jul 3, 2024 @ 11:28am 
Is it normal not to see any signals on the route? Because I somehow not see the signals on the route.
RandomUsername3040 Mar 2, 2024 @ 8:23am 
asset pack is it unsafe norton sayed it high risk
Fastpaced Aug 28, 2023 @ 6:12am 
Is the oban line in the steam workshop or elsewhere ? I'm having trouble trying to download it Thanks
Agdron2480 Aug 1, 2023 @ 12:39pm 
I'm having issues with Anderston and Rutherglen just as the previous comments have mentioned. As far as I'm aware I've installed the asset packs correctly but none of the assets for these stations are loading in. Is there any known way to fix this?
johnywiz Jan 14, 2023 @ 4:04am 
I am really enjoying this route. As you know there is no TS route from Glasgow Central going north. But starting this route at Carstairs I can continue my journey on to Glasgow Queen St. And then, via the West Highland route, I can go all the way to Mallaig. And with the right routes one can go all the way to south to Preston. This is a lot of connected track. Keep up the good work!
thewoodman028 Jun 10, 2022 @ 7:24pm 
I've just re-installed a fresh copy of the route and the Asset pack and I'm still missing the tunnel loft as you come down to Exhibition Centre, I have all the requirements, AP files unpacked and all sliders at maximum in the settings. RW Tools shows nothing missing and I have the old original freeware version and the tunnel is there fine in that version. Does anyone else have this problem and how they fixed it, it's a minor glitch in the scheme of things generally, but it does niggle me when somethings missing. Any Ideas???
thewoodman028 Nov 14, 2021 @ 8:14pm 
I have a problem after installing, and the Scotland West Asset Pack, the tunnel walls after Partick leading down to Exhibition Centre are missing,just a wide open area with just the track until you get into the station, its fine after that. Is it something i'm missing or a bit of a route glitch